It is their fault.
To be fair part of the blame should go to Jews
Functioning people of society both don't have that much student debt to begin with, and are able to pay it back with their new career.
No one forced them to waste 3 years on Gender studies.
Shoulda learned a trade or started their own business.
both of these
>Use a service on credit
>Get upset during repayment
Sounds like someone got a bad case of the "realworlds". The only solution is hard work and dedication.....and you cannot order either from Amazon Prime.
80k bucks for 3-5 years of study?
in italy, one year of uni fees are the equivalent of one month of average wage
It's the federal government's fault for subsidizing loans causing the tuition to get this high.
Shouldn't have gone for some useless meme college degree
It totally is their fault. You signed on the dotted line. How can you pay back 80k? Well good luck ever getting a house. People pay back mortgages all the time. Get a degree with a high hire rate out of the college you are going to and a degree that pays more per year than debt you are taking on total. Also don't be frivilous. That new iPhone 7 Plus is a luxury item, not a necessity. That 900 dollars could be a payment to get out of debt.
Wouldnt be this high in the first place if the government would stop throwing them money they're just going to horde it and increase costs to justify not letting in 1000+ more students that the money was meant for
It's true. If they're younger than 18 when they get the loan, it should be their parents that are responsible for paying it.
On the other hand, if they're over 18 when they take the loan... tough shit, you're on the hook.
>take $80,000 worth of loans that you won't be able to pay back
Is this some new form of retardation?
Haha I'm in my last year of uni and I have around $25,000 US
should have learnt math before signing the debt papers
They were 18 when they entered college and possessed sufficient critical thinking skills. They made the choice to major in something stupid and accumulate mountains of debt in the process.
This is retarded. Nobody forced them to take out those loans. Nobody wakes up one day and finds out they have $80k loans. They actually had to take out loans every year and do the appropriate paperwork. Some people for some reason just thought the numbers didn't mean anything. That's on them.
Ive been attending uni now for 2 years with 0 debts. Cyber security. Scholarships are for smart people, if your too dumb for college, tough, you gotta pay.
> implying it's impossible to work and pay back $80k
These morons better not look at housing prices.
It used to be that way in the US too, then the government started handing out student loans.
Once colleges realized that anybody could sign and pay whatever they asked, college prices went through the roof.
>do first two years in a community college
>pay for it in cash on a $7 an hour wage, get (((gen-eds))) over with
>transfer credits to a four year university, get bachelor's degree at a fraction of the price
>pay it off in three years because I entered a real major instead of "Sociology of Black Genderqueers"
Not my fault you were retarded.
>choose to borrow money
>choose a worthless major
>blame the world for your bad decisions
it's like these people never learned about cause and effect or something.
College isn't free in the Netherlands?
I guess it sucks when they have to finance all the minorities and their free scholarships with their own fees.
But hey, the students usually are cultural marxists, they deserve it. After all, they fought for it.
>Paid universities
>Functional society
Pick one
>"If you sign up to college, don't forget that you will gain a lot of debt if you don't have your finances in order."
>"Lol ok."
>4 years and 80 grand later
>"OH my FUCKING GOD HOW did this happen?! Someone HAS to pay for this!"
>you mean we have to pay more money for tuition when we give it for free to immigrants?
Kek. great answer
It's their parents fault
Did someone force them to take it?
It's entirely their fault. They take the loan and choose some shitty major with no prospects.
>"""""choose""""" to borrow money
I think you mean tricked/bullied into it by counselors, teachers, parents, other students...
The current climate of high school is this: if you don't go to college you're basically 100% guaranteed to be a gas station attendant loser for life.
I too have a pretty worthless degree, but at least I don't have to pay it off.
I wish i only had $80,000. I could actually pay that off. I've got just under $200,000 or so.
And suck it up stupid whiney baby girl with the sign.
Pay your debts bitches
Severely lacking financial planning skills can only partially be blamed on the parents.
Eliminate public spending for Collegiate sports, all of the sudden tuition plummets.
by studying in a field that won't waste your money
Well, having a student loan wouldn't be too bad.
It would mean not having to worry about starving while fully dedicating to finish college
Aren't they the ones who took the loans?
I really wanna know what went on in their head when they signed the contract.
>I'm gonna make so much fucking money with my degree in theater science, I'll pay that back in like a month!
How the fuck does that even happen? How can you fuck up that bad? Once you start going into debt, don't you realize that something is going wrong? When I graduated college, I had ~20k liquid + a 12k car just from working part time.
Most of these people are career students and just keep taking more gender studies courses into their 30's.
They don't have to pay anything off until they're done school to they just keep taking more courses after they finish.
Tuition is €1600/year I believe. Most students get loans for living and books. The loan is cheap as fuck to pay back though.
Anyway, if I was American, I wouldn't study unless I did engineering, finance or business etc. Anything else and I would learn a trade instead of getting 150k denbts for an art degree
'get a job'
Former repo man here. Fuck those deadbeat idiots that thought spending four years of their lives and tens of thousands of dollars on a womens' studies degree was a smart financial move.
>Did someone force them to take it?
In many ways you are not presented with alternatives.
You basically need to have your life together at 18 and have a trade/career ready to go, or you need to go to college at at minimum go $20k into debt(usually more). No other options are given to high schoolers before graduation.
Plus very few high schools offer classes on economics & personal finance so the vast majority of HS seniors are full-blown retards with money and have no idea what they're signing.
Source: I graduated a few years ago and vividly remember how I was conned. Luckily I've paid off my debts because I left before it got too bad, but most of my friends are 6figures in debt with little job prospects, even with CompSci & Engineering degrees
People are fucking stupid when it comes to money.
>"I have 500€ on my account, that means I can spend 500€ right now!"
>starves for the rest of the months and then gets evicted
> I've got just under $200,000 or so.
What the fuck
How could you allow this to happen
You don't take out a loan unless you expect to be able to pay it back.
And that major would be?
maybe live within your means or be a productive member of society instead of going to college for your feminism/feline studies degree and expecting society to pay for everything for you
Look at the yearly tuition+lodging of an average burgerland college.
You'll figure it out pretty quickly.
>Did someone force them to take it?
Well noone forced me to work but I had to otherwise I wouldn't have money to buy food so after all I was forced to work so capitalism is slavery reeeeeeeeeee
Anyone notice how all these lefty college students who are into debt are also the same types who are heavily into crap like the MCU, Doctor Who, Star Wars and other things labeled as "Geek chic"? I wonder what the draw is but it feels like it could be a smokescreen for them so they won't pay off their debt, progressive and leftist values seep into those works as if they are in denial and if those popular culture icons like them then they can't be wrong for wasting a shit load of money on a social science degree, they become more consumerist towards them, never paying off their student loans and debt, eventually the chain around their neck the capitalists have grows tighter as they walk around in circles as the cycle rinses and repeats. It's honestly a perfect business method.
My dad had over $400,000 from his undergrad debt and medical school debt.
How much do you spend on book per year?
I usually barely reach 500 euros, which is not much at all
Why the fuck are people being given $80k loans for worthless college degrees like women's studies and sociology?
I have a hard time believing that the banks are going to be getting all of their money back. It's even worse in countries like the UK where the government is directly involved in handing them out.
Good goyim pay back their debt plus interest and when the bad goyim don't or can't pay, the taxpayer will inevitably pick up the bill.
"Your degree will totally be well-looked upon by HR departments instead of degrees in human resources"
Damnable liar.
Well, I still love history and I'm paying off my debt, but still ticked off at my own naivety.
>Anyway, if I was American, I wouldn't study unless I did engineering, finance or business etc
This. If you told me I'd have to get 80k into debt doe a degree, I just wouldn't get one. You already lose 3/5/8 years depending on what degree you go for, 80k of debt (with interests) on top of that basically just means that the financial incentive to study is gone.
At least it paid for some on the fastest running nigger in their football team
Money well spent.
>US federal minimum wage is $7.25/h
>80,000/7.25 = 11035 (aprox.) hours
>at a sixty hour work week, 184 (aprox.) weeks
>Or less than two years
Of course this discounts living costs, but it should really take less than a decade of busing tables to pay it all back
My boyfriend has a PhD but is six figures in debt. He had few alternatives to get out of his podunk small town and now we're talking to lawyers about declaring bankruptcy.
If we tell them it was the Jews who tricked them into paying a bunch of money they will scream liar and anti semite. That said they shouldn't have taken the loan for Goldbergs house of gambling and liberal arts.
The freedom of choice comes with the burden of responsibility.
How are kids not getting grants? Is it because their parents are too rich? In that case, have their selfish parents pay for college and go to community college for your generals. College debt problem solved.
The US government decided it would stick its nose into loans and give them out to any moron that wanted one.
Bankruptcy doesn't absolve student loan debt.
Depends on the course but usually 300-600 and that should cover most semesters
But blaming them and their retarded choices of careers among thousands available
It's for three degrees, actually, a BA, an MA and a PhD. Some people buy houses or whatever. I bought a degree. Then I bought a house. Then I bought another house. I have two nice cars. Lots of fun things. Go on vacation. I pay back the income based thing. It's affordable. I'll be done with it in another 10 years or whatever, due to the 20 years pay no more thing. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now otherwise.
Who is forcing all these people at gun point to take these loans?
I went to night school and worked through college and had all my debts paid off in 7 months when I was done
>Take loan
>Whine that you have to pay back the loan
Hell I only had like 10k in loans by the time I was done college and that was with a fucking CompSci degree so I paid it back in like a year after I graduated.
Alternative: Get an associates
Alternative: Get a bachelors
There's two alternatives there and I don't even know your situation. Stupid millennials.
Im pretty sure student loan is one of the few form of debt on which you can't default
>How can I ever pay that back
Well you can start by getting a job.
He could have got academic awards or worked, but he's a lazy leech subhuman who is now making the taxpayer foot the bill for his mistake.
I'm just glad you fucks will pay the price for this by never being able to buy a home or car with your shit credit.
The US has the same problem. The majority of these loans are federal student loans, that's how you have these retards who are $120,000 in debt with a basket-weaving degree.
I'm going to have around 80k of college debt too when I graduate. Fortunately I'm not a retard and went into Computer Science, so I can actually pay it off. Plus I'm already working full time so I have work experience when I graduate. Fuck Commies. Let them die in the streets with their useless degrees.
>It's for three degrees, actually, a BA, an MA and a PhD. Some people buy houses or whatever. I bought a degree. Then I bought a house. Then I bought another house. I have two nice cars. Lots of fun things. Go on vacation. I pay back the income based thing. It's affordable. I'll be done with it in another 10 years or whatever, due to the 20 years pay no more thing. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing now otherwise.
Because everything is Burgerland is privatized and the government is basically bribed to not give a shit.
Combine that with high school kids having incredible pressure to go to college or else they'll "fail" at life, and then the idea that you should major in what you like to do, rather than something useful, and the majority can't even pay for it.
You can't be serious? My school has trade programs that taught students skills in woodworking, welding, CAD, and automotive as well has the running start program. I had students getting out with an AA right out of high school. One kid I knew right out of HS had an internship with a pay raise to $50/hr. I make $3k+ per month (a lot here due to low cost of living) before taxes as reserve firefighter/ full time EMT-IV Tech and all of my education for my job has been free, some of it I was even paid for and had most done before I finished high school. Once I land a career fire job I can make $60k-$100k with just a high school education and training that I got for free.
He knew exactly what he was getting into when he signed the contract. Of course it's their fault.
>i wanna buy a new mercedes
Yes you can. You have to prove its an undue hardship.
Is there no such thing as personal bankruptcy in the US? In Germany you can declare yourself bankrupt, pay back what you can over a time period of six years and after that you're debt free.
Thats over three years.
Keep in mind i also has a 6% interest rate
> if you don't go to college you're basically 100% guaranteed to be a gas station attendant loser for life
isnt 'Murica supposed to be the land of possibilities?
>go to college
>knowing that it's expensive
>blame your debt on someone else
Really jogs the ol noggin, don't it? When will idiots learn that most of the degrees won't get you a job that pays much more than $35-40/hr? There's plenty of jobs that don't require a bachelor's that pay $20-30/hr, which is what you'll make with that degree anyways after you pay back the loans each month.
I know a guy that did this. Parapsycology, philosophy major....completely a school for lifw kind of guy. I learned a trade. Were roughly the same age and he came to me one day and said he wasted his life. Living in an apt, no future etc. Ended up getting in to accounting and working for the irs.
I should find out how hes doing.
That's something I don't get. Why would you get a service if you know you don't have the money for it?
>being too lazy to do your own research is now someone else's fault too
please stop making excuses for lazy, entitled peons. there's a reason why plebs remain plebs. they're never given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. someone is always there to bail them out.
no more excuses. the school of real life is now in session and no one wants to repair you life for you. get busy, son.
Guess whos ultra rich now? Liberal university presidents. UTAs president makes more than the president of the US
His credit score can plummet for all I care, I'll still be able to get good loans with my perfect credit.
I wish they'd be more honest too. Something like "hey there are options other than going $50k/year into debt"
A counselor has never said that to me, my friends, or anyone I've ever talked to from my graduating class. They push college and nothing more. Hey, it's not their debt right? Why should they care?
At least I got to see my counselor's thong poking out one time during a pep rally. I would've done every hole in her body but she was a lot taller than me
Surely you mean boomers.