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Redpill thread
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While the left has perpetuated the myth that Mexicans and Mexican-Americans are nothing but worthless brown victims, it is still apparent to many Americans that plenty of Mexicans are white and share their same European blood. Some are even Anglos and Germanics who immigrated here long ago.
Mexican intellectuals on OCWeekly can also confirm, if we are 25% Spanish or 100% Spanish it is known that we are members of the white race and wish to better America.
Before the 60s (reign of the jew), it was expressed widely that Mexicans were members of the white race as well. It was a tacit understanding that Anglo-Saxons and Mexicans were brothers cut from the same colonial cloth. Marriages between us did not violate miscegenation laws, and we also did not face lynching periods en masse like muh niggers and Italians. And even the shittiest Mexicans like pic related look whiter than filthy dagos!
10% of Mexico is estimated to be white by many scholars in fact, and it's quite compelling is it not? This is what makes us a grand sect of your people, Sup Forums. My palms are as white as my Spanish great-great-great-grandfather and you bet your ass I consider my white wife and I as members of your people. And despite this; you still may deny my whiteness but are you willing to accept the redpill that there are many Mexicans out there, white and non-white who wish you the best and hope to destroy the Jewish media influence?
This is an interesting article that I find inspiring and compelling.
>"We called ourselves Spanish, we considered ourselves white." I'm Mexican, and I consider myself "white" because I'm not black or red or Asian. I understand what I'm made of. People from Spain are Caucasian. But in the U.S., educators don't teach you anything about Spain.
Prove to me that white isn't subjective and ever-changing. Us Mexicans (northern Mexicans at least) were always considered white up until the latter half of the 20th century. Do you know who took control during that time? Yep, the eternal (((nuisance))). Pic related is clear proof of how there are white Europeans who immigrated to Latin America in the 19th and 20th century whose offspring remains here to this day.
The "white Argentinian" is a meme that you Sup Forumsacks perpetuate to this day but I'll tell you that it is quite accurate. According to
The Argentine is proven to be 86% white and THOUSANDS of European immigrants came there throughout the latter part of the 19th century and the early 19th century. This should tell you that there is a presence of white hispanics and that you should not limit that presence if it risks a less white America.
Another thing about pic related is that they are one of the most pure groups of white Mexicans that fight for white freedom.
Yamasaki received the World Trade Center commission the year after the Dhahran Airport was completed. Yamasaki described its plaza as "a mecca, a great relief from the narrow streets and sidewalks of the surrounding Wall Street area."
>True to his word, Yamasaki replicated the plan of Mecca's courtyard by creating a vast delineated square, isolated from the city's bustle by low colonnaded structures and capped by two enormous, perfectly square towers—minarets, really. Yamasaki's courtyard mimicked Mecca's assemblage of holy sites—the Qa'ba (a cube) containing the sacred stone, what some believe is the burial site of Hagar and Ishmael, and the holy spring—by including several sculptural features, including a fountain, and he anchored the composition in a radial circular pattern, similar to Mecca's.
*Delinquents are better people overall.
*Bullies have more potential than those they bully.
>no Sup Forums, you are the liberal
FDR was a proud progressive, but the progressive policies of the Woodrow Wilson era had given progressivism a bad name with American voters. Prohibition, enacted at the crest of the progressive wave in 1919 during Wilson’s administration, had not exactly turned out to be a crowd-pleaser. The country was in the Depression, making it painfully clear that the Federal Reserve, one of progressivism’s crown jewels, had not in fact smoothed out the business cycle as promised. And the progressive income tax, another of progressivism’s most prized accomplishments, was a sore point for many voters.
Time for a name change!
And what a change it was. Nowhere is FDR’s genius for politics more evident than in his decision and his brilliant campaign to re-name progressivism as liberalism. A lesser politician could never have gotten away with it.
Think of it: FDR stole the label of the philosophy of liberty and bestowed it on the progressives – the party of the state, the party of government, the self-proclaimed political enemies of classical Liberalism and of limited government. It was a knockout punch, and it left the proponents of the philosophy of liberty without a name.
How Redpilled are you, Sup Forums ?
We are white, Sup Forums, it is the Anglo-Saxons and the angry Americans who try to take our identity away and try to divide the continents. Iberians are mocked as Moorish rape babies and Iberian-Americans of spic America are seen as Iberian rape babies who pass as white but this is simply not true.
Get rid of the label "hispanic," it divides us white brethren who are bound to die at the hands of the jew otherwise. May (((they))) never win.
For every white Mexican we let in, 99 brown ones follow
This is honestly one of the most redpilling things of all. People love to bitch and protest the 1% and the media and such. But God forbid you start talking about disproportionate representation of (((certain groups))) and you become the bad guy
Hello Sup Forums, here's a redpill on the white Argentines and Mexican intellectuals that you mock us for constantly, may the Anglo-Saxon primarily learn his lesson from the constant bullying Argentines face:
This is an interesting article that I find inspiring and compelling.
>"We called ourselves Spanish, we considered ourselves white." I'm Mexican, and I consider myself "white" because I'm not black or red or Asian. I understand what I'm made of. People from Spain are Caucasian. But in the U.S., educators don't teach you anything about Spain.
Prove to me that white isn't subjective and ever-changing. Us Mexicans (northern Mexicans at least) were always considered white up until the latter half of the 20th century. Do you know who took control during that time? Yep, the eternal (((nuisance))). Pic related is clear proof of how there are white Europeans who immigrated to Latin America in the 19th and 20th century whose offspring remains here to this day.
The "white Argentinian" is a meme that you Sup Forumsacks perpetuate to this day but I'll tell you that it is quite accurate. According to
The Argentine is proven to be 86% white and THOUSANDS of European immigrants came there throughout the latter part of the 19th century and the early 19th century. This should tell you that there is a presence of white hispanics and that you should not limit that presence if it risks a less white America.
I forgot the image
Exactly, God bless the user who made that quote. The best way to redpill normies is talking about the 1%, the elite, the bankers, and when they're ready drop the bomb "btw they're pretty much all jews", lol.
The problem is that we've been conditioned all our lives that criticising Jews is some mortal sin. "Children are no longer raised to fear the devil. They're raised to fear Hitler".
You know you can be arrested for saving that .jpg, right, Mohammed?
Go drop redpills here on Plebbit:
It's been taken over by /ourguys/.
yeah dems are the real racists]
really stimulated my synapses there
I know. When i was a kid I'd watch lots of Argie and Mexican movies. I weep for your middle class, who are overshadowed by the peasant immigrants that flood the US.
The Holocaust happened nigga. Saying it didn't makes you look stupid to anyone who knows history outside of infographs and Youtube videos.
I used to believe gas chambers didn't exist etc, mainly because I didn't want to believe Hitler, an otherwise pretty cool guy, could do such a thing. But by 1942 he was a raging amphetamine addict and made lots of poor decisions. Stop sucking Hitler's dick, that doesn't help our cause.
Recording of Himmler talking about exterminating the Jews:
Do you have sauce on that?
Jesus was the only begotten Son. He died and was resurrected on the third day. He is the only way to the Father & Salvation. He destroys his enemies with a sharp sword out of his mouth and can kill with a glance.
lurk more
ITT The we address the status quo
>phoenician Carthagians defeated by Rome, Roman empire established in Mediterranean.
Rome becomes hub of world order.
>Secures Judeah and Egypt as spiritual capitals, making Caesar, pharoah of egypt, king of the Gauls, Pontifex Maximus, Consul, Descendent of Venus. First New World Order(reich).
>Catholic church maintains temporal (time) power by Jesuit infiltrators over hundreds of years. Caesar's Calendar and dates as a basis of historical reference.Supported Nazis
>US is military hub of NWO, with dual Israeli citizen Senators and lobbyists supporting Israels expansion into Levant and Arabia, led by Freemasonic familes married into britsh royal family.
Land, revenues, and debts owed to Prince of United States King George III in Treaty of Paris.
>XIII amendment, titles of nobility clause outlawing esquires of Masonic British Temple Bar in monopoly control of Judicial system. Ammendment no printed in constitution despite ratification and destruction of ratification record during burning of Washington DC in 1812
>Bank of London ,economic center of world finance ruled by Rothschild banking dynasty intermarried into Masonic british royal family, who is actually German nobility family responsible for supporting Adam Weishaupt(illuminati) and marrying into german Nazi nobility.
>Spanish Expansion into Americas rewritten and characters created to erase history of past advanced cultures in region wiped out by middles ages tier Biowarfare. Coincides with Gregorian calendar switch and subsequent inquisition to alter and eliminate history and peoples memory of alternative events.
>Astronomy under control of Jesuits and Freemasonic Scientism priests, who also control the education and media establishment and introduced the debt system into it centers of learning, controlling individuals who succeed in system.
>Systematic population control through chemical warfare through air,, water, food, and medicine distribution
I don't think the post is saying the Holocaust didn't happen. It's just disputing the official death numbers, and accounts of how Jews died.
>Stop sucking Hitler's dick, that doesn't help our cause.
Also, fuck Hitler and fuck your cause.
You came from reddit and you can just as easily go back there.
Fuck off Jose. You're not white and you never will be.
Level 7 atm
>Secures Judeah and Egypt as spiritual capitals, making Caesar, pharoah of egypt, king of the Gauls, Pontifex Maximus, Consul, Descendent of Venus. First New World Order(reich).
Degenerate Julius Caesar and his son were great
>roman city 500 years previously sacked by Brennus who is paid to leave in land and titles.
>his descendent is Octavian
> upon death of Caesar ,Augustus become in name and legal "son of a god" upon the apotheosis ritual of Caesar divi fidelis.
> Paax Romana Roman law established as the bedrock of western culture power.
>road throughout empire are established and marked with Egyptian Pyramids taken during restructuring of world's order and knowledge.
Library in Alexandria burned.
People sense of time in mediterranean altered to pontifex Maximus.
>Rome degenerates due to legal marriages to noble outsiders from all around the Empires.
Foreigners claim Rome as inheritance legally.
Administration of city left to Bishop of Rome (pope) who maintains Calendars and measurements.
>temporal data accumulated into Monastaries( moon star temples)
>centralized in vatican,
The nation State as we define it is a figment of our iagination formed during the standardization of teritories done by the royal london society.
Each "country" is in fact a jurisdiction of a greater corporate body operated financially through london, Rome serving as book keepers, while owners of world live on Private Islands and legally above International Law.
MFW we are ruled by the descendents of Phoenician pirates from Trye( tyranny) who have married and conquered the entire world and operate an apparatus institution to subjugate the world by land from Sea.
See Maritime law.
opposite of Law of the Land.
Does this count as a redpill? I for one think so.
Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told Full 6 hours Documentary
Connecting the Dots (FULL) - How the Financial World Will Collapse (1991 Lecture at USC)
THE OTHER ISRAEL [full documentary]
Illuminati Exposed - Know Your Enemy (Part 1 - Introduction)
I recommend watching all 77 parts. Good Christian videos.
The Century of the Self (Full Documentary)
Geoengineering Earth, Exposing The Global Climate Modification Assault
Assault on the Male
Lloyd Pye - Everything You Know Is Wrong
Symbols of an Alien Sky (Episodes 1, 2 & 3)
Mysterious Lost Civilization - Graham Hancock Full Documentary
Rob Skiba Mythology and the Coming Great Deception
ET ORIGINS – SECRETS OF THE STAR PEOPLE - The Movie - Tribal Elders Speak Out - 2016 Best ET Movie
Zero Point - The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Free Energy Fluxliner Space Craft
Dr Steven Greer 2017 Planet X Nibiru Update This Month Pole Shift Alien DISCLOSURE
Dr. Steven Greer - Nov. 21, 2015 - How the Secret Government Works- The Most Explosive Expose - HD
>Chinese men marrying Ugandan Women.
I don't know whether I should be angry at the race mixing or relieved that Africa's IQ will finally grow.
Alex Jones for real
This one's good.
>Betas made civilization.
>Complementing betas.
I thought betas were seen as inferior to alphas. Am I missing something?
You know, the redpill on women... it seems so irrelevant sometimes. I feel like I took it ages ago, and that it's almost boring at this point. But then I remember, it was probably one of my first real redpills. And you know what? It was the first jewish trick I really learned to see through.
Taking the redpill on women is like a starter course on taking the rest of the redpills. Once you learn to see through one jewish trick, you can take that lesson forward with you, and the following tricks are much easier to spot. Once you learn how you're manipulated, controlled, and deluded through sex, you can see how the tactic is used elsewhere.
20? pages in and you too can learn how to steal a country, its resources; everything.
Merchant law, is actually savagely beautiful. Highly deceitful too.
Same here, it is what brought me to Sup Forums actually. Going through the throes of heartbreak left me with many questions about why women do the things they do and eventually found my way here via Sup Forums >tfw threads. It is a relatively easy pill to swallow and leads to many more.
> Sup Forums
tl;dr: civilization is a conspiracy of weaklings
Indeed, Heartiste is thoroughly under-appreciated as a foundational maul-right source. Normies don't understand that what drove game and connected it to redpiling is that it was totally real. People were actually going out into meatspace and trying experimenting with 3D.
I now have a formulation that, in order to be truly concerned with pleasing a woman (as every beta claims dishonestly, as a poorly thought out shortcut), you must therefore be alpha and run game that is superficially misogynistic. If I met my young self I'd just beat him up.
This. What do you think this is? Most of Sup Forums's user base were wannabes and losers their whole life because they were "intelligent" and acting like it matters.
This never changes. They will always be weak. Even if they get fit and learn how to fight, they will never have what it takes to take what is theirs. A cuck is a cuck.
A real man is born. Your wife will always fuck a real man and hate herself when she comes to.
Statistics say half the children in Europe do not belong to their fathers.
They are, but only by the perspective of women. The point is that what women want is redundant in the context of constructing civilization, which is the only context that matters.
It's an important one nonetheless - a population is literally split into two distinct types of human, regardless of race or creed, and those types must interact to reproduce and further the goal of civilization. The organization of their interactions is naturally going to be critical, which is exactly what the traditional perspectives on women mastered so flawlessly.
I agree it's also a great way to break free from manipulation and get into the red pills proper. The shaming especially is a powerful bond to break from. Men who take the redpill on women learn to break free of some of the most powerful shaming and misdirection around, and the rest is just..paltry in comparison. Being called a virgin hurts. Discovering you're a beta hurts. Coming to terms with it and learning of the strength of cooperation with other betas is a huge part of what makes us strong, and what made our civilizations exist at all.
Our shills and womenposters know that. Folks like know how powerful it is to call a man a weakling and a virgin and unsuccessful with women. Nothing is more important to them than telling betas that the truest estimation of their spirit comes from the mouths of women, since no one upholds the status quo so routinely as women. They hope to sell us on a diet version of the PUA delusion: that we should compete with each other to become "better people" for the sake of earning women's love - pitting us against one another in the process, of course.
But they don't succeed, because to come here was for many of us to learn that what women think is useless, that women's estimations of human value are redundant and a cancerous thing to build a society's hierarchy off of. We've already tasted the power of camaraderie.
Most men are beta males, they have to be, because if they weren't civilization wouldn't exist.
I realized this back when I was a kid. When a older kid hit a younger kid, he'd do nothing, then at a time he hit me and I literally jumped on his face.
Most guys on here ARE low testosterone under 6 feet beta males, don't delude your self.
>don't delude your self
But I agree with you? The vast majority of men qualify as beta, even in times where men are made strong there will always be a divide between them and the best men around. That's why their cooperation is so unstoppable. Who could stop the majority of men cooperating with each other? Not a minority of men. Certainly not women.
Sorry, I thought you were on of those TRP "just lift and be confident bro" types.
The problem is that eventually, the cooperation of men will cause decadence because the lower genetic quality men will be outbred by beta males.
The west is a good example leafbro.
Higher quality men*
no when a superior race breeds with an inferior one you dont get something supperior,you get something in the middle or lower
I have nothing against civilization and memes like marriage. They are useful tools for keeping the betas in line. You find a fitting woman and you work.
I personally respect that and always reject married women's advances, but a few times I didn't even know they were married until it was too late. Some even wanted me to cum inside them, which I never did. It's fucked up on so many levels, but it's the truth.
I'm not even doing anything, I'm just being me and saying stupid shit and for some reason women want to fuck me.
gonna dump my subversion folder
Being masculine is not black and white. There is an entire spectrum from short, hairless skinny fat pushover to tall ripped bearded aggressive well endowed dominant man. There's also mix and match. There's buff manlets with beards and muscles. And there's tall hairless klinefelters having microdicks. There's hairless chiseled pretty boys. There's big fat hairy neckbeards. There's strong fat. There's otter mode. There's rail thin Meth head. Etc.
What the fuck does this have to do with race? I'm not talking about coal burners, I'm talking about normal women. Most white women don't fuck shitskins. Unless it's some famous shitskin or something.
Somewhat. People had different reasons for creating civilization. There were masculine men who created civilization. It's more like the cycle thing. Masculine men created civilization which allowed men to become weak. But some men who were genuinely weak just new they had a better chance of survival within civilization than without it.
Holy shit. If you use 'Alpha' and 'Beta' you're just a fucking idiot. You think that people that build civilisations cannot be strong? Or decisive? Get a clue. The whole alpha beta crap just needs to go.
What you're talking about with women are men who are 'barbarians', an example of a strong civilised man is military, police, firemen etc, martial types. They exist in America ffs, and in numbers. Trashy women can't get these men, so they settle for what they think is strong, but is in actual fact, an inability to think ahead.
That's the problem with the majority of males, is they know of the consequences for certain behaviour, women, like shitskins, don't think ahead, so they already have alot in common. Shitskin gets in an argument, pulls out a knife, gets 10 years, civilised man gets sacked, life ruins, won't be able to travel to certain countries, and for what? For whacking a shitskin? The fact is the average guy doesn't have faith that the law will be on his side, that he has seen so many thrown to the wolves, this, more than anything is what hurts the civilised man. He has to risk everything, for nothing bar his pride.
At some point though, he will do it, it's just a question of what will make them snap. See breaking down for example. civilised guy, smart, finally had enough, hilarity ensues. Can you imagine an entire nation of them? Niggers won't be nigging that's a given.