>Burger universities
Teacher seems gay af.
Burgers pay 40 000 dollars a semester for this.
so many girls got blacked that semester
Burgers I...
Bump, Everyone needs to see the epitome of american culture
Our universities are an international embarrassment, we know.
>zoology 101
what's the big deal?
how can whim wham jimmy jim jams even compede
University is high school 2.0 at this point. It's just the place you go to after high school because you have to. I've been to both university and tech schools, my classmates in tech school were vastly more focused, disciplined, and mature than in university.
Literally the most cucked.
>circumcised from birth
>worship nigs on tv/movies and sports
>Cries all the time about it's universities being sjw factories
>Brags about military despite it being the sword of zog
>Was actually 90% white in 1965, but now is 52% white
>Brags about "culture" which is hollywood jew movies and nig worship.
>Lost a war to rice-farmers.
>Just had a black president
>Muh trump daddy will MAGA despite going against his promises and giving amnesty to nearly 40k illegals
>Calling people cucks
Have fun being raped and stoned to death by Muhammad thanks to your sissy PM
Call him what you want, but he's not completely off.
why do they have to scream all that time? Why are normies so loud and get overly excited about not so unusual things like big muscles?
burgers... can it get more degenerate?
Fucking gay, and why the fuck are they laughing like fucking autist?
Massive faggot professor..
> Check
Obsession with nigger
> Check
Completely non logical thing being done in a univeristy class
> Check
This shit would never go down even in the worst university in the country here..
Because it's nigger and it would be raycists if they didn't cheer and scream
not surprised
this happened during my nutrition class
This. They don't want to get judged negatively by their whore friends.
Kek this.
That's not an argument burger, stop being butthurt and accept the reality of your situation.
me too but it was my sisters bedroom instead huh
Because there are big flashing signs that say "Applause"
These events are scripted.
The players are actors.
You are being told what to think.
lmao at all the white beard bois feeling uncomfortable.
normies are just so fragile, that if you touch them or say anything to them, then they'll react like dynamite. They laugh at unfunny things, they get excited by things that might be surprising when you see them for the first time, but nevertheless they are excited every time! Why are normies so fucking loud!
why would you send your daughter to an american college?
Because hurr muh shekels muh womens' rights hurrr dey payz mo taxed hurr h hurrr hurrr reeeeeeeeeeee
Because America is the best country in the world, right? ;pppp
Why can us burgers handle the bantz better than yuropoors? Don't get me wrong our uni's are jokes, but seriously if we made more yuropoor threads like this there would be nonstop whining from you guys.
I guess the whole yuropoor men being effeminate is true after all.....
Canada 90% white in 1990, 2017 canada 65% of white
You're whining right now burgerboi. You're the most insecure posters on this board.
>>zoology 101
making an observation is not whining. I don't expect a leaf with poor bantz to see a difference.
I don't know. At this point you'd honestly be better off paying for her to take pole dancing lessons. She'll get a better return on her investment and it's about the same level of exposure to depravity.
>best universities but also the worst
>one of my good friends is a gigantic black guy like that
>he's really a giant weeb and doesn't like white women at all
>literally just wants to be like goku
>burgers pay tax money that these people get a college degree playing niggerball
Fuck why are universities so ugly?
Wtf happened
>young White girls getting BLACKED in front of the White males in real life
>they'll just sit nodding in agreement about the transpiring actions
This is too much anymore, this is some fucked up ass shit that I never ever ever would have imagined years ago.
It's weird that you, as a canadian would post this when you're in the same situation.
>bow to the BBC
>this is literally a part of american higher education
>Asian TV shows
Why the hell did they jump back like that?
>be amerishart
>pay to have your daughter blacked
you can't make this stuff up folks
Because asian men are fags
Because it's a tv show. Also
>the obama sisters
This is a strange photo
Do you think they've been BLEACHED yet?
Meanwhile in the UK
Them and Barron on election night. That's why he was so tired
you just know that the whole room smelled like fish after that performance due to all the girls dripping like a beehive...
seriously, how can the white collegeboys even compete?
Here's a Lithuanian university graduate. Yes, that's right: you're Baltic garbage, whose only dalliance with relevance was under the Soviet jackboot.
Here's a canadian university graduate
Take a look at that top 20 list, faggots. Looks the USA is over-represented. You're welcome, Euroshits. We'll keep innovating, you keep sucking rapefugee cock.
>3rd world nigger is calling other country a garbage
Really makes you think
>better drink my own piss
What the fuck does mirin a bodybuilder have to do with university studies?
those white girls are actually just wet.
it's fucking disgusting
why are women fucking retarded?
u mad white bitchboi?
This, submit to the BSC(Big slavic cock) white bitchboi, slavs aren't white
It's a well known fact that all women prefer black men. Even Nicole Aniston is doing interracial now.
How are slavs not white
not an argument
Poles are descendants of Persia. We aren't white, fuck off.
>Was actually 90% white in 1965
Good to see affirmative action is working!
I think they're part Mongol or something.
Lmao I agree with the leaf for once
I used to want to study in the US
No freacking way
>circumcised from birth
literally a choice
>worship nigs on tv/movies and sports
only by nigs
>Cries all the time about it's universities being sjw factories
yeah, they are
>Brags about military despite it being the sword of zog
when has a canadian military ever been relevant
>Was actually 90% white in 1965, but now is 52% white
Canada got Blacked at a faster rate, plus you guys are getting cucked by indians now
>Brags about "culture" which is hollywood jew movies and nig worship.
sort of true
>Lost a war to rice-farmers.
never lost.
>Just had a black president
>Muh trump daddy will MAGA despite going against his promises and giving amnesty to nearly 40k illegals
to be fair, your new emperor is worse
i-is he a student? I can tell big brains isn't really his strong suite in life so he had to compensate.
there is nothing wrong with tilling the soil.
I know, it feels like some disturbing social experiment that's gone way too far.
I can't wait until they start mass genociding us and all of these brainwashed lemmings will applaud because "YOU DID IT TO THE JEWS!"
The USA is a nigger-tier country.
They just get respect because of their nukes and their weaponized autism.
>American education
Look who's talkin
>cameraman focuses on them
my dude
you fucking burgers
get a load of this mudnigger
That's a spicy red pill
Well said Sven.
America is so cucked by niggers, even Sweden makes fun of it
burger destroyer
The only argument Americans bring up in a political debate is 'your country is irrelevant'. What a joke you are, niggers.
I brought up several others, fucking vodkanigger
They are shit, especially, the one about not having nigger worship as a part of the mainstream culture. The girls in the video would give the nigger bang them up their asses because muh bad boy DeShawn muh BBC. The Somali bro was absolutely right, culturally, you are already Brazil, it won't take long before your economy catches up. Do you really believe the petrodollar will last long? I don't think so.
stop being in denial m8, we are aware that things are fucked, now you get your head out of the sand. america is not an exception but leads all countries in degeneracy.
itt no fun allowed
Why do Russians always pretend to know every cultural aspect of a country?
You're country is literally an empty body of land ruled by some old LARPer.
t. nigger
>You're country
>You are country is literally an empty body of land ruled by some old LARPer.