So hypothetically, ive been frozen for 10 years.
they have thawed me.
what did I miss?
So hypothetically, ive been frozen for 10 years
A black man was president of the united states and now a clown is. The black one dropped a bomb the literally equivalent of every 3 minutes over the course of his 8 years but he won the nobel peace prize.
Most shit is pretty much the same except more sexting apps.
woah hold on!? An actual black person became the president?
this must have been a big breakthrough considering racism?
Well user, It's a long story
Fires beyond magnitude flooded the earth, burning the putrid capsules that kept us sane, once the capsules were open, there was no hope, spore engulfed the entire human race, giving untreatable brain tumors, the government decided (before they were infected ) to not tell the humans, and say it was normal. This led to uncontrollable delusions that engulfed the earth in a great revolution that burns today...
USA stopped being relevant and is now 55% white
>plays you Joe Rogan Experience ep. 911
here, this should get you up to speed
wait? am I too take the fearfactor guy seriously?
No, him and his wife were the White House maids and valets. He has some sort of learning difficulty and after the 2008 election fiasco, they gave him some honorary position of keeping the White House clean until we got a real president.
Dylan Roof shot up a school in Orlando
Everything is fucked.
Kill yourself immediately
Sup Forums LARPing is the worst LARPing and you're all faggots
that was a good day
I remember George W Bush had started some shenanigans in the middle east.
surely that has resolved and peace has come there?
The Peace of Islam has spread and a large part of the countries he liberated are now under the control of a group called ISIS/ISIL. They are a real islamic caliphate they toss faggots off roofs, behead people, take non-muslims as sex slaves and kill the men.
Just kill yourself, things are worse
Waxaad tahay tiro yar ee aad dalka u gaar ah hadda. Sidoo kale, laga yaabaa in aad haysato qaar ka mid raaxo malawadka.
Hillary lost, Bush Sr. voted for her, the black guy sucked and now Donald Trump is president and the old white guy doesn't like it (yes he's alive).
in America? A nigger became president, ruined the economy but claimed he dindu nuffin, said that criminals were his children because they were niggers too, killed so many brown people it would make Hitler jealous then won a nobel peace prize. Donald Trump won the election 8 years later, Redditors are shilling us trying to defame him.
Yes, very much so. King nigger promised to remove our soldiers, but for every soldier he removed he shipped in 2 more to take his place. Isis became a thing and Europe has become the Rape and Murder (guns, trucks, knives, axes) capitol of the world. The niggers in Zimbabwe are starving.
so muslims are killing off loads of people. why?
and are we doing anything about it?
surely they can't get away with it?
The Jews are still behind everything. Also being contrarian now means worshipping Hitler and a ancient Egyptian frog deity which uses numerical Ouija to bring another era of darkness (or enlightenment, who knows)
Imagine you walk into a room full of beautiful art. Paintings, statues, and photographs of the finest quality which inspire and amaze you.
Now imagine for ten straight years a parade of monkeys runs through the room flinging shit at everything you once held dear.
That has been the last 10 years in America.
THIS Sup Forums no longer does it for the Lulz but.... Instead praises Kek a frog god represented by a Pepe memes.
If you can go back to sleep for another 10 years, I'd go ahead and do so. Don't worry about anything that's changed, it amounts to somewhere between fuck and all.
Your favorite website Sup Forums is still up.
Trump won the United States championship heavyweight title of presidency.
No Man's Sky was released and it sucked.
New Star Wars.
Muslims are taking over Europe.
The 80's made a comeback with new movies and sequels
We can upload videos to the internet for all to see
Other shit that's not important also happened