Why is pol so authoritarian and statist now?

Why is pol so authoritarian and statist now?

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They have been bootlickers for years. Daddy issues?

It isn't, the shitposters, false flaggers and shills have just doubled down.

Ron Paul is still our prophet.

Because "total freedom" is a utopian meme just list marxism? First you are a normie, then you become a libertarian, and with the libertarian knowledge and redpills you become a National Socialist. Hence why libertarians and NatSoc's have a good tone..

Go back to r eddit or whatever hellhole you came from

just like marxism***

Because fascism is a quick fix for any cultural decay you might have, but it isn't ideal.

Sup Forums in all it's freedom sees it being used for destructive purposes and the only way they believe they can solve the problem is through fascism.

stormfront shilled the board heavily back in 2012

>not murdering people, an idea so good it has to be mandatory

Ancaps are 30-40% of Sup Forums

The stormfront meme is a meme. Libertarianism simply didn't provide an effective countermeasure for the assault on western civilization.

The assault on the West by Commies, Socialists, And Muzzies has been so overwhelming, a hard right effort is only natural.

We believe in social order, complete freedom would turn into anarchy

>stop following the state OR ELSE
wow, so free

The European Union is communism in disguise.

just like identity***

keep telling yourself that goy

Nice goy, keep sucking that jewish dick

>Why is pol so authoritarian and statist now?
where do you think you are faggot? Libcucks central (also know as reddit)??

Already expected this kind of answer from a cucked Swede. Identity is what have hold superpower and civilizations strong in all of history, but I guess as a Swede with no identity you wouldn't know. At least there are Swedes who are not cucked, too bad you are not one of them


Literally every non-shit country has a big government.

Libertarianism only works in theory, not practice.

And don't even get me started on anarchism, an ideology for 15 year-old edgelords that listen to Kurt Cobain.

Ummm, America was created with no income tax and the government originally was barred with interfering with anything that went on inside a businesses property. Until Lincoln it was literally illegal for the government to even step foot on a corporations property. America is the result of libertarianism. Look how Fascism worked for Germany, they are literally being raped by subhuman mongrels now. Fascism is for edgelords, that's why you have to "hide your power levels". Libertarianism is for the enlightened.

behead those who insult Sup Forums

My point is that your assumption of freedom being a "utopian meme" can be said about white identity. I however have an objective sense of both my identity and freedom.

Both Freedom and Identity are valid concepts. You dumb ideologue.

>Libertarianism is for the enlightened
said user while he tipped his fedora, looking proudly to his libertarian & civic nationalism books written by Mr.Goldberg


When I commented freedom, I clearly mean Libertarian freedom which is close to "limitless". Having personal freedoms are important, but claiming NatSoc robs you of any personal freedom and such have no foot in reality. Libertarian freedom, is too much freedom and easily expolitable. Also, every race should be proud of their race, and fight for their folk. Not only whites.

Libertarianism worked in the US when it was full of WASPs who did not get butthurt when some freemason Portuguese man came because he was European and did not bother anyone.

Now we are in a society with big rich politicians bringing in immigrants who ruin the balance of "equality" and liberty. Not only that but when the US brought in the federal bank in 1913 libertarianism went out the window.

Have fun expected people to get along when you have feminists, literal communists, muslims, minorities, bankers, flaming homosexuals, drug addicts, trailer trash, and other people who are such failures that even physical labor is asinine to them.

Because the libertarians grew up.

Sup Forums is contrarian teenagers

here is the way I see it

we need fascism/authoritarianism right now to sort out all our problems

the ideal system is Libertarian, but it shouldn't/won't come into play until we've solved the problems

>Manchild LARPers want a hugbox
>Manchild LARPers think a tyranny will enforce their hugbox

Son, do you even /lrg/? Fuck statists, fuck bootlickers.

Authoritarianism is only a means to an end, which is to achieve a state of libertarian-esque isolationist self-sustenance. Without the preceding authoritarianism, a libertarian nation would never sustain itself.

Because we've had individualism since the 1960s and look where we are now. There is nothing wrong with telling it how it is.

Drugs are bad for you
Prostitution is immoral
Abortion is murder

Say it how it is. I don't want our society to go to shit. If that makes me an authoritarian, so be it. I want to live in a happy and productive society. And i'll be damned if I'm going to let it spiral out of control because you couldn't control yourself because you're a manchild and dude weed lmao

Implying mises and hoppe aren't hard right


Being this new....kek./pol was a natsoc board in its good days and when it was /new....heh dont get me started.
Everytime i see faggots like you i just realize how munch down the shitter the board went and congrats you have outed yourself as a post election plebbit retard.

t. inflation fetishist manchild

We aint




Democracy permits all the dumb weakling faggots to have a say,individualism has become living cancer,we need some totalitarian strong leaders.

And stop them from getting corrupted by enforcing the bill of rights upon them

First of all I am proud of my race and I prefer a homogeneous, white community. I don't believe you understand the concept of libertarian freedom. It does not mean freedom to do whatever you want without repercussions. It means to not be stolen from, or violently aggressed upon for actions that do not infringe on anothers person or property.

Lead by example and with transparent persuasion, not brute force or lying manipulation.

Happy to see some of us left, may you be blessed with happenings, brother.

Collectivism is a non-white trait.

I',m glad to hear you feel this way. But yes i clearly do understand Libertarian freedoms, and I am not a retard who thinks this means you can steal, rape, murder.. Whatever.. if you live ine a libertarian society. Read my first post, I was a firm libertarian for 8 years. Now its over.

Fair enough, I still believe that a libertarian social order is not any more utopian, or unachievable as a national socialist social order.

In my opinion, it is best when a government is working for the interests of its country and people, and at the same time has a firm grip and high authority over the citizens and lands it governs, so its power cannot be easily usurped or curtailed.

You can lead a horse to water...

This is the libertarian paradox. Eventually society has to make the choice to step into that light. But fix emotionally broken, desperate, insecure, short sighted humans, libertarianism will not. Hence the horse becomes a man and you point a gun to his head.


You can have a strong leader in a democratic system as well. I agree with what this guy said: . If you don't have the support of the people, you are doing something wrong.

Our biggest enemy will always be the left, and the redpilling of libertarians, is not far from NatSoc. NatSoc's just name the jew.

these are our true enemy we must fight together



I don't think the law is the only thing that stops the majority of people from killing.

Because why work for anything when you can get the government to steal it for you?

Politics is a humanity. Humanities can be decided by science as nature is silent on them. There is no reason to believe in freedom, morality or ideology. You can be as good or evil or as big a liar as you want, there is no such thing as objective truth in morality. I'm an eoist, I don't care about anything other than what pleases me, and libertarianism isn't any way to acheive that. Pretending to be an ideologue is.

I like hairy antifa girl, I'd like to have a go of that. So I'd pretend to be a communist to fuck it. If I have a Natsoc friend I'll pretend to be a NatSoc if its a Jew I'll pretend to be pro-Israel, the fact is, politics is of little consequence because its not scientific. You can do whatever you want.

Because man does not want to free. 80% are sheep and need to be treated as such.

Hungary, Netherlands, Piedmont and Lombardy are my bros. Everyone else can GTFO.

It's a coping mechanism at the realization that the white race is at the precipice of extinction.

Acceptance comes next.

It worked perfectly with Franco. We were headed towards a beautiful future.
If we kept the GDP growth we had we probably could've ended up being as rich as France or UK.

Yeah, that evil Jew Ron Paul with his evil ideas of freedom and liberty.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with statism. A strong government means strong institutions and strong men. The entire western world is suffering from the problems of debt and deregulation, and the only practical recourse is to increase taxes and government authority. Historical and postwar conservatism before liberalism polluted has always been statist, and the swing back to government power has been a long time coming. Damn right taxation is theft and government has every right to steal your money for the public good. Fuck off lite-anarchism leftist faggots

>Newfag trying to fit in: the post

as if pol is a collective conscience that should also be taken seriously

>NatSoc doesn't rob you of any personal freedom
>As long as you obey the government

You're not much better than the traitors who say "I believe in free speech BUT...."

People intelligence is indirect proportional to their numbers. The masses are stupid and need to be controlled.

>licking the boot this hard

back to berkley antifa

> A strong government means strong institutions and strong men

Your government is powerful to the point where it dictates what you can and cannot think and say. Yet your countrymen are mostly limp-wristed faggots.

because Sup Forumss only principal is being edgy, when obama was turning the notch on big government up to 11 it was anti-mainstream to support ron paul and now that SJWs are so big the new edgy is to be as right wing as possible

the funny thing is literally the day trump gets mainstream support everyone here wanted to toss him overboard and started saying libertarian anti-war things, but now that it's business as usual and the MSM is hating on him again it's cool to support trump again, so we'll be libertarian literally the day he does something to get MSM praise again for some war mongering antics

/pol has always been authoritarian you retard. This board is largely made up of Natsocs with a few lolbertarians here and there.

>loves freedom

Pick one

Government shills have infiltrated and spammed every thread with (((their))) message regarding each topic. now Sup Forums is statist even though the state is lefty as fuck with their central banks, printable money supply and welfare benefits. Thats why Sup Forums introduced the flags.

Sup Forums has become statist, supporting our respective nations and our respective nations support globalism.

The subversion has worked to a tee

>Sup Forums is one person

Sup Forumstards can't compete with globalism

those laws are notoriously hard to enforce and will probably be tossed out if taken to court. Canada has a weak liberalized state, bloated with political fat rather than efficient ends. Government is a tool and statism is the trimming of this fat based on merit

a love of freedom is what makes men into animals such as antifa

>a love of freedom is what makes men into animals such as antifa

A love of authority makes men into robots such as communism.

cheap talk. The communists always appeal to such petty emotional ideas as freedom and autonomy, those are the chief rationales for why their degenerate ideology has been pursued.