Is creativity degenerate?

Is creativity degenerate?
After becoming "redpilled" I've lost a lot of creative drive. I feel more creative when I stop repressing the drive to do degenerate things. The notion that cultural relativism and aesthetic relativism are one and the same entering my consciousness really stifles the part of the creation process that isn't conscious. Is this why right wingers are generally not artistically pioneering? I don't think people like Lewis and Clark and Columbus were lefties, but it seems like lefties are (or at least non-righties) the best explorers of the metaphysical.

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Find god. Right wing creativity and exploration is in service of the higher truth.

>Tfw no one understands the struggle.

you jumped the gun buddy

you can be creative in STEM fields without being degenerate

>Korea with the science

As a generalization the left are emotional and the right are logical. They're both creative but in different fields. The right will be creative through engineering while the left will be creative in arts. Pushed to the extreme the left will be creative in ultra degenerate ways because of their emotional nature. This is why you have pornstars and cuckolds with a shit fetish coming from the left. This is not to say that the right doesn't have these but it's a lot lower.

Yes, you have to loosen your inhibitions a bit to be creative.

>is creativity degenerate?
No, creativity is the peak of human existence. you are currently struggling the fundamental truths of reality, perhaps you are feeling alone and isolated with your new worldview. this struggle is blocking your creativity. once you resolve the conflicts in your mind caused by the redpill, your creativity will open anew.

perhaps you will apply your creativity to music, writing, or new policies no one has thought of before. perhaps your creativity will transform you into a true memer, allowing you to channel the redpill and your creative drive into ever more dank memes. once you find your creativity, nothing can stop you.

>he said "god," he must mean Jesus, YHWH or Allah

No. Don't "loosen your inhibitions." You "acknowledge your own subservience to matter and spirit" and in that clarity you can finally explore life whether it's through science, art, language or garbage collection.


What a load of idiotic bullshit kek

I've become aware of the truth of (especially ethnic) polytheism, but I'm not religious in practice because I feel like I owe my ancestors and gods something better than my current self.
I'm a musician, and I'm not that intelligent.
I used to be kinda left/social libertarian, and I made a lot of music, but now I'm on the right and I don't.
Seems like it. At least for creativity that isn't something like realistic visual art.
Ok cool. Can't wait if that really happens.
I think my spirit is pretty weak at this point, so I don't really want to serve it.

Prove me wrong lad. All you have to do is look at post-modern art and all this new-age leftist shit. This isn't how it was hundreds of years ago. We're at a new high of degeneracy and it's almost exclusive to the left yet the right isn't follow suit. I did say as a generalization and it's a well accepted one at that.
Oh fuck off. You cunts are in every single thread and 90% of the time it's Christians who are trying to convert people on a chinese basket-weaving forum. I normally wouldn't have a problem with you guys but because of either the Christianity general or some other reason you're all proselytizing in every single fucking thread and using got as the end all be all answer to any sort of question that's even remotely close to philosophical. Saying "Go find god and you'll get your answer" is just a cop-out. I mean you just assumed OP wasn't even religious at all.
Then that means your focus in life has changed. What's distracting you? The answer might be to just stop caring. Going heavy into philosophy can ruin a lot of people. This is a reason why guys have high suicide rates. A mix of introspection and realization at how horrible things are. Take it slower, take the blackpill, or go back to the bluepill.

>I feel like I owe my ancestors and gods something better than my current self.
>My spirit is pretty weak at this point
As I suspected, you have conflict inside yourself. You must resolve the conflict in order to become creative. It seems in particular you think you are weak on the spiritual side. Do not neglect this. I would recommend practicing holy (whatever that means to you) ceremonies to empower your spirit. Also talk to others about what spirit, God, and metaphysics means to yourself and to them.

>Is creativity degenerate?

creativity is the most Occidental trait you can have, intelligence is for chinks

>After becoming "redpilled" I've lost a lot of creative drive.

that is because EVERY creative scene is filled with SJWs

pic rel creative right winger

>I feel like I owe my ancestors and gods something better than my current self
That's all the motivation you need.

>I don't want to serve my spirit
I'm not telling you to serve "your" spirit. Matter and spirit exist independently of you.

The opposite is true. Intelligence = creativity. The unintelligent copy. The intelligent invent. The Occident - and the left - is full of copycats. Truly creative people have the intelligence to both come up with new ideas and cut through bullshit when it appears.

Are chairs wooden?

ah, sorry, I've misread your comment. I think we agree.

>muh side is the rational one

Yes. I'm an indie game dev and nowadays more than anything I'll be sitting working and atleast a few times a day the thought will pop in my head "What's the point?". And there is no point. I'm not actively helping anyone by making video games. I enjoy it sometimes, and I like seeing other people enjoy what I make, but it's still so empty in that I'm only contributing to people having a venue to waste their time.

what I wanted to say is that intelligence is a simpler construct (intelligence is best described as processing speed), creativity is far more complex, e.g. Japan is intelligent but uncreative af (before WW2). individualism is a strong component of creativity, and its almost uniquly Western trait as is creativity.

I already took the blackpill before I took the redpill. I was a shut-in and considered myself a nihilist, saw no meaning in anything, etc. Typical edgy shit. I was like this for like three years I'd guess. I was a bluepilled vegan egalitarian before that. I've learned too much to go back to either of those.
This is good advice, but it's a lot of work. If I could get in shape and stop watching porn I think I'd be on the right track, but the problem is, those things require a serious, repressive mindset that doesn't allow me to suspend my conscious filter.
I think chinks are pretty creative, but that is a huge problem, the SJW infiltration. It's probably because the products of weird minds are so much more interesting on the surface. 3 of my favorite musicians in the sort of vanguard style of music I usually make are full or part time traps.
It's not enough motivation in practice.
I would better serve "spirit" in general by doing something less self-centered.
The one I'm sitting on is made of metal.
This, basically, although I'm not even sharing my music.

>I'm not actively helping anyone by making video games.
Well, you're not harming anyone either because no one would spend more than 30 minutes of their life on your shitty games, so just do what you like.

not a Christian.
>All you have to do is look at post-modern art and all this new-age leftist shit. This isn't how it was hundreds of years ago. We're at a new high of degeneracy and it's almost exclusive to the left yet the right isn't follow suit.
I don't care what you want to call it, theism or Platonism or what, but the reason the left is degenerate is they're not looking "up" in a dimensional sense.

Accepting "god" means accepting that you are an agent of reality, not of your own ego. You have multiple ghosts competing for real estate in your head, your soul is incomplete, your body is decaying and your "awareness" doesn't constitute even close to the entirety of your brain's efforts.

I relate to this and I don't really have any answers for you. I'm here to talk.
bros, I have a theory. (I struggle with the same shame/nihilism/lack of motivation.) You need some kind of external feedback loop to maintain focus. I know we all want to THINK that we're Nietzsche, but wen're not. Working ALONE is hard, especially if you're at all likely to overindulge in introspection and self doubt.

You are both losers lost in your contemporary surroundings. The fact you think creativity requires degeneracy shows the psyop is working.

Is this degenerate? If not is it uncreative?

The 80s were only thirty fucking years ago.

What about the Renaissance? Almost every piece of work was religious. The Mona Lisa is shilled to make you think it wasn't.

If you don't recognize the rightist cultural shift occuring right now you are both doomed to irrelevancy.

yeah but why be a cunt about it? The answer isn't in sophomoric disdain for human feeling either.

>You are both losers
That probably gets to the heart of it.
I never planned on being relevant in music (it's mostly a lottery) but I think I do somehow have to adapt my music to a different style of thinking or viewing the world if I'm going to even want to continue creating it.

>find god
>take the ultimate blue pill

You religious-faggots are pathetic.