Why men need alone time

It's because we're not intelligent!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Men will always find a way to exclude women. Which is so ironic because their whole lives all they’re doing is figuring out how to chase and land the right woman, and then when they do, all they can think of is how to exclude her. Wait, am I the only woman confused here?
This is what happens when you believe men and women are exactly the same with no differences whatsoever. You can't fathom the idea of a man who wants to associate with other men or simply wants some time alone to relax. The author then goes on to say that men are selfish for not hanging out with their woman at all times, which is the height of irony on her part.

The eternal huffpuff strikes again.

>Which leads me to only one conclusion, I will never understand women, or men
pretty much sums it all up


RIP Patrice, the only negro ever born that was worth his salt.

I can't be the only one who's noticed how many people (mostly women) are wholly incapable of being alone nowadays, though.

Being alone is a sure sign you're not worth being with these days.

You can imagine what that does to the fragile snowflake egos of today.

>white men are the most privileged people
>Only people on the planet that can be openly mocked and blamed for all the world's problems.

lmao the authors instagram is just full of her own quotes


>Why men need alone time
I've been alone almost all my life, when does alone time end???

>implying I'm not alone because I can't stand normies bitch in about their normies lives

>Life is short, break all the rules.

This is one of the most heinous philosophies that has ever plagued mankind and whoever invented it should burn in Hell.

what the fuuuuuuuck

For us?


Cool thanks Huffington poop!

I ain't clicking that shit

If you're gonna post huffpost links at least use archive. You shouldn't give these "journalists" any clicks.

>tfw too smart to stop sucking chads penis and read a book

I think it's also because men are wired to reproduce with many females due to lower biological parental investment. Having one woman is an opportunity cost to having them all, and therefore men have to isolate themselves a little bit to trick their brains into thinking their woman is a "new woman". Sexual frequency goes down the longer you've been with someone, so this is a compromise to reinvigorate the relationship.

Well obviously, but that's not how they see it.

Anyone notice its females who write the most retarded news articles?

>not a single person in this thread or OP actually read the article

He literally goes "syke jk thats not it at all"


Being alone at home is one thing, but being alone at a baseball game or a bar just means you are a loser.

There's a huge distinction.

The whole article is a shit test.

>Men will always find a way to exclude women. Which is so ironic because their whole lives all they’re doing is figuring out how to chase and land the right woman, and then when they do, all they can think of is how to exclude her. Wait, am I the only woman confused here?
That's called the refractory period.

I call mine QUITE time, not alone time.. women talk and talk and talk and talk and talk...

Ali Frazier Foreman Tyson

Stop posting clickbait bullshit you insufferable fuck.

She didn't mean it if you actually read it through.

>huffington puffington

>not a single person in this thread or OP actually read the article
>He literally goes "syke jk thats not it at all"

You didn't read the article, the author is a woman.

Well usually. But it's mostly just Huffington post. They aren't really news, just a bunch of communists giving their unwanted opinions.

>those digits
104% true

As if I would need time to miss a 3d cunt

as a male , I've had LOTS of practice at being alone.

that's a real bummer.

>trying hard to prove men and women are very different
>tries to be equal

I had a coworker who met an indian guy online. She wasn't really interested, but the dating site hooked them up, and she followed through. I think she believed it would be a culturally enriching experience to go on a date with an Indian. This was about 12 years ago, mind you, so the online dating scene was almost entirely new.

She got to his place, and he could barely speak english. Instead of taking her out, he ordered a pizza, then got his camera out and started taking pictures of her. They hadn't even exchanged pleasantries yet, and he's just taking shots of her from all different angles. She actually let him do it because he didn't speak the language well, and she figured it was a cultural thing. She was not very smart

She ate the pizza, and he sat there staring at her, taking a few pics while they talked. Then he just put the camera under the table and continued taking flash photography UNDER THE TABLE. She asked him if he could stop taking pictures, and he pulled her blouse neck outward, stuck the camera down, and took photos of her tits.

She said bye, and left... Then walked in to work (which was closer to his house than her apartment was), and told me what had just happened. She just sat there while this Indian dude took a bunch of close up flash photographs of her legs, panties, and eventually her tits. All she got out of it was a few slices of pizza.

This is modern women. They're fucking retards, and they have no idea that men of different races act entirely different. Here in Seattle, baristas and waitresses who work down at Amazon's campus have been complaining about stalker-level Indian guys who think white women are easy. Indian dudes are the most perverted fucking weirdos on the planet, and white women can't bring themselves to address the issue directly. So, instead, they just blame their behavior on men in general. I swear women would destroy civilization within a decade if they ever got enough power.

your digits deny you. The breaking of rules is precisely why you are here posting your shit, rather than doing all those things that you should be doing.

Life can not progress if rules are not broken. Its why science, history, and technology advances. If you follow the rules exactly you will never move beyond what is known.

>I swear women would destroy civilization within a decade if they ever got enough power.

Just left her a nice comment

men are assholes

Would you fuck off you stupid fucking leaf

Women want 100% control of male enjoyment. They hate the idea that a man could find happiness in anything other than her.

She was blacked

>not going to a restaurant or a coffee shop or book store on a day out with yourself as company to take in the outside world in an introspective way
typically a bar or baseball game are inherently social events but I can see the same applying to these venues as well. There is a quiet beauty in the introspection set against the outward focus.

>it's real
Adulting is hard you guys

u w0t m8 its just a woman hanging out with her husband and daughter

>men are assholes

This enters meta-irony when you remember women fully admit they're batshit crazy and tell men they just have to deal with it.

It's hard being a man.
Programmed to chase women endlessly and sacrifice for them. Women to us are like a subtle growing hunger, a need our body demands of us. Like air, food, water; we need them. So of course we chase them.
They're awful though, they're annoying and needy and stupid. Worst of all they're so fucking boring. Comparing it to hunger again it's like all you could eat to survive was celery. It's watery and bland and gets stuck in your teeth but dammit you're hungry. So you eat it and you deal with it because you need it. So now you're not hungry anymore, are you going to eat more celery? Of course not. You're going to avoid looking at it, thinking about it, and definitely avoid eating it.
How are women so surprised when we avoid them like this? Do they not realize how innately boring they are? How annoying it is dealing with their shit? We want to fill our bellies with sex and a cuddle, hear we're loved and then go back to what's actually interesting in our lives.

We don't need alone time, we need excitement.

She's a porn whore who has been enriched by black dingus.

What a horrible example of """journalism""". I seen random posts on here all the time with a much higher degree of insight and even the quality of writing is higher. This article is basically the ramblings of a woman, with no serious thought put into it, nor conclusions to draw from.

>wasting your whole life to care for some vagina human that will eventually betray you when it gets bored
Can't keep her alone, you have to be constant servant, because mug piss bagina.

Gay men are assholes they are the biggest cock-blockers as well I hate women who hang with they're faggot friends 24/7

It's odd to see a woman's idea of what men are in that way. Notice every example of leisure activity involved socializing in some way. There was not a moment spent alone. It's a great indicator of how men and women are different. Men have need for interests, women have need for social ties. It's obvious which of these results in more growth.

>break rules
>break all the rules


>linking huffpo

Get out.

>A way to both please the lady and please themselves.
>This is simple, and some men have mastered this. “Honey, I bought you a nice massage, and it’s tomorrow at eleven. I took care of everything. All you have to do is show up.

>man want something for themselves
>have to make it about the woman too
>by buying her stuff

Is this Feminism?

... What the fuck.... I swear, dumb cunts like this make me ashamed to be a woman.

You forgot the need to ask permission to do something while she isn't around.

Who cares what women want? I've had my small but fair share of time with them. I feel as though it's like I was a performer and now it's time to bow out and let my time speak for itself. So now it's time for video games, and shitposting, and other stuff like that. I've done everything I can with women in this lifetime, I've had enough.

The reason guys need alone time is because women are super fucking arrogant and self-centered.
>also, pic related and sage

You retarded fucking faggots realize OP only made 1 post. You newfags ruin this place

>tfw you've had 30 years of alone time

>break rules
>personal growth
>break all the rules
>societal growth

i swear im not a progressive. im really not.

I made two posts. Not everything is a slide thread you twot

I swear the one post by hurrdurr faggots is more annoying than that article

What an absolutely useless article, it's like a diarrhea of words

> Be alone
> Want gf

> Acquire gf
> Want to be alone

Anyone else know this feel

women are more passive and accepting when indian men do weird things because they're seen as weak and non-threatening.
the worse that indians do is just "weird", it's not like they're black guys or even white guys.

t. woman in seattle


You're a woman in Seattle? Have you ever thought about trying black cock?

>implying i don't have one of my own already


>women want to spend time with their female friends
thats normal and healthy of course you should have a social life outside of your partner
>men want to spend time with their male friends

I can't wait for their population to increase to levels where they can start gangraping you thots on buses, just like they do in their homeland.

This is some Jaden Smith-level shit.

Hes speaking about Divine Law.

You can break societal rules, the ones (((They))) make, but you cannot break Divine Law without judgement by the righteous.

Lack of personal responsibility and dependence on others to do all the work and to take the burden of all their error ultimately evolves into enslavement, and then JUDGEMENT by those who still have that individual drive, the WILL within them.

You're posting a huffington post clickbait article on this site and expect me do to exactly what they want?

Are you fucking retarded bong? Post a picture you stupid cuck.

Brilliant analogy.

I can actually see this... Indian men look like they could be overpowered or escaped pretty easily. They're not charming enough to trick you, and they're just weird enough that you know not to let your guard down.

I've seen Indian men acting weird as fuck around here. The Indians and the Arab men are the most common gropers too - at least from what I've observed. If one sits down next to you on the bus, put your hand on your pepper spray.


I'm attracted to women but I never had this "chase" instinct.

I'm not low test or closeted I just never had a desire to be with a woman that outweighed how annoyed she made me. I'm generally lazy and I'd rather learn a language or spend time with a hobby of mine over courting a woman who is a pain to court. These women are just so frustrating to deal with and without that instinct I'm permanently single basically. But I have my shit together since all my effort goes into improving my life.

I'm hoping the cosmos is kind enough to give me a softball relationship, some low maintenance chick who doesn't make me want to sudoku with endless shittests. Because I'd like to have a family one day.

Thank you

You're lucky user. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm with a girl that absolutely worships me. She's a really good person and I care about her but holy fuck I hate being in a relationship. Women distract from learning and hobbies, they aren't worth it. You've definitely got the right idea about the whole thing. If some chick you really respect goes for you then sure, give it a try, but "the chase" is self defeating and you'll regret it.


This shit only applies to idiots in progress liberal shit holes. Sure getting laid is easy but the quality is bottom of the barrel stupid sluts who think sex is empowering for them as I cum on their face. It's going to be amazing in a decade when I get to fuck hot young bitches while surrounded by wrinkled old cat ladies who bought in to feminism while in the mean time I fuck these whores in "open relationships" who are down for anything as long you ask first like a beta faggot despite it making them ultimately feel unfulfilled. No bitch I don't want you to move in with me because you broke up with your antifa bf who lives in his moms shitty apartment.

In theory it sounds nice but in my experience women get flaky when they discover you're not constantly thinking about sex and trying to escalate things. But maybe it is only thots who are unnerved by guys who aren't constantly in "muh dick" mode.

>listening to women

For what reason?

The key is to keep up with them "feeling wanted" whatever the fuck your woman thinks that means. Typically it means knowing the right time to just fuck a bitch like she is your fuck toy and other times it means bringing bullshit gifts that they advertise or a fancy date night. Bitches are dumb and you gotta decipher the difference between what they think they want and what they really want or else they replace you in their mind before moving on physically.




The author of that article is in denial. It's less about why men need to hang out with other men, its more about why men have to hang out with women at all.