So yep. Just as Keikaku.
All hail president Macron.
So yep. Just as Keikaku.
All hail president Macron.
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck my shit up famalam :((((
Remember that 500k people have received 2 cards to vote.
And those people are expatriates who votes for globalists. (aka Micron.)
isnt there a second round why is everyone freaking out?
>implying a muslim country would elect a woman leader
you knew this would happen
because foreigners are stupid and ignorant
Le Pen gets murdered in the second round.
It won't be the blow out her father got, but it will still be a thrashing.
they think Le Pen can't beat Macron but she can and she will lmao
Macron v Lepen is a lost cause.
Fillon and Melanchon will not rally with her. They would either say nothing (which is equal to saying don't vote for nazi FN) or say to vote for Macron.
If they call for a FN vote their career is over.
Remember that this isn't Trump who blitzed through the election without the media being prepared.
It's been near 50 years since FN is being associated with nazi by the media.
seriously what is wrong with continentals?
Macron winning, you can thanks french living in foreign countries for that
Whether Fillon endorses her or not, many of his supporters will vote for Le Pen over Macron
macron - le pen is best duel.
Macron's name is linked to the literal worst trike crisis of the decade.
Shit like this really pisses me off, there should be an universal rule that you can vote only in the one (1) country that you live in.
French prefer to be enslaved and cucked to death by Brussels rather than vote '''''nazi'''''.
This country is doomed, better leave it and let it rot. It will serve as example
Rip in pieces France
Media lost in Britan
Media lost in the US
Media won in France
We are a bunch of sheep, i'm getting out of here as soon as I can, not even memeing. It's pretty sad.
>sacre bleu! We can't let the Nazi win even if the opposition is a fascist!
>Chirac turns out to be the worst president in French history
>Sacre bleu! We can't let the nazis win even if the last time we did so we got anally buttfucked for a full decade and get terrorist attacks 24/7 nowadays
Are French retarded? Yeah, French are retarded
The only acceptable reason to abandon your country is if another majority white country goes full natsoc, anything else is cowardice
Memes aside Francois, I do feel bad for you.
why 2 cards? Isn't its democratic election principles violation?
I don't know man. Britain is on the edge. I think if we ever hit le 60% meme nationally I'm just going to off myself.
At that point the laws will be written by and for """"minorities"""" who are just out for revenge because marxists filled their heads with lies about oppression.
Media won in The Netherlands
Media won in Austria
Get fucked. Go EU.
don't forget the media globalists also won in the netherlands.....
Y'all probably will need civil wars to fix the social engineering & back door politics that is infesting y'all's nations right now.....but then again that what y'all get for kicking Jesus out of the EU...y'all get plague of muslims
>I think if we ever hit le 60% meme nationally I'm just going to off myself.
Or you could go out with a bang, not suggesting you do either since it probably won't happen in our lifetimes
Macron being elected isn't the same at all.
He was created by the media from the begining
Guy wasn't even known last year.
>From Sarkozy to Hollande to Macron
T. Omar Ozgurk
Get ready for RAMA2022.
Reuters Exit Poll
Le Pen 22.3%
Melenchon 21.4%
Macron 21.1%
Fillon 18.6%
M LE PEN 23,0
i didn't know that's why trump won. thanks user.
Quick question: Am I the only one who get the same captcha over and over recently?
That's good, but we must wait for the official results to start coming in before we get ahead of ourselves.
How's Molenbeek this time of year?
God, your political system makes so much more sense than ours. I hate French arrogance, but your electoral system is much more well thought-out.
People should vote for themselves not because their candidates says so
Why don't you switch to the legacy captcha? Just have to type silly words in every time instead.
>vicarage light
It's under
>settings>quotes & replying
>Why don't you switch to the legacy captcha
Thanks m8
I prefer this one.
It's just weird to have recently the same two ones everytime.
SI our next president is hollande but worse? Fuck it.
>Hollande is our most unpopular president ever, he didn't even bothered to represent himself a second time
>France is going to vote for the same shit but even worse
HMM look at this turd! yum yum yum!
>place call box in the nicest part of downtown.
>pro immigrant leftists millennial answer
>"it's super nice here!"
That's like putting the call box on the lakefront of Chicago and being surprised that the people there aren't aware of all the shootings in the southside.
"Yeah the media is totlly making up the gang shooting rumor, i dont see any right now!"
Are French people smart enough to vote for Le Pen?
Macron saifd while creating Hollande economic policies in 2012 "The tax increase won't affect the economy, don't worry"
Then in 2015 "ok so we raised the taxes too high, we could lower them but let's not. Instead we'll do that CICE bullshit"
in 2016 : "Hmm, the CICE isn't working, I wonder why, but time to get off this ship and pretend I never took part in any of it"
And now he's president.
It'll be the same crap except in every domain. And the guy has an extreme short fuse and respond terribly to critiscism. And let's not forget he want to increase immigration in France.
Woohoo, fun times ahead.
They're stupid enough to vote Macron and give 20% to a commie.
So I think you can guess the answer.
Well, guess i'm not going back to France
Have fun with Hollande 2.0
We need to put the memes into overdrive in the next 2 weeks lads.
and leftists are getting happy right now.
As if Hollande hasn't been bad enough.
>yay more centrism!!
(((They))) have already decided who will win. Sorry frogs.
This is why Nige should be in no.10
Nige would probably meet Macron. He said FN was too far right from him and has refused to cooperate with them in the past
Didn't Melenchon literally propose taxing the rich at 100%?
so what did you expected? a 51% le pen n the first?
I reckon he'd meet with both of them just so he's not biased. The guy has already had an interview on LBC with Le Pen.
Le Pen needs a much bigger lead than she is currently projected to get.
She will get some off Fillon and Melenchon, but not enough to get over 50% when added to what she has now.
pretty much.
>soviet troops have barely entered Berlin why is everyone freaking out?
It's over mate.
I don't know, the guy said Venezuela has a great goverment though so really, he could say anything and I wouldn't be surprised.
>Remember that 500k people have received 2 cards to vote.
>And those people are expatriates who votes for globalists
I don't think they'll risk 6 years in jail and €100k fine
>le 5 percent man endorses Macron
He is the French Jeb