>bill walks on stage with adam savage on a leash
>adam savage is clearly unhappy with bruises
>"folks adam came to me the other day and asked if the science on climate change is really settled!"
>loud booing from the crowd. they throw their fidget toys at adam savage in anger.
>Bill kicks adam in the stomach and he falls over and spits up blood
>crowd laughs hysterically. camera pans to audience member with snot hanging out of their nose from laughing so hard.
>"folks the science HAS been settled for a long time. We cant tolerate this type of stuff anymore. Its 2017"
>Crowd gets up out of their seats and claps extremely hard. Lots of whistling.
>"I think adam needs to check his white male privilege , not that race exists or anything , its a social construct used historically"
>black woman in mobility scooter yells "yassss bill uh huhh das right" and claps excitedly
>"thats right bill" a mysterious voice through the speakers says...
>could it be?
>the crowd is nervous , fanning their faces like southern belles
>its neil degrasse tyson
>crowd starts screaming like its an oprah screening and they all got a car.
>"race isnt real , its the most discredited scientific idea of the century"
>"but i will tell you whats real"
>The women start smiling because they know whats coming
>the women are already disrobing and warming up their gross fat nerd pussies
>standing ovation for 11 minutes
*tips beaker*
>That quote
If only women applied themselves
Who wrote this. Need the whole script please
I did.
Make your own dank OC
this guy despite being terribly optimistic about some things nevertheless might dispel some notions some people have about muh (((climate change))) in scientific and neutral way
you forget the part where two guys dressed as reddit and memey come in and disprove god
>desz nuts
Proof that Sup Forums is reddit
>has literal speech impediment
Offensively awful
>born 1955
>go to elite quaker highschool, calss of 73
>bs engineering 77
>make a sundial 30 years later!
wtf i love science now
he invented the first timepiece thousands of years after it was designed
these are amazing
Did Adam savage say something against global warming?
no its just a meme.
O-okay desu.
hes really handsome shame he went woman
6.7/10 pretty funny forgot i want to die for a few moments there
This is probably the funniest one IMO
Bill Nye is a god damn crazy person. That faggy bowtie clown costume is a ruse. Just look at his eyes. Bill Nye literally kills people and fucks their dead bodies.
>Bill waddles on to stage holding a broom stick between his legs
>someone behind the curtain throws a small gold plastic ball to him
>"QUIDDITCH IS MY FAVOURITE SPOR-" *the ball hits him in the face*
>"Welcome wizards and witches! and other non-binary magic individuals!"
>crowd gives a cheer, someone in the front row starts hyperventilating
>"today we are going to be talking about the SCIENCE of HARRY POTTER"
>crowd starts screaming
>A robot with a large monitor drives onto stage
>michio kaku's face appears
>"HEY EVERYONE, did you know that in the future we will all have real magic because of SCIENCE?!"
>crowd starts screaming and thrashing around, several fat women start a mosh pit, a small beta male is thrown across the room and breaks his neck
>Michio Kaku's robot spins around and whirrs off stage
>Bill pulls out a wand and waves it around
>*stage lights go dim*
>crowd gasps, someone shrieks in surprise
>"Magic may not be real-"
>loud groans
>crowd erupts into roaring indignant shouting
>Bill starts chanting
>"burn the denier, burn the denier, burn the denier.."
>35% of people are children, so i believe 35% of scientists should be children.
Half of the humans on Earth are women so I believe that half the Sanitation Engineers should be women.
Half of humans are MEN so i think half of the MOTHERS should me men.
You still think he is an engineer and not an actor that they fabricated a back story.
Wtf I love science now
Please make this a meme. These two are golden already.
I just gave my entire face a fourth degree burn with coffee thanks Portugal
Do your own in photoshop:
ge tt/3GN3Xoj2 (add a dot between ge and tt)
Or give me ideas.
holy fucking shit i love you
>Assisted in the development
Wow dude, I fucking wonder if he wasn't a privileged kike faggot, would he have been even touching NASA equipment with a BS in engineering