Describe Germany in one picture

Describe Germany in one picture

just 1?

I have several







Be careful, you might anger them.




but seriously i cant wait until i dont get charged for ketchup

tfw i miss america

and guns
and free refills




How many dead germans will be enough for revenge for the holocaust?



get a tripcode u fucking cunt

So fake. Why would an ATM camera be hanging over the street and wobble like that?

if accurate (it's not) pretty logical considering how their women are screeching suicidal harlots

Where is that?


aside from it screaming fake. It actually is fake. The guy is a "comedian" who did the cliip. So alot of people copied it and thought it was funny


is he showing how easy it is to pickpocket the guy? i don't get it

isnt that a bit pointless on a board with id's?



