Le pen loses

How does Sup Forums react?

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the way trumtards adore her just doesn't make any sense at all. i'm sure 99.99% of them don't know anything about her or her policies except that she is a nationalist and hates muslims. is that really enough to root for someone? what is the value that this is supposed to represent? French nationalism is in no way beneficial for an American. These people are literally just doing shit because Putin likes it, no other reason required.

Laugh because what they don't understand is there's enough Algerians, Muslims, etc. in France that you have no choice but to pander to them.

Cuck leaf

was meant for

Grin as terrorists kill more liberals, proving le pen right

YEP. but not limited to it.

>she is a nationalist and hates muslims. is that really enough to root for someone?

Even if most r/le_doneld frequenters actually knew about the bulk of her socialist policies, they'd probably still support her on the basis of her civic nationalism (any of them that would actually pay attention to the French election for any reason other than its countercultural value)

Most Trump supporters follow the kind of soft pro-Zionism, race-blind nationalism that Le Pen represents, so that's not too hard to believe. As long as a political figure is disliked by a country's media and is a proponent of anti-globalism (as Le Pen is) they'd support them.

>muh putin controls drumpkins!!!1 xDxDxD

fuck off

>is that really enough to root for someone


Complete shitshow with huge raids against Sup Forums obviously

as expected

she wont

We blame Misogyny

I'll be mildly disappointed. The more degenerate a country becomes, the heavier it will blow up. Think of it as of the stock market bubbles: the severity of recession directly corresponds to the size of the bubble at the time of burst. Today's level of degeneracy (feminism, lgbt, ease of immigration) could be solved with Le Pen being elected. If that doesn't happen, the bubble will continue to inflate. And when it finally bursts, Le Pen won't be the appropriate person to take chart. It will be the new Hitler. If liberals don't learn the good way, they'll have to suffer the bad way.

charge* ffs

Not surprised.

You blumpftards don't know European Politics at all.


Macron reaches 2nd round.
Whether she qualifies for 2nd round or not today won't cahnge the fact that that globalist scum will become president. That's 5 more years of Hollande.

>is that really enough to root for someone?
Fucking yes

All the candidates I voted at my country in my entire life lost.

And it was something that had two rounds, the one I voted lost the first round and the one I voted for at the second round lost.

Holy shit make her prez

Await the next wave of terrorist attacks

Who is Le pen and why does Sup Forums love her? I've been busy studying for a long time now and I'm out of the loop. I also don't pay attention to France.

belguim is bordering france so every refrugee policy will likely affect us too.

infact half of belguim is french speaking walonia
so i might as well move the fuck out before the flood of savige niggers from the 3 world come flowing in.

Calling Bullshit on that
LePen has been Sup Forums hot topic along with Brexit and Trumps election.
Easily 2 years


What are your plans? You can't go England since they left EU

>I also don't pay attention to France

You're telling me there aren't threads your eyes just glaze over? I'm just seeing way more now. I've never bothered to look into who she is in detail but I knew of her existence. I assume the election is soon and just want to know why Sup Forums supports her so much.

i might move to america or if i have the chance to switzerland or better some of the balkan or slavic country's poland would be perfect


Indifference. She's a slightly left wing candidate in a country FILLED with commies and socialists.

Does Sup Forums even know that her 'conservative' bent is more left leaning than the Democrats in the US?

The only reason anyone knows about her is because her policy isn't "BEND OVER AND LET ABDUL AND MUHUMMAD FILL YOUR ASSHOLE WITH SEMEN IT'S RACIST TO NOT SWALLOW #LITTLEGIRLPUSSIESFORACHMED" like Macroon is proposing.


No one was going to "win" this round, and it was retarded to think otherwise.

Le Pen has no chance in the 2nd round, unless there is some explosive scandal involving Macron.

That said, there is still a fair amount on the line. Having a National Front leader in the runoff is still a big deal, and helps normalize the "far-right." There are still gains to be made, even if she can't win.

What's interesting is how poorly the far-left has done.

user I'm confused as to what you think I'm trying to accomplish then. Let's say I just popped in for the first time today and all that, then what? What would my goal be? I'm really curious about your mindset on this one. You're acting a little silly.

shes the only french candidate who ironicaly has the balls to speak about the islamic problem.
and she would be an other blow to the bulshit the eu is pulling on us.

Who the fuck knows man.
Have you tried post some interracial porn?
That seems to be the way to lately.

Oh okay, figured it was something like that. God speed to her then. How's she looking success-wise?

I don't want interracial porn on my computer. Black penis looks like poo logs. Their bodies weird me out.

>and helps normalize the "far-right."
Everything right of "We deserve to be raped and mass murdered" suddenly is "Far-Right"

Fuck that pro choice bitch

>Hates Muslims
What's the problem?

nobody won yet

>French nationalism is in no way beneficial for an American.
Sup Forums seems to think internationalist nationalism is possible

most people didn't expect her to win to begin with, so probably not all that heartbroken

currently she at 21 percent macron my wifes children mcuck is sadly at 23 percent

Those two concepts are, by definition, diametrically opposed.

Even if she does it sends a clear message.

Politicians need to get their shit together. They need to start listening to the people. Parties that used to be irrelevant just a decade ago are now potential winners of the election. Deal with your shit otherwise Le Pen or possibly someone worse will take over.

>don't know anything about her or her policies except that she is a nationalist and hates muslims

You are so right

>france has more than one presidential election
forget it
fuck you

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I am saddened by my fellow French anons.
You didn't fail us Marine, we failed you.

By celebrating the victory of emmanuel macron

She's not winning. I'm not sure why Sup Forums kept thinking she would. Most French are brainless zombies who are voting for Macron who is essentially Hollande II.


But although Le Pen has softened he father's message, the National Front is actually the far-right. Conservatives (Fillon) occupy the center right ground.

I don't think Le Pen has a chanc of winning. All the Leftists will vote for the centrist and the center right will too. That leaves Le Pen smashed, to be honest.

Still, gaining the second round gives her two weeks of daily press coverage and moves the party forward into respectability.

This is, as they say in baseball, "small ball" as opposed to getting the homerun.

Still, Macron could stumble, or their could be a massive terrorist attack or the "youths" migh riot-- and those might drive people to Le Pen.

It is a victory that Le Pen got into the second round-- and a good one.

like nothing, does matter. France still being france becouse it was lost before the elections. French people are niggers.

Partition between France and the US when?

Nah, we just want France to realize they need to contain Islam to its third world shithole so it doesn't spread here too.

No fuck off. We're full.

No one gives a damn is how people react. If it was her father I'd care. But she's ruining her party. Also she's a woman playing politician.

>Eternally cucked

Choose two

She's got a better chance than we've seen in a long time, but it's a long shot. I still remember UKIP translating 16% of the vote into 2 seats while SNP got 55 seats with 5%, so I'm not getting my hopes up for yuropoors anytime soon

France is literally a laughing stock imo. Not quite Germany yet, but fuck. Your entire culture is getting cucked by Muslims.

My money is on Islam peacefully enriching a dozen or so on the street before May 7.
Lets wait and see.

Muh jews.

You were ruled by an Islamist for 8 years.

>Tfw Trump is the first winning candidate I ever voted for

Feels good desu senpai

french was and it is being cucked by black people and isis but you know how does that feel.

stay in belgium and deal with your own shit, nigger. quit being a refugee domino

>Does Sup Forums even know that her 'conservative' bent is more left leaning than the Democrats in the US?

Yes, in Yurop this constitutes the "far right" because the "centre-right" is one step away from Marx

>tfw voted for the ones who will be less bad for the country
>tfw voting it's bad no matter what becouse of all the candidates are corrupted piece of garbage just like all politician
>tfw i want a dictator that it's against commies and capitalism
one can only dream


The only way to tell if a politician is cucked or not is by looking at their stance on immigration.

>tfw i want a dictator that it's against commies and capitalism
>against commies and capitalism

You are right, you should stop voting.

Europe has fallen. I want to take a trip there before it is gone. I can believe both my grandfather fought in WW2 so that it could be turned into a Caliphate.

that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a month

Is it really so impossible to conceive that someone would want a country to better its self?


>has nigger as pres
>for 8 fucking years
>calls others laughing stock



Nationalism is not wanting other nations to fail.


pfffffffffffffffffffffff AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

Where can I see live results?

Who is this man in pic related?

I laugh
No but seriously Le Pen is a Putinbot

Spotted the proxy

Lesser evil. You nuggets always complain that someone isn't the perfect embodiment of your politics. Does that happen anymore?

I also forget who he is desu. He might be the be the most forgettable french president ever

Kek Hollande is a nobody. Some says he might have been president.

>How does Sup Forums react?

Enjoy the many happenings over the next decade as more and more of Western Europe begins to resemble the Weimar Republic.
Keep in mind you also have the Italian and Swedish elections coming up, both with Eurosceptic parties doing well.
You understand that about 38-40% of the French population will be voting against the EU (Le Pen and Melanchon)

Live coverage by Bloomberg

Stay where you live Pls. We are very happy here without the loud and annoying American tourists