The meat industry is the largest polluting factor in the world. The way we eat is entirely unsustainable. Our food culture is wasteful and gluttonous. What can we do about it?
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Grow meat in lab tanks.
Fuck off vegan
Enjoy your low testosterone, faggot
Grow your own food and shoot a couple of deer every year. Not that hard to figure out.
Why is it "unsustainable"? Because of "muh environment"? And yet it's your side which insists on flooding the West with millions of new people every year and putting untold strains on our arable land, fresh water supply, air quality etc. etc. If we had no immigration we could eat all the fucking meat we wanted.
>The way we eat is entirely unsustainable
It's not our fault if you're a walking noodle due to your "trendy" veganism, you daft cunt.
What about city folk? And besides most of Europe is cucked on gun control
Cut off public subsides, so the production will stop in case it gets economically unsustainable. If the production keeps on going, it means the way we eat is not unsustainable yet.
The pic in the OP is oc. Im not a vegan.
It would be pointless to be a vegan against the massive vortex that is our food supply.
Why do you need so much meat? Why cant you eat a moderate amount? You are killing yourself and as a collective, we are eating ourselves to death. And I dont know what to do about it.
fuck you, cannon fodder.
This. Fuck off. We're meat guys here. If I find anything green on my meat lovers pizza you can bet I'm sending it back
Nuke America.
That will be like 30% of the problem solved.
No point op.
Sup Forums does not care about environment.
Eat them all I guess.
t. Farmer
We are also breathing ourselves to death. It doesn't matter what you eat, everything we do brings us closer to death.
> Implying vegetarians are all Democrats
>Brazilian intellectuals
You can fuck right off for starters.
I love meat. But the way we are going about getting our meat is destroying the world. Its irresponsible. Did America really need (literally) 50 billions pounds of meat last year?
Nice bait, although you don't know what unsustainable means? Or was that part of the bait? Pollution causing and unsustainable are two very different things.
America didn't need it, but America wanted it. Do you really need internet connection?
he said, eating animal products filled with estrogen
only first world country should be allowed to eat meat
Kill you're self.
Burger is right. Stock farming kills the environment. It's 3x worse than whole traffic (road+rail+air+sea)
I am the president of the Brazilian Association of Nihilists. So please don't meme arrow me.
so stop eating meat if you care so much.
just don't waste it. ship it to me.
no, its actually unsustainable.
>The meat industry is the largest polluting factor in the world
Overpopulation is the only problem this planet has, dipshit. Go kill people.
Buy from local farms.
Haven't seen a single (((non-fake))) study that associates meat consumption with high estrogen, always high T.
Correct me if that's wrong.
Objectively true.
A good suggestion, but in the end it all boils down to public awareness and popular opinion. And while 3 billion shitskins are living on $2 per day, we're not in a position where we can really get ENOUGH people to care about environmentalism or cruelty to animals. (((Capitalism))) will just turn this into another thing for the goyim to fight about while the gears of the NWO are cranked into motion
Tax meat as high as we do with (or atleast close to) cigarettes and I bet you the problems will be solved within 20 years. If the US alone did this it would significantly help the environment globally. Other industries doesn't compare to the damage done by the meat industry.
I'll have a Big Mac....with bacon....Supersize me
Meaningless comment from a brainwashed idiot.
No really. It isn't. You can't just say something is unsustainable because you don't like it. Learn2Capitalism.
Then stop buying McDonalds you fat faggot
>do as we do
this could be the only viable solution ive heard, but america is much stranger and more crowded (in the cities)
some people get by on those dollar burgers, if you take the meat away from the poor people there will be revolution.
which is fine I suppose
but eventually we are going to have to come to the conclusion that we all need a balanced diet to sustain ourselves
>Tax meat as high as we do with (or atleast close to) cigarettes
There speaks the classic Scandinavian control-freak. All you'll do is get meat being farmed by mafias and in other black market venues beyond the reach of the inspectors. There is absolutely nothing wrong with consuming meat and anyone who says there is, is lying to you.
That's why I hunt or buy venison off of other hunters.
>The way we eat is entirely unsustainable
>> Implying vegetarians are all Democrats
The vast majority are, and anyway a huge number of Republicans (or equivalent cuckservatives in other countries) are cheerleaders for immigration as well. Why are we being told that we have to go back to a medieval way of life to save the environment when all we have to do to preserve our current one is to stop importing people and let the people decline naturally?
I actually love meat and mcdonalds
the pic was taken by me
i dont give a fuck about cows because they are food
but the way we are eating meat is fucked and IS COMPLETLEY UNSUSTAINABLE
here, proofs. ignore the stupid name, please.
>The meat industry is the largest polluting factor in the world.
>ignored the untold garbage created by liberals in their mega cities
You're full of shit and have zero citations.
Plenty of land and water in Canada for raising meat... but of course "unsustainability" is just the pretext; the real aim is complete control by the State over the lives of its citizens, and one way to keep them compliant is to deprive them of protein.
yeah well that doesnt work for everyone
if all of los angeles hunted for all its meat next week the deer would be gone in a day.
I don't think you understand that word completely and are spouting it because your vegan starved brain can only regurgitate what others have told you.
Stop encouraging third worlders to reproduce
Fucking sweed. That's why you're all low T.
just because of this, I'm gonna go get four steaks, grill 'em rare.
In the snow. Fuck you.
good luck having hidden farms large enough for the profit margin to matter. I don't mean remove meat consumption and I believe already expensive restaurants can get a tax cut so they can serve meat.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with consuming meat and anyone who says there is, is lying to you.
yeah it only takes up 70% of all land in the US, absolutely perfectly fine! Also, we consume far more meat than is ultimately needed in the west.
fuck off you fucking proxy retard, I bet you're from denmark or amerifat
>take the meat away from poor people
replace it with a vegan alternative immeditely at fast food restaurants for example, give them a couple of weeks notice. In the end I think food will end up cheaper overall.
yeah m8 cuz i really fuckin wanna live to 92 instead of 87.
>I bet you're from denmark or amerifat
You lost the bet, Sven. No proxies from this country.
What do you not like about meat?
That's my flag you're posting with, commie
no. fuck you. do the math.
>oy vey, eat more meat, it makes you more manly!
it's an ndustry ment to manipulate amerifats into believing that consuming an unhealthy amount of greasy is somehow good for you
btw I am not even close to a vegetarian because I don't care enough.
greasy meat*
lmao dude this movie was debunked a while ago, and thats why literally not even greenpeace agreed with them.
"Everything I disagree with is a Jewish conspiracy"
>not doing the math
that's like 150ish pound of meat per person per year.
which is roughly less than a half a pound a day.
Fuck you.
Get out of the city. Urban areas are the most cucked and most poisoned, literally, culturally and spiritually. It's bad for your body and bad for your soul. Work for long enough to live in the country, growing your own food and living sustainably, then get the fuck out.
Thank you for the link. I am still reading over their statistics, however I don't see how you get that it is unsustainable. I feel that you might have a looser definition of the term than me. Are you talking about geologic time scales? As long as there is demand there will be a big meat industry however shitty it might be.
well look at the big dick on canada
i hope your wife leaves you for a muslim
Fat ass America...what else can I say!?!
not even close, but the meat industry is. How come only americans defend the meat industry religiously?
lmao dude doug boucher is literally getting paid by the beef industry to write that shit
start hunting and getting your own meat. dont be stupid.
but le it's le tasty le XD!
yeah ok me and all of denver will just go hunting from now on
we will eat for about 3 weeks till there is nothing to hunt
that's only sustainable for like sub 1% of the population.
>coming from the guy who thinks 50 billion pounds of meat per year is a big scary unsustainable number
no. fuck you
>if we had no immigration we could eat all the fucking meat we wanted
It doesn't work that way.
i go to my local mennonite butcher for all my meat its a store right in front of their farm.
>amount of greasy meat
You know grease is important to produce sexual hormones right? Namely testosterone.
considering the population of america
wake the fuck up
Dude nobody in their right mind thinks that eating a bunch of meat is healthy. The industry isn't "convincing" anyone. It just tastes really fucking good. I don't understand the motivation for half the posts in this thread. Are Swedes really restarted to the point that the meat industry is an amerifat conspiracy? It tastes good, we like it therefor there is a demand and an industry to cater to that demand.
Butcher those who deny us our daily animal flesh.
Kill off 80% of the global population
Problem solved
Grow your own food.
>le librul megacities meme
Factory farming is part of the megacity lifestyle.
>.4 pounds of meat per day is way to much
eat some rats, pigeons.
dude, the way that people eat meat in certain places is fucked and its killing the earth
there is a documentary called merchants of doubt about the money spent by tobacco and meat industries to ease peoples minds about fucked up shit
that shit happens
the motives behind these posts are obvious
its about preserving mankind
As an user working in a supermarket doing food prep, I can assure you we're too far gone.
I'm posting this on my lunch break, if anyone wants to see the giant heap of good food we throw out let me know. You wouldn't fucking believe what goes on behind the scenes.
>50bil divided by 300mil=.4
youve outed yourself, retard
post the picture
yeah man thats why 33% of the population is obese, so they can produce testosterone!
thats why you tax it high so people stop eating it as much. You would solve a massive amount of enviromental problems but also obesity and health problems.
How about a source for your retarded claim?
Even more inhumane factory farms and then maybe lab meat.
Nothing. Doesn't matter.
Climate change will kill everyone in Africa and all the other shit holew then we can turn the whole place into a massive food production region to feed everywhere else..
Fuck it I'll post anyway. Sorry if it's upside down.
Please take note of the entire turkey loaf sitting atop about 3 dozen submarines. Literally all still edible.
this will only work if we. as a species, can curb our gluttony
gluttony is unsustainable