Allright, not only is Sweden alredy infested with sand people, but now the space n*ggers are moving here aswell? Is this county cursed or something? Link:
UFO Fleet recorded in Sweden?!
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw ayys will nuke sweden
>everyone has great quality phones
>blurry ass pictures every time
They just want free welfare.
operation blue laser
It's Chinese lanterns
And no such thing as space aliens
You would have to be an idiot to believe aliens exist.
You would have to be an idiot to believe aliens exist.
They're coming for the women and gibs.
>only things left white in sweden are ayy lmaos
Funny how it works huh
Are you taking in more aliens? Didn't you fucking learn already?
>Sweden mistaking Anti-Aircraft Fire from Somalis for UFO's
get out.
I see a UFO in the same fucking place every night i was once outside having a durry and looked directly up and saw 50 bright light moving in on direction was fucking crazy as shit, Seen one move from one side of the sky all the way to the other over the course of 15-30 minutes was watching it the whole time, and im an hour away from a city fuckin crazy
no you have to be on the spectrum to honestly be so damn dumb to not think they exist. with a shit ton of evidence government and not plus on top of that there are trillions of planets and solar systems that can support life. we as a human race are very young. the universe is billions of years older. saying they dont exist by saying of you do your an idiot is being small minded dont be a sheep
MiB pls
What are Chinese floating lanterns
>recorded by a shitskin
who woulda thunk
>he never tried to film the stars or moon at night with his phone
these are weather baloons, retard
>Abdul thinks chink stuff is ayylmaos
>ayyys show up
>after carefully analyzing human life, they choose to land in Sweden instead of USA
ayyys confirmed black and muslim
>fuck off space niggers, we're full.
I think they are running an experiment on you
I think he was sarcastic, or he is a shill..
Just wait til the 26th-27th.
>Space Niggers
yep, no ayys here
when you see niggers being called human,
can believe in whatever the fuck i want.
Swamp gas. Nothing to see here.
Chinese lanterns. Someone had a wedding nearby.
That's our annual delivery of cuckshed materials from Amazon.
Calm down people, it's normal.
They probably would. If they land in US of muh guns n prayers A, there's a high chance of war. If they land in scandinavia, there's little risk of being blown up, and people are more open minded, and not stupid.
Can't land anywhere in africa because of obvious reasons. Can't land in the arab penninsula, or they'd just leave a nuke and go. Can't land in china, there's too many people, and america is too agressive. So you're only left with a few places. Scandinavia, middle europe, russia, canada, or australia. There's too few people in australia and most of canada to be far away from usa, and middle europe is too central and crowded. east Russia is a terrible choice considering both russians and chinese are in range, whereas laninf in west russia is also a bad idea. There's a good chance it chooses to land innawoods of scandinavia.
They already have. You have 15000 of them in your country. Good luck
Multiple rockets artillery tests.
Swarm made.
What the fuck is swarm drones?
I am Russian..
Now you know what racism feels like
Actually here in Sweden, i am automatically considered racist beacuse im white. Fuck This country..
Plz die.
But you are though?
I judge people by their actions, not their skin color.
typical bluepilled reaction to evidence
All fucking Russians must fucking hang.
>not by their skin color
fuckin faggot I grew up in a 50/50 town in the South I swear to you the brown ones have an interesting way of being fucking garbage and awful and never trustworthy.
Don't be afraid to say "fuck niggers" my dude
Fair enough, get your family to Sweden and start making it ok again.
So much shilling in this thread. Chinese Lanterns don't maintain altitude and move that quick and drones are not that luminous. People need to actually look at the night sky and realize its not hard to see something strange.
nice bait pic from mexico you fucking snownigger
look at this retard, theres no such thing as chinese sky lanterns it's swamp gas
I made a low light preset for my cam app just in case I need to film aliens at night one day. It sorta works.
You would have to be an idiot to believe aliens exist.
YFW ayyliens look like this and land in a field.
Time for vegan to stop their non-sense and join the fight to save earth.
Then again i am fully aware how fucked up some muslims here behaves, but i can't really say that literally everyone is bad. I have meet some very good muslims here, though i can admit it's very rare...
M/V Harbor Fountain (Portuguese chemical tanker) is about to have a major accident on Lake Huron in Sarnia, Canada.
t. alien
This is a link to secureteam isn't it? I don't even have to click it do I? Why in such a huge population and big world do we all listen to Sargon, vote for trump/Le pen, and watch secureteam? I'm kinda thinking I'm in a circle jerk. I'm gonna click now. Please exceed my expectations
Ayy. Thank fuck for that
Yes he talks about this on his video aswell
Probably some Somali with a an shooting tracers
even ayy lmaos think ur faggots
m8 those are refugees firing their aks into the air after getting their ends away with their hot swe girlfriends
Swamp gas confirmed
shillbot 5000 malfunction
I belive now
Kek is coming to you
>1 post by this ID
Either some murrican jocks are having a laugh or holy shit aliens are actually real.
Sweden is so cucked that Ayys will receive gibbs and subsidized Aryan pussy
What the hell is That?
You would have to be an idiot to think aliens exist and even if they did that theu would visit Earth
>Inb4 Ayys find Shia because autists have made contact with Ayys in order to help find him in exchange for nuking Sweden.
Post your face when
I remember that night. Really strange stuff happening. Really made me feel like we were onto something close with the WikiLeaks keys.
Obviously they are observing your gross stupidity to allow such subhuman scum into your country. Perhaps they're doing a mass scan to see if any of you have a functioning brain or if you really are stupid sheep.
Please someone shop the sky and write "SWEDEN YES" as if aliens were doing it.
anal probes is part of their culture
Top Kek!
>technical illiteracy of Sup Forums is showing again
Anyone that ever programmed something in Java runs into these kind of stack traces whenever an error occurs. It's not hard to make that up.
I honestly have a very bad feeling, That some shit is about to happen soon, but i can't really describe what it will be.. So hard to relax nowdays..
You would have to be an idiot to believe aliens exist.
over Russia
Swedish women were made for the BAC, BBC was only a preparation.