Fox is a mess.
great source
Time to start accusing Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper of child molestation.
They're going after conservative news people one by one. Pretty soon Fox News will be as liberal as CNN.
Didn't Hannity say he would get water boarded?
They are doing it across the board. Look at the demonization of right wing content creators on YouTube.
They are gearing up for 2018 midterms and want the right wing narrative complete!Y destroyed
We are seeing the establishment getting ready for the big pushback
another spot for Tucker the Cucker.
Name changed from Fox News Channel to The Carlson Channel when?
>implying he'll survive as well
Being liberal is not any worse than being controlled opposition that Fox has been from the beginning
and just like cnn nobody will be watching it
Fuck sean hannity. So funny and awesome to see the right lose all its heroes. All of them. Bill. Richard. Milo. Tomi. Where gonna get them all.
We dont have to fire a bullet to win this war. This is cyber warfare,
I'll take this with a grain of salt. (((Schlussel))) is an interesting figure. She's probably the most hardcore, anti-black, anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim, utterly puritanical Jew on the planet. She does movie reviews and finds every one to be degenerate filth. If she wasn't Jewish, she'd literally be /our gal/.
However, she has a really bad tendency to viciously attack other prominent other conservatives over petty shit like plagiarism , etc. She has a serious hate boner for (((Pamela Gellar))) and Bridgette Gabriel in particular. She's been talking shit on Sean Hannity for decades, so I don't think should be taken seriously.
You communists aren't even a national party anymore because of how hated you are in most of the country. And Hannity isn't going anywhere.
The left has found the best method of driving people off the air...
First they came for Pewdiepie, then they came for milo, then they came for Jontron, then Bill O'Reilly, now Sean Hannity.
This is what they do...
Literally who
we don't like hannity, he is a neocon shill
What they don't realize is it's been an open secret for decades with O'reilly. They think they can nail random men with sexual harassment and have them removed. When it backfires they'll lose (similar to how it stopped in universities) and they'll move on to the next underhanded tactic.
We live in the cyberpunk nightmare you always dreamed of.
Absolutely this.
After they failed to get Trump on Sexual harassment and Russian connection they have gone for:
Sam Hyde
Millennial Woes
Richard Spencer
Stefan Molyneux
They even tried to take out Pewdiepie and are putting pressure on Sargon more and more who aren't even alt right.
Watch them, after one falls they go after the next one within days. Clear as day what they are doing.
Sexual harassment is subjective, just like most laws and regulations.
I got accused once at work for not giving into a 16-year-old's advances. Boss wrote me up and I resigned. By the way, labor commission couldn't care less. Just like anti-discrimination laws for whites, Christians, and caregivers; it's only a gesture so Government's can claim they don't discriminate.
Why would we melt down over some neocon trash? Jeesus you fucking shills don't even know a single thing about us.
lol do these leftists actually think people are going to fall for this bullshit? You can't just accuse your political opponents of literally everything all at once, it's fucking transparent
now they're also accusing FOX of being RACISS YO
this. you are full of wisdom, britanon
>the right
None of the people you listed are "right."
Obviously groups are pushing these people forward and funding them.
No doubt the paper trail would lead to Soros.
They don't really understand that. They believe everyone on "the right" is some unified group.
I've seen too many business contacts either go bankrupt or almost bankrupt over a bullshit sexual harassment lawsuit. Do whatever you can to just hire men. If you have to hire women, record every interaction you have with them in private. I'd recommend a camera in your office.
Fuck yes! Take that repetitive asshole down!
Fucking ridiculous. I honestly would be totally fine if Trump TV came into fruition. I know that was a fake news story to make it seem Trump was only running to promote a new TV channel.
Yup. Had my Sanders loving cousin ripping me a new one on how Paul Ryan did this and John McCain and Mitt Romney said that. I'm like bro, what makes you think I like any of those people? He then says "uhhh.... aren't you voting Trump?"
But why do you have a legal system that gives so strong incentives to bogus claims?
Even if Bill'O did everything that is claimed (I don't even doubt that he did a lot of it), 13 million dollars is waaaay out of proportion, and that was a fucking settlement. In Scandinavia, getting money for some sexual harassment is next to impossible.
>your boy Bill Orly just got fired lololol
>>Uhhh good? He sucked
Why should (((they))) stop, it was shown to work.
But in all seriousness we can't let Sean Hannity get the nuclear codes
You nailed the problem right there dude, our Tort system incentivizes shit like this. Fox News knew they would have paid a lot more money in the long run in legal fees/bad publicity/possible judgement against them. So they just went into mediation and came to settlement with the attorney.
Most Countries in Europe have a "loser pay" civil law system. If you sue someone and you lose the case, you're on the hook for the legal expenses for the other side. That makes total sense. But we don't have that, and it encourages litigation like this.
Looks like the liberal Murdoch boys are trying to clean house of right-wingers without breaking contractual obligations.
It's pedophilia, not being a monster mind you 1950's user
>have a vagina
>accuse high profile men of sexual harassment/rape
>receive payoff
Being a woman is hard these days.
>left can't get their shit in order and have no leader
>stpend time trying to take down conservative figureheads instead of fixint themselves
>Debbie Schlussel
Tucker has already faced a false rape charge in his past. He wrote about it in his book. I think dealing with this is what made Tucker so redpilled, and hopefully he can hold stong through all the shit that will be thrown at him soon.
Oh fuck, so if you get sued and win you still get stuck with the bill? That's kind of fucked up.
In Norway, most cases won't go to trial unless the claimant can document that they have the money to pay in case they lose. The losers are often just given a two week deadline to pay the counterpart's legal fees.
lol fucking scrub
Never heard about "Innocent until proven guilty"?
Milo comes back on the 5th.
A made up "crime" invented by hysterical feminists.
“Why Office Air Conditioning Is Sexist”
>Murdoch's sons cleaning house at Fox News
Ironically, it's the sons' wives, one of whom belonged to the Clintons' Climate Change org. They are both huge liberals. It was on Drudge that they demanded O'Reilly be thanklessly axed, and are said to have designs on Hannity.
Also James Murdoch is on the board of Vice Media, as is Ari Emanuele, brother of Rahm, which explains their SJW decline into irrelevance.
And Rupert Murdoch has an oil company with Dick Cheney and Jacob Rothschild called Genie Energy, which claims the Golan Heights ---this is Assad's territory sanctioned by the UN. When O'Reilly didn't push a strong anti-Assad message, Rupe looked the other way.
Not a fan of O'Reilly, at least Hannity had Trump's back, but funny he's already returning to the air via his podcast on Monday. He's pissed.
souces say OP is gay
>lol do these leftists actually think people are going to fall for this bullshit? You can't just accuse your political opponents of literally everything all at once, it's fucking transparent
So what if it's transparent? Most people will only ever see the results, and not question the process of how we got there.
Doesn't matter. O'Reilly was never proven guilty. He wasn't proven anything. He was whisper campaigned out of his job.
>Most Countries in Europe have a "loser pay" civil law system. If you sue someone and you lose the case, you're on the hook for the legal expenses for the other side.
Unfortunately, this is how (((they))) ruined David Irving. Bleeding out goys with legal fees is their go to method for silencing and defeating adversaries. Make them heel, on the public record. Suing for fees + damages is par for course in US but not a law.
Courts often assign costs to the loser, it just isn't a requirement.
Also sexual misconduct is usually a statutory crime, not a tort. So I don't know why he's going of about tort law being the issue here. Assault is a tort, sexual assault is a different thing.