>Stop going outside
>Black people are starting to turn into cartoons in my head
>Get scared every time I meet a black person
>Scared they'll get angry and pummel me to death
Help me Sup Forums
How do I get over this fear?
>Stop going outside
>Black people are starting to turn into cartoons in my head
>Get scared every time I meet a black person
>Scared they'll get angry and pummel me to death
Help me Sup Forums
How do I get over this fear?
Other urls found in this thread:
around blacks never relax
That seems pretty reasonable, you should always be extremely cautious around wild animals
Avoid blacks and if you have to deal with them be very cautious
Get off of Sup Forums you retard
Who is that beautiful anime
Reminds me of this
Wear blackface and sunglasses.
>people actually think a woman would react in that way
why not just do what the rest of us do?
going outside is a mistake user
you know whats outside?
bunch of fucking normies in their cars humping & watching sportball
this, white gals are all hungry for dem black boi sausage
go outside
get a skateboard or something
you can act like a normie just don't think like one.
Just stay inside and watch the Loud House
>;e every day carry face xDDDD
you're a fucking cancer too, how about you fuck off back to facebook where people give a fuck what you carry you attention whore
Effexor and seroquel, immediately.
This. You've allowed this board to warp your perception of reality. Get the fuck off pol and stop believing in bullshit
why are you angry nerd?
Do you seriously carry that monstrosity around with you?
Just like any other dangerous creature, treat that danger with the respect you need to. Keep a useful option for self-defense, such as pepper spray if you're not comfortable with a gun.
Once you're comfortable with that state of caution and confident you can maintain it, you won't be scared.
>Not knowing that women can actually be taught before they reach puberty.
Teach your preteen family member the truth about niggers and she'll be hiding her powerlevel before she graduates.
Why the fuck do you have so many attachments? If you think you might need to snipe a nigger then bring a real gun.
>get gun
>consume amphetamine
>kill everyone you see
That fear is your subconscious trying to keep you alive. Don't fight it. Your brain is working perfectly.
What knife is that? Thanks.
umad nogunz?
of course
this better for you?
He's right though.
That is pretty trippy.
You were just ignorant and naive OP. Sup Forums probably saved your life, or certainly your belongings.
You white flight out of America.
it's a fucking cartoon
>faggots that support generals
back to Sup Forums, land of generals & dickships
I know it's because the cord is a different color, but it looks like a solid W
Stop being such a sissy white boy and grow a pair of balls. Fight back and defend yourself against the savages. Don't let these monkeys stop you from enjoying life.
Lori from the Loud House
I own a small business and young black men are treated with absolute tactical hostile tension. I don't get many anymore, they seem to have boycotted white business' unless you sell black and milds or alcohol
Pol warps everyone's reality user. Don't listen to this faggot. Just I don't know put on your cool face and walk on by. But for the love of god don't relax. Never relax.
what happens when you press the panic button?
Black people are fucking cartoon characters though
>Started working as a butcher recently
>White people want sensible things
>Chicken breasts, sirloin steaks, fresh ground meats, etc
>Black people come up OOGA BOOGA-ing practically waving their spears at me
Act like monkeys, eat like monkeys. I'm not surprised.
This isn't my first rodeo in the food industry though, I spent a lot of my teenage years at a grocery store where niggers buy nothing but crab meat and steaks with their food stamps. It's almost like they're buying it because it's expensive, it's a status symbol to them somehow, and whitey foots the bill with taxes.
I transform into a super an hero
Stay inside of your house with all your blinds closed, filter your piss into drinking water, and eat your squirls you shot in your backyard. Never go outside unless absolutely necessary and remember around blacks to never relax.
Women find masculine, dangerous men MORE attractive, not less. Women HATE weak, wimpy, passive-aggressive men.
By making an image of black men the most alpha in her young mind, you have guaranteed that she will fantasize about being taken by the BBC.
That's why the correct teaching involves depicting them as the weak cowards they are.
Niggers never attack upfront, they attack in groups and by surprise.
Hence why around blacks you never relax.
> start going outside
> get robbed by a nigger
> become wary every time I see a black person
> scared I'll forget and put my guard down and get attacked by a nigger again
Help me Sup Forums
Where do you guys live/go that you put yourselves in this situation?
I've been robbed twice in my life, both by niggers.
They literally waited by the door for me to come out of gamestop and tried to take my shit, my big ass biker dad came out right after me and smashed one of their heads into the door, cracking it.
Shit was fucking awesome. Coons scatter at the sight of trouble.
I hate niggers more now.
fear is good it keeps you aware
Stereotypes are always true.
Hey, it got me.
>live in ghetto
>only white guy
>have to walk through gang turf to get to
>walking home one night at 12am
>t-money approaches trying to sell me a fake Rolex
>call him on it, he gets angry
>nogs across the street come over and giving t-money shit cos they know he's violent and will stab
>they tell him to "leave that white boy alone. This is his home too, he's good people and makes and honest living and the dude is crazy and will kill you"
>I'm speechless, talked to only once or twice but always say hello
>tfw I'm friendly with astreet gang and smoke blunts with them occasionally
There are good ones. You just have to know how to carry yourself and carry a pistol.
Supressor on a revolver. Are you retarded
either this is copy pasta or I have seen you on here before, long ago, telling this tale.
>>tfw no biker dad
It's not worth it user, that was back when I was a teenager. I was buying some PS2 games or some shit.
Here I am like 15 years later and we haven't spoken in like five years because he's a womanizing piece of shit who can't hold a job and yet expects me to be a billionaire.
And a Supressor on a Compensated glock. You are actually retarded. What's the point? The gas has a place to escape quicker than the baffles in the Supressor. Wtf are your doing with your life?
Knives in the dark OP
it can be done pretty effectively with a nugget revolver
n-no im not, you t-t-take that b-back
For a second there i thought that was a fursuit
That's one revolver that you can fit like that.
I swear bro you trigger my autism with some of this shit. Sweet gear though.
get off Sup Forums
I ventured to America last year and I too had the fear of apes but nothing to fear unless you wander into a bad neighborhood.
Sup Forums turns us into racists.
who knew mexicans were cool people!
>that flag
Yep, checks out.
stop being a bitch. develop some skills and self-confidence. understand what you are, where you come from, and use your will to take your path
lel beta, start lifting
Stop browsing here. Youre going to the problem for a solution, thats full indoctrination. You fucking idiot.
>implying being swol helps when 50 niggers jump at you at once
>laying down your arms and asking daddy gov to take care of you
anyway your body is the first line of defense. just because europe preemptively cucked itself out of arms isnt an excuse for being physically unfit
>retarded stippling
>wtf holster why
>faggot optic rail and optic
>edc carrying a suppressor
>not one but two (2) flea market knives
>flea market flashlight
The stuffed animal is you, I'm guessing
2/10, at least the slide and barrel are salvageable
You're much less likely to get jumped if you're actually swole, but if 10+ niggs are gonna jump you, then the only way out is an automatic weapon.
no its my girlfriend
Lel you posted her face in the last pic bro
buy a gun
it has been a very long time since ive seen this level of gear faggotry. you clearly spend more time browsing catalogs than any kind of combat training or even basic thought about the practicality of your system
its ok, im cheating on her (dont tell her though)
is that your school equipment ?
i got edge in capcha
who needs training? its not called a rooty totty point and shooty for nothing
It's the kind of shit that normies buy and do to their guns
Hey at least the pistols are pretty decent. The Barbie doll dress up shit is pretty gay but a 10mm compensated glock is some breddy fun shooting.
im not in school anymore lad
Wtf do you do for a living?
None of his shit is even remotely expensive. I don't even know why he bothered getting a stamp for such a shitty can
Weird. I take the same stuff to school
I'm not wondering about the prices, but why anyone on earth would buy all this shit without a decent reason is beyond me
That is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. Be ashamed
>Implying he has a tax stamp
>flea market tier gear
>mercedes key fob
guarantee this faggot bought a 200k mile 10-15 year old mercedes just to have the emblem on his moving shitbox
literally nigger tier
investment banking
autism, usually.
I've told it many times here. Been living in this place for about five years now. Only person I've ever had trouble with was t-money. Shit, the fucking Mexicans nextdoor invite me and my dog over for dinner at least twice a week.
Granted last year there were 47 shootings within a 7 block radius of me and 75 total. Most from Baltimore niggers that come up here just to cause trouble. Surprisingly the local gang take issue with outsiders fucking with locals.
I'm pretty racist but living here has opened my eyes a bit and gives me a sliver of hope for the people. Afterall we are all americans, it's our duty to look after each other.
>rebuilt MG34 parts kit
>rebuilt 1919
>frequent a tibetean folk music criticism board
>not on the spectrum