LE PEN JUST MADE IT TO THE SECOND ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LE PEN JUST MADE IT TO THE SECOND ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone explain what this means? Do we have right wing death squads now?
I don't see that on the link, plus polls are only just closing
France24 confirms
It means she'll get clobbered in the second round.
telegraph and some others predict le pen will make it to round 2, along with some faggot. should be definite in not too long tho.
Great but sadly she'll get slaughtered by macron
Fucking nice.
Just need a terrorist attack or 3 in the next 2 weeks
it means nothing because she will lose the second round by a landslide
Le pen lost.
She litteraly has 0 chance of winning vs Macron because every retard is gonna vote against Le pen.
Macron is already 10% ahead of her. Even if she'd been in 1st her chances weren't good, being this far behind she's absolutely fucked
lol she has absolutely 0 chances against macron.
Too bad, mélenchon/MLP would have been fun
what are you talking about we're not DONE yet lets see if she gets 50
that's not a good sign tbqhwy
She will beat macron because digits
Implying anybody is surprised about this.
Litterally nobody is. The surprise would be if it wasn't the case.
The world is different now.
In b4 (((they))) all shill for Macron until the 2nd round. I wonder how bad the shilling will get, will Beyonce go to France? Will Obama get more involved? Will they call Le Penn a Nazi?
The first round (Today) determines the two winners
The second round is a final showdown against the two remaining candidates in an arena. The current president chooses the weapons.
Knowing the cuck that is Hollande, he will choose spears knowing full well that Marine can't fight with those to save her god damn life.
We're fucked, guys
we're not in that timeline anymore m80
>1 post by this ID
fuck off shills, Trump had worse odds and yet he won
We need muh'ham'head to blow up the arc de triomphe. Don't let us down Islam, you can do it.
When's round two?
If you Frenchies really want Le Pen to have a chance, what can we all do to help?
Get ready for the cuck coalition to smash Le Pen into the dust.
Here's this extremely far right candidate from 15 years ago. The same thing will happen again 100%.
But that one Gaul in Spartacus used spears. She could still win.
I want to believe in the meme magic.
I want to believe.
Round 2 will be Macron Vs. Le Pen. The Nationalist Madam of France is still in the race. A small victory, but it's not over yet.
She probably would have won round one if Canada didn't exist.
holy fuck
Her only shot was if melanchon was with her because he is equally batshit to normies
She didn't even come first in the first round.
Everyone that didn't vote for her will group up against her.
The president of the Fifth Republic: Emmanuel Macron.
No, it means she lost and fucking Macron won.
Which one is Macron again?
please be true
Jean Marie Le Pen was the real deal.
Anti-Zog, anti-islam. A true national socialist.
>muh Trump
If Austria and the Netherlands have taught us anything, Europe has no interest in uncucking itself
Those are only projections, idiot
>here's LITERALLY Le Pen
Neck yourself SVP.
"I had to hide my erection as I left the polling booth" said Pierre Bernard
A tear dropped down my face, a drip of cum dropped down my leg. I had just voted for Macron. I had just voted for my country to be subjugated by another country. Yet I entered the polling booth fully intending to vote Marine Le Pen. Why you ask?
I entered the polling booth, was about to tick Le Pen. Then I looked at the Macron option. At first I was angry that such an option existed. Angry that we had to vote on whether to be a country. Angry that some people would even consider voting Macron.
I asked myself why people would vote for abolishing their country. I put myself in their shoes. That's when it happened. I noticed myself getting an erection for no reason. The more I imagined myself voting Macron, the larger the erection grew. I imagined Moroccan scum being transported north towards Paris and it grew yet more. I imagined French ships rescuing Somali refugees, Mosques on every corner and French women in burqas and my cock began to bulge with one of the firmest erections I've ever had.
I closed my eyes, ticked one of the boxes. Opened my eyes. I had voted Macron. I put my voting ballot in the box and walked out, the tears dripping from my face, the cum down my leg.
Later that night when I saw the result of the election, I immediately came, then started crying. The day after I bought a chastity cage which I wear to this day.
My name is Pierre Bernard. I am French; I am a cuckold.
Say it with me "Macron Président !"
Fuck off. That's like blaming Brits living in the US for you guys being cucked.
Digits confirmed
Will the winner be announced today?
How? FIllon voters are likely to switch to Le Pen because their policies are almost similar. Think of this as the recent Georgia special election, the Democrat, Ossoff won only 48% of the vote before it was determined it had to be runoff which bodes well for GOP voters. If this is happening in France, I really can't see people switching their votes to Macron when they're out of line with his policies. That said, his numbers too don't look good. If anything, this is great news for Le Pen.
Expected. It's the next step that is difficult. Macron the cuck has high level propaganda backed by Rothschild finance. Hard to combat.
But let's counter meme-propaganda her into office.
I dont understand these projections... about 5 000 votes counted
Media: YES! THis is it believe us! This is the result
pathetic trumpies can't even say she lost
the meme jew candidate with barely any program or charisma
When did France become so sexist?
> elections are in two weeks' time
> "it means she lost"
I'm not 100% sure, but I think he's the one on the left
>She didn't even come first in the first round.
>Everyone that didn't vote for her will group up against her.
This right here
She will lose the second round because pretty much everyone who did not vote for her in round one will vote for Macron.
Sup Forums is just a bunch of idiots who dont understand french politics.
Oh sweetie...
>Pothead expats get to vote on the French election
>Obviously will vote against Le Pen
Face it, you guys are a waste of fucking space.
oh lord!
She will loose. Was clear from the beginning
She will beat him my 33% in the second round!
It's actually very funny, Le Pen will lose this year and almost certainly take 2022
>Le Pen makes it into second round
>Shills telling why this is actually a bad thing
We are right on track.
Globalists BTFO
what is this from
The french were there for us. Ao we will be there for the french. Praise Kek!
She will get beat.
>still being this optimistic
I mean, m8, I'm speaking with frenchs 8hours a day, I can tell you that you have no idea how cucked they are.
She lost.
Tonight's Chicago Power Grid will go down at 7:00pm.
I am the Hacker known as Edict776
It does not matter dude, Lepen has been second turn for the past 30 years. Macron is the next president.
A Hollande proxy shilled by the media like crazy
So if they moved to the UK, it would be your fault?
"Belgium is not a country!"
>she lost
Yes, that's how it works
>all this blackpill ITT
>forgetting that /ourguys/ still have a few aces up their sleeve coming in the next two weeks
Sad but true
Singles and it won't happen.
>against fucking macron
I didn't expect to one day, want to see Le Pen as our president but holy fucking shit, anything but that piece of shit of Macron.
You're not even making a valid point you dense cunt.
Expats shouldn't have voting rights, end of.
Fillon voters will vote Le Pen if anything.
Yes, she is fucked.
what’s wrong with Macaroni?
Onwards to glory!
Checked and praised
18 percent for an autistic neo-Nazi is nothing to sneeze at to be honest.
thats still not above 50%
Only as second place.
When I think about the Austrian presidential election, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
I guess, that French should get used to terror attacks on daily basis, as Macron said himself.