Pic related

>pic related
>El Canelo
Let's look at John Cena now
>spic wife
>let a hoax about him being dead spread
>not even as white as Canelo

Kek, Anglos can't even compete with us and the only nation they have to brag about is the U.S., and they're 60% white. Maybe if you guys considered us white like you used to and stop blaming central american faults on the Iberian Mexican man, you'd get somewhere but you didn't, and won't. You let the (((60s)))) plague of liberalism and Marxism get to your head and now you think of us based Mexicans as non-white. Never again, Sup Forums, you ought to learn from this.

>be hispanic
>fuck white girls because white guys look like "hitler's dream"
>get more finacial aid because hispanic
I am literally a fourth generation immigrant that has never experienced poverty and went to a nearly all white school and still burger goberment gives me extra money for not being white, what a joke these "superior whites" are.

dont forget Canelo can actually fight

They don't realize how superior the hwite hispanic is.

>It's a "Mexicans pretend they are all la raza cosmica" episode


in reality ~10% are Castizos and the rest are dirty mixed race mestizos who wish they could go back to eating people and sacrificing children to Quetzalcoatl

I actually thought he was dead. That he died in Iraq or something

Ignore carpetbagger posts
Hide carpetbagger threads
Fuck off carpetbagger

>get free money
>claim to be superior to anyone

wtf are you babbling about?

You're a carpet-bagger from the North, and what we know about northerners is that they're scum who only wish to divide the U.S. and cuck it with niggers and Muslims, and keep the Iberians in America down

Sorry to burst your bubble, the guy might be eveything you mention, but based ? No , the guy goes to his trainers gym in downtown and pushes out eveyone who is training at the moment, thats being shitlord.

t.mexican that knows people who train in "his" gym.

so white+asian creates hispanics in a long term effect?

Not the user you are refering to, but what the hell is a "carpet-bagger "

New England-inhabitants

I was offered several scholarships based on my race but I am personally against affirmative action, I only accepted things based on my academic merit. However the fact that burgers openly provide money for non whites just based on them being non white means you cannot call yourselves superior.


lol like 10% of Mexico is Iberian

Less really considering how many "Iberians" are actually Levantines larping as Iberians (Carlos Slim) while they rape the Mexican economy.

If Anglos had taken more of Mexico it would be far better off

You couldn't even handle Comanche. When the Americans invaded Mexico after you claimed land north of the Rio all that was found were a bunch of burned out towns that Comanche had burned down and corpses of the inhabitants they had slaughtered and eaten

You don't deserve any of the land north of Durango

>hey ese you whiteys are shit, stupid whitey
>pls say I'm white hermano, pls I really want to be white y u not let me be white too hombre

>mfw he genuinely believes there is only 10% of Mexico who are white
What about the castizos? Are they not counted as "white" while some dago Sicilian or Greek shitskin is just as Aryan as a German? Shitty logic senpai, you don't sound as smart as you think when you debate

>burgers openly provide money for non whites just based on them being non white means you cannot call yourselves superior

So do your relatives in Spain

You know how cucked Spain is right?

Or Hispanics or Central Asians

Look at Uzbekistan if you want to see what the US will look like in the future

Last census where the percent of whites wasn't censored shows Mexico is around ~10% white

that's barely whiter than South Africa. You made your decision when you sided with Santa Anna over Farias to stay a feudal, catholic, race mixed hell hole instead of becoming a white republic

Oh well.

>[pull-starts leaf blower]

I don't have any relatives in Spain unless you go many generations back, I do not speak Spanish, I am an American. My arguement is not that any particular country is better than America just that you all have no leg to stand on if you try to say that America is great.

Also I agree Mexicans/hispanics are not white, that's a dumb meme.

Yet people recognize South Africa as a multi-ethnic nation; to normies we're just mestizo spics. Which is


So if your ancestors moved a little more south and became Mexican you'd still consider yourself a Spanish spic instead of a beaner? That's what I thought nigger

>Spain unless you go many generations back

No one in my family was born in the British Isles unless you go back generations either, genius

>America is great
*America was great

Mexico was never great due to all the race mixing and the feudalism

Don't blame me, I'm not some la raza shill