Round 2
the election is rigged
>fucking Macron
>Lost the first round
>people think she stands a chance in the 2nd round
Thank cuck
just kill as alredy
23.7% for this son of a bitch
19% for a commie
Fucking trash country
A Mélenchon-Le Pen 2nd round was literally the only way she could get elected.
God I fucking hate this country.
so when does round 2 end?
>my country is not full of edgy teenagers like me?this thing is rigged!
God I hope le Pen wins.
France is cancelled
Who /accelerationism/ here?
7th of may is the runoff
It's impossible for her to win now, Macron will get all the support.
Those fucking eu flags on the same level as your national flag trigger the fuck out of me.
Who won tour de France 1940?
See the answer in the post below.
Is Macron the super lefty socialist that called for a 100% tax on the wealthy over a certain amount or is that the other guy whose name starts with M?
RIP Le Pen
'twas a good run but she can't win
The German 7th Panzer divison
I think that was melenchon
>results aren't even in yet
>they think they've won
Hmmmm where have I seen this before
So Macron is the "centerist"?
How can anyone be so cucked that they vote for french Macaronis?
This election was over before it even began.
>Le Pen and candidate x win first round
>others side with candidate x to form a coalition against evil Nazi Le Pen
>outnumber Le Pen
Nice democracy we have in europe
How can she win? Is it even possible for her to win? I think 78.3% of the voters will vote for Macron.
has never worked in history ever
furthermore it is very counterproductive and cynical
It's ok they tried that here and got BTFO.
>manlet detected
those results are a good estimation
but based from the votes mostly from the frenchs expats and the frenchs living in outer territories
this give a bias in favor of both Macron and Mélenchon
And how that even is possible is beyond me. Need to form my own nation on new Swabia and stay clear of Europe.
dig upp all the shit on Macron
target the people that do not vote at all
easy D
Macron is the neoliberal/banker. Nothing will change. Just keep on moving
>2nd round
>every lefty in France votes Macron
It's going to be a landslide for Macron.
Amerilards are the only ones who care about this sort of shit
Oh no it is rigged. Globalist have lost too much power.
Expect your vote to disappear and after the election Frenchies should ask for proof of their vote.
Most votes are going to be thrown away and many fake votes are going to be cast to compensate for the missing votes
Macron is the "Hey guys I don't really fit into any pary but I'm gonna agree with everyone, then disappoint both leftist and rightist, by literally doing the same thing that already did not work with Hollande"
I genuinely can't believe how stupid we are sometimes.
At least it's not as bad as Lepen - Fillon, which would have been even worse.
Check the current stats
LePen is ahead 24% to 23%
Praise kek!
I guess it's a perfect time to start a revolution in France and submerge your country in 10 years of constant instability. Then you will rise again, like a phoenix, beuatiful new republic led by charming patriot who will make france great again.
So I'm seeing a shit load of contradicting info. Is /ourgirl/ and Macron the final runoff? Where are people getting the numbers?
>At least it's not as bad as Lepen - Fillon, which would have been even worse.
That's the best case scenario for France though. If Le Pen wins, we get a France that tears the corrupt structure of the EU down and starts focusing on its own national interests again. If Fillon wins, we get a Thatcherite that will revamp France's bogged down system and a candidate that, while not as fervent as Le Pen, does acknowledge that France's problem is not with religion but with Islam in particular.
There is no better match-up for France. Macron is Hollande 2.0, and Melenchon is a downright communist who will be the best president Britain ever had.
If Le Pen wins, the EU collapses. You think there'll be no foul play?
Yes yes, macron and lepen are the two leading candidate.
27% for macron
24% for lepen
around 20% for fillon and melenchon.
Holy shit france 24 live talking about macarons "grass roots" movement and talks with obama. Really need to save the Yuri absolutely subversive meme
Macron will win. Unfortunate. Guess I will never get to see the real France.
> (OP)
what happened i just woke up, did we win?
didnt they learned anything from the Trump/Hillary election
European people are for the most part a bunch bunch of easily manipulated, uninformed cucks who blindly swallow whatever narrative the (((media))) is pushing. France has to be completely on fire and experience maybe 10 more terror attacks and at least 2 of those have to be 50+ casualties in order for someone like Le Pen to get above 50%. Fuck the Europeans, really. Germans still vote 90% for the establishment and thus, their demographic replacement, more terror attacks and crime. Too bad the few remaining sane people have to suffer because of these stupid fucking idiots. If I had one wish, it would be the execution of all the cucks in Europe. They all deserve to hang. Fucking retards. Macron will probably win with 70-75% and we'll just wait till the next terror attack and the next after that and so on. How can I unconditionally support my own people if they're summonning their as well as my own misery and the destruction of my homeland. Fuck every single one of these cucks with 6 gorillion satan dicks.
Every election that matters is rigged. It's basically a fight between the factions of the establishment (Political, Security, Economic) over who has the power and connection to rig elections better.
Of course in "democracies" things cannot be too rigged like in Africa after you've been telling tens of milions of people that they actually matter from preschool to (((university))). So the candidate needs to have a large "movement" behind him (amazing how the Rotschild candidate all of a sudden got an En Marche! party in a year!) and the fraud cannot be too big or else people may notice that a guy with barely any visible support all of a sudden wins.
Only morons would believe that is situations like these where candidates have a few % difference the election is honest and not rigged.
In a modern western "democracy" the house always wins elections. It's not a fight between factions of the electorate but between factions of the establishment/deep state/whatever you call it.
And no, Trump would not have won if he was not a billionaire oligarch with big connections to the 1% and powerful politicians and the US security establishment was not fed up with the lawlessness at the border (He was supported by the FBI, at least parts of it)
Trump movement was honest and big tho.
so at the very least, france is not going full cuck socialist. thats a win isnt it?
Checked and rare
>Dude revolution lmao
Unless more than half the native population is out on the streets marching this will never happen in a western country.
This isn't as easy as grabbing your mate's technical and tearing up villages in the desert.
>The cold hard facts are that Le Pen will lose badly in the second round.
>"holy fuck you fucking shills go back to israel haha you're scared of based le pen here have another meme comparing le pen to joan of arc"
False. A good counterexample is Eastern Europe.
Thanks baguette friend. Good luck going forward!
Kill me
Love it
i don't really know anything about this election, but isn't she fucked because the voters for all the losers are just going to vote for macron because he's closer to their beliefs?
Heh, try again.
It will be Trump all over again, they will refuse to report any votes for about 1.5 hours and then Le Pen will win.
>France and America are the same
The polls were within the margin of error. Slight changes here and there would have made Hillary President.
Le Pen is literally 30+ points behind, you're retarded if you think that's the margin of error
Don't worry. If Macron wins, a refugee will kill you soon enough.
Obama supports Macron, Hollande supports Macron, Macron is a Rothschild lackey; that should answer your question.
Fuck off, cuck
adding you to my Stan collection
See you in hell, Jaque
They're all CFR