21.7% LE PEN!!!!!!
21.7% LE PEN!!!!!!
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And what does it mean? Did she wonned?
yeh only problem is the polls were pretty much bang on, which doesn't bode well for the second round.
she wont YE
Macron actually overperformed too
Second Place
is that good?
Say it with me "Macron Président" !
Does a run off mean le pen and macron go head to head for another round of votes?
That's even lower than you racist morons were expecting!
You're going to get raped in Round 2.
france is dead
She's still in the running.
There are only 2 candidates left now.
Her and Macron.
Second round for her, only 2 places
>the French have to choose between a socialist or a globalist cuck
Why even vote
>TFW les socialopes voted in mass for the capitalist Macron
she is fucked.
all the polls predict macron to win with at least 60% in the second round, i don't know why you're all hyping this shit
Nah. You're dead. Brexit is gonna kil you.
Macron is pro buisness. You'll get no more rich French folk in London.
those two things dont go together user.
Well the good news is that Fillon faggot and the Asselineu faggot will finally fuck off. Hopefully they kill themselves.
She will get gangbanged in the second round
You'll get no more french people in france
Will fillons voters vote for her in tour 2?
Overtly racist people do tend to have a lower iq in my experience. I can be pretty racist myself, but I don't pretend the exception is the rule
its just early results
so was Trump predicted to lose
yet the outcome was different
Same proportion as rural and suburban retards in France.
Coincidence? I think not.
Just keep in mind that 78% voted against her. :^)
So how are these preliminary results calculated?
G-guys hear me out but I think we made the same mistakes again. We didn't make enough meme pics and meme vids for Le Pen. We are all fat and lazy from so much winning. Shame on us lads. And now we will look dumb in front of the whole world and it's too late to change that.
She'll mostly take Melanchon's voter
Do you actually not care about your culture?
This. I wonder why people are acting like Le pen won, people that didn't vote for her now won't vote for her in the second election. Macron will definetely win.
Wassap Varg
I think this gona be the same result than in 2002, everyone will vote against the FN
Hamon just endorsed Macron.
This is not even close to the US election. The reason for the US election upset is electoral college, most polls actually predicted the nationwide result fairly acurrately. There is now way that Le Pen will win when she is over 10% behind with not much time to go
thats fucking retarded. do you know how ballot casting works.in a field of many contenders.
In multiparty voting the effect of voting against someone is miniscule.
Lel you fucking cuck
Because EU is now fucked and (they) need some more time to retrieve their money before the people realize it and the markets crash for good. Paying for untrue polls is a small price to pay compared to the potential losses. Do yourself a favor and bet for le pen
KEK Lepen won't win, anybody that live in France knows that.
We will have fucking Macron as a president.
I should get outta here
kys redditor
Muslim here. You're going to be halal meat by the end of this decade.
she will be completely rekt next week
Come on in to Emmanuel Macron General to celebrate the victory for France's next President!
>If you don't suck off the globalists and the rich they win
T. Weedman
you can't seriously believe that every single poll is paid for by globalists
It means she gets gangbanged in the second round.
Fucking leaf
Redpill me on Macron
2. round. Jeez, sounds like a boxing match.
I have to andmit I have no clue about how frenchies go about electing their leaders.
So, second round. Is that something right now or is there an election again in the near future where only gets to run?
And if so, how far into the future? What I'm getting at is that Le Pen is heavily DePen-dant on "happenings" right before the election if she is to have a real shot at this.
>~250 people killed by Islamists since 2015
>Less than a quarter of the electorate vote for the person who'll do something about it.
Explain yourselves.
not all the polls are closed
only the rural ones
the votes are still being counted
Unfortunately France has a history with candidates from FN. Anyone against a FN candidate is garantied to win due to normalfags being afraid of "fascism" for the 2nd round ....
Too bad I wanted her.
But she'll lead the opposition, so it's something
cant wait for 2050
There were 11 candidates in the first round, La Pen only got 20% of the vote, essentially anyone who didn't vote for her now is probably going to vote for Macron to be president in the 2nd round. It's over.
It was a close race for second.
Everybody who harboured desires for Le Pen already voted her.
The other candidates were less divisive.
Unless Muslims enrich you in the next two weeks.
>Terrorist attack 3 days before the election
>The guy who wants to let more potential terrorists is gonna win
Is France suicidal or what?
gay Europeans are gay
23% Le Pen now.
Well that's even worse lol because Le Pen was strong in rural areas and weak in urban.
not globalists, but people who have the interest that the market crashes exactly when they expect it to crash.
What percentage does a candidate need to win in the first round?
All of the leftist socialists will now vote for Macron. And then they do another protest for even more open borders, more union power and against the lack of jobs literally the next day.
This is where pol could really help. The dude has enough shit on him. To make anti Macron memes would be really easy, he is Clinton on steroids.
Good chance they will since they will look at this as insult.
she placed 2nd and is only 2% above the Communist and the criminal, so not really.
That's just not enough for the final round, gg frogs no re
what did he mean by this?
Most of Europe is.
To win without second round? More than 50%. Impossible in Europe, it will never happen.
Unfortunately that user is right.
The worst scenario happened. Macron is literally 100% assured to pass, now. Melenchon might have had a slim chance but it's possible for Le Pen.
God french people are such fucking sheeps, they don't even know why they voted for this retard.
The French are the lowest of the cucks. They wish for their culture to be wiped away through demographic suicide. They want to see their history to be burned away by angry brown hordes. All because the people on TV told them it was racist to care. 50 years from now France and other countries will have political Islam as one of the main parties.
>racist people tend to be dumber
>not me though
She has no chance with those embarrassingly low digits and the system stacked against her.
You have 2 weeks to convert it islam
boy have you got that one wrong. Well the borders that is. Maybe you are right about x% of Europe being "isis" by 2050. But all of Sweden is going to be first. They already have the majority of Sharia zones (no go zones) in northern Europe. More than the rest of us put together.
Thank you, good rundown
idk if you remember the US elections but the bernouts ran an even race with the clinton machine despite being outgunned on every front. there is some communist angst in my fuckwad millenial generation.
If you never really interacted with french, you won't be able to understand. They are fucked in the head.
Europeans please explain to a dumb Amerifag such as myself.
Why are the French so fucking stupid? Hell people here in America see the Muslim threat and we don't see the same shit France see.
Why are they making a suicide pact and smiling about it?
>French voting against their own interests
Color me surprised...
Fucking crybaby burger
Lol I love to see Sup Forums shedding tears of autistic rage. Time go realise the burgers and the bongs will be playing in their kiddy playpen alone for the years to come.
Still better then a leaf. Atleast you can eat me.
A Trump supporter calling us stupid!!!
Come on kid, it's over.
I figured ISIS will not venture far out from their big city ghettos. interior scandinavia is much too harsh for the sand people
>kiddy playpen
>Literally the entire world vs. a stagnant union.
Wew lad
I don't know user, 250 people dead and they're voting for more of the same.
Because muslims are not a far away boogeyman. French have been naturalizing musims from their colonies with great success 150 years ago. They're a slightly exotic fact of life. Their radicalizaiton today makes much less of an impact than in US where muslims are non existant building crashers. That you have to ask this just shows you're completely unaware of history and world outside the us.
Fuck, now Varg will come back.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité is not just a catchy phrase in France like Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness is in the USA. They really believe in the sentiment and believe everyone can be part of the Republic. .
americans libs arent against muslims
You sound like Ben Affleck.
The smart people see what a threat Islam is. To quote Sam Harris we should resist bad ideas and Islam is the mother of all bad ideas.
Is this exit poll or is it the final result?
Will he have gay sex with DUDE WEED?
Who will be top and who will be bottom?
>economic shithole
>depending on Germany to survive like the rest of the EU
>Pretending they have something to offer
Youre not fooling anyone Jose