>he actually thinks that Le Pen has a chance in the 2nd round
You guys must be doing some serious mental gymnastics.
>he actually thinks that Le Pen has a chance in the 2nd round
You guys must be doing some serious mental gymnastics.
Misery loves company , ain't that right Sven
Surveys are shit
So among "people who take surveys" she loses? What among people who vote?
>French will publically admit they are voting for a "Nazi candidate"
Isn't she economically similar to Melencoln? Why can't she steal votes from the left just because she's a nationalist on borders and immigration?
Not at all, actually Lepen is on the left about economy
Macron is a liberal who sucks Rotchild's cock
Exactly - she'll pull another retarded vel d' hiv stunt and collapse her numbers further.
tiny samples
1/4 abstention
rural people never waste time doing shitty surveys
There isn't one guy in France willing to do what it takes to stop Macron?
Faggots STILL fall for this shit?
>Hillary has a 99% chance to win
Le Pen down in the polls and panned as a facist/racist/xenophobe
hmmmm... really activates my almonds
Never give up hope Jamal.
I remember a survey.
Very recent survey.
Actually, a number of surveys.
They all showed Shillary would have, should have won.
>Spoiler alert
That is not a completely different method, stop being retarded.
US polls predicted national results accurately
That is a completely different method*
there is a percentage of winning and a percentage of the totals votes you win, you dumb fuck
i always thought americans being fat and stupid was a meme
>Trump will never be President
>Trump has 1.8% chance of winning
Sit down faggot Svencuck, you got a bull to prep
what retards like you keep forgetting is that the polls were correct and hillary did get most of the votes
there was no fucking nationwide poll ever that said she would be president, such a poll isnt possible since most votes doesnt mean most delegates
>Brexit will NEVER happen
>Trump lol, Hillary will whoop his ass
We'll see
lol, that's rich coming from a literal non country like you
Not bad leaf, not bad at all. You are redeeming your country.
>brexit polls showed a differnce of ~5% between remain leave
>>polls btfo cuz leave won by 4%
not sure what me being a non country has to do with you misinterpreting polls, like a dumbass
Comparing this with Trump or Brexit is incredibly stupid
Trump and Brexit polls were pretty close on a national level
Every single poll won't get the result wrong by 10%