Please help Le Pen win. You can make her win. PLEASE DO SOMETHING!

Pretty please.
People in France are dumb enough to vote for the SAME shit they endured and hated just because he literally pretends he's not like traditional politics, when he's EXACTLY the same, but WORSE.

Please, save us. Please make Le Pen win.
We have 2 weeks guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

No, thanks

I did it already...
I tried...
FUCK my cucked country...

she is a russian shill
and you're a faggot
fuck you

our country is utterly fucked up

>Sup Forums got btfo once again


Sounds like Trump desu

Sup Forums loses again

Can someone explain the two le pens to me?

Marine was always the one running for this office? And she is the mother of the younger cute one? Are their politics the same or just similar?

>she is a russian shill
oh god, not the "POOTUN ATE MA HOMEWERK!" meme.

>sit on his shitty isle
>don't know shit
>don't border anyone
m9 plox
she openly supported russian interests in many of her public appearances

muslim cockroaches will make a happening in the next 2 weeks and give her a push.

macron is a rothchild homosexual, sucking jewish dick got him in this position to be the greatest french traitor

you're a real faggot. Bleach your retinas kike.


always a fucking leaf, fuck you

people get the governmet they deserve



I shilled for years for these cucks, and i hoped that the shitskin attack would have wake them up

But nope

Fuck this country and this people


No. Which one are you?

It's already a fail.

She needed to be against someone else to win.

Sup Forums was overrun by shills and the French people here are actual cucks who couldn't make up their mind to coalesce behind Le Pen.

Hamon has told his voters to support Macron.
Fillon has told his voters to support Macron.

It's done. The shills won. Sup Forums didn't even fight back against them. Pathetic really.

Not really. We are biological machines that operate on code (language). The code is fairly easy to manipulate through sophisticated psychological propaganda, and it's very hard to protect yourself against. Some of us are just lucky to have been exposed to the right information to understand how thigns are like.
It's our responsibility to cleanse the virus from the minds of our brothers and sisters.