So, it's been 100 days

So, it's been 100 days.

Other urls found in this thread:

He's doing a good job.

1) Put media and sjws into full-blown meltdown mode, up to and including suicides.

2) Who gives a fuck. We won already.

Terrible failure.

I wonder if I can piss 6 feet up in the air without hitting myself.


Of fucking up.


Sup Forums BTFO

He was best out of all the choices we had. Had I not went 3rd party, he would have gotten my choice.

I support him. He's crude but he gets shit done. America has balls again with him as President. I'm curious to see what his end game with China, North Korea, and ISIS is. I have a feeling he's gonna impress the fuck out of the world.

hopefully for you, kike

Total failure, nothing but another kike puppet

Very few mistakes....kickin commie's ass.Has gotten a lot done despite not having a full cabinet because of {{{{them}}}}

Washington Post: Trump abandons Alt-Right, embraces globalism and corporatism

Recent policy changes by the new globalist Trump:
1. The president pledged his full support for NATO.
2. He told the Wall Street Journal he will not label China a “currency manipulator.”
3. He expressed openness to reappointing Barack Obama’s Federal Reserve Board chair.
4. He disavowed his position on interest rates.
5. He recanted his call for closing the Export-Import Bank.
6. OMB director Mick Mulvaney said Trump’s promise to get rid of the national debt was never meant to be taken literally.
7. The administration is already watering down its lobbyist ban.
8. Trump no longer believes the military is a disaster.

Also, the Trump administration just rehired one of Obama's top TPP negotiators.

I'm pretty impressed, he is probably going to be the best president israel ever had.


Doing as good a job as he can with both the republicans and Democrats trying to obstruct him every step of the way.

It's more that most of these positions are basic self-defense. Who in their right mind would actually go and ally with Russia for example? Nobody once they get the intel.

>unironically following US politics

Who's your favorite senator?

100 days and barely any good happenings

Digits speak the truth.

Swamped the swamp.

digits have spoken.

2820 to go

I like to believe that's he doing all this shit now so he can use the rest of the years to give himself a more positive image in order to get reelected.

A big fat F.

Muslim ban blocked twice
Healthcare reform DOA
Russia still running amok
Stuck our dicks into Syria
Reversed half his fucking positions already.
Has played golf almost every weekend.

He's turning out to be a fantastic politician.

doing well with a side of shit

Most corrupt

Agreed, did you see that war in Syris we're stuck in? I guess only a year until you shills switch tactics at least.

>Russia running amok
>Stuck our nose in Syria

Hey Sharia, didn't Brock warn you about using both scripts? Stick to one narrative ya dumdum

>TPP dead
>H1-B visas on the ropes
>5 year ban on elected officials becoming lobbyists
>temporary ban and extreme vetting on refugees from countries that actively want to kill us
>the wall is underway
>ending funding to sanctuary cities and allowing ICE to do their jobs
>pipelines being built
>dropped obamacare penalty fees, replacement in the works
>appointed supreme court justice that believes in following the letter of the law
>not interfering in state's rights to tax and regulate marijuana
>cleaning up the mess in syria and iraq without another nation building campaign
>bringing north korea to heel with the full support of china
>literally nothing to support the idea that he's prioritizing russia over america unless you get all of your news from shareblue and reddit

any serious criticism you can have of the guy is that he's not getting everything done instantly (which is impossible because he's not a dictator, he has to follow the rules), or that he's golfing too much, which i give him some leeway on considering he's done more in a month than any president in my lifetime accomplished in their first year

Hey cuck, didn't you have some based black guy in a trump hat to jack off to?

Go back to r/the_donald and kill yourself

I bet his dick tastes great

Sort of what my fearful suspicions have been were confirmed.

I still have hope though. Not for Trump, he is over. My hope is that there is another to there who will respond to the mandate in sincere. White America put up a flag this presidential election. I've been saying since 2015i if Trump doesn't answer the call, if he turns out to be a phony, it won't matter. Someone who will respond in good faith is waiting in the wings.

He's a good goy.

Stop thinking about niggers all the time, we know you're not some white nationalist, just a nerd virgin in the basement of Comet Bing Bong

Absolutely fucking AMAZING! Still can't believe we won. Trump has done amazing job and announced to do amazing things.


hello r/MarchAgainstTrump. You understand you've already been caught trying to label any pro Trump post on here as a t_d redditor because you think the divide and conquer shit works here.

Just a reminder Le Pen won as well :) now go take a nigger cock in your ass faggot.

>Create new issues and problems
>Create a front that backs those issues up
>Create another front that claims it will fix those issues.
>Win the elections
>Do whatever you want

Well, we got an actual president for like two months. Now we have a neocon Israeli puppet.

>.t. t_D

year ban on elected officials becoming lobbyists

Not real.

The temporary muslim ban isnt in effect either.

Hey, your buddy is already here. Makes it more obvious when you're all saying the same thing. Just a heads up ;-)

>5 year ban on elected officials becoming lobbyists

This didn't actually happen did it?

Also what about the one that for every new regulation two old ones must be destroyed.

>no big fuckups
>no major legislative accomplishments

The latter is congress' fault, not trump. So I'd say he's just doing ok.

Plebbitors really are the most delusional pieces of shit on the planet

No. He put the same lobbying ban on executive branch appointees obama had. There are ways around it.

>People are calling him a Neocon because of an elaborate conspiracy to convince internet neckbeards and not because he surrounded himself with Neocons and is suddenly acting like a Neocon.

Of the two of us, I am the one who still disagrees with Hillary Clinton. Let that sink in a moment.

Israel puppet.

>put a far right Catholic white man on the SCOTUS
>tried to ban mudshits and will likely succeed when the appeal is heard
>MOABed mudshits
>is gearing up for unprecedented deportation of mexicans

>there are still mudshits
>There are still mexicans
>is not red pilled on Jews
>takes advice from Jew
>may get rid of Bannon at the bidding of the Jew
>seems to care what the media thinks and is willing to go left to get their praise.

I don't get what are you implying, I don't use Sup Forums too much. I come from the best board, spurdoboard :D or BENIS BOARD xD

Just keep riding Trump's cock, faggot

Not what I hoped for, but still better than what Clinton would be doing so I'll call it a win.

>you're from plebbit, NAH NAH
You do realize you sound like a huge faggot when you insult someone with accusations of using another website, right? As if using a this shithole as opposed to another shithole is some badge of honor. I bet you even Sup Forums patches sewn onto a backpack.

Anyone is better than Hillary


Are you americunt serious? I really hope you are not meaning that seriously.

Got any rare spur:DDDDDDDDos?

He's a mess.


You guys are so obvious, just thought you should know. Don't take it hard, it's a beautiful Sunday!

If they are from Reddit they are likely the cock riders of whatever the subject is (sub Reddit) unlike here where there are a lot of different people with a lot of different opinions.
However I did agree with you. But I believe being called a fucking shill is worse, but the easier way to combat those assumptions are just by calling that person that called you a shill a shill.

I'm sorry, but nope. Wish I had.

I wonder what kind of intel on Russia we have, considering everyone that sees it flips.


Might as well have Obongo in office still, nothing changed. The kikes are calling all the shots.

Good as can be expected without literal war.

delet this


I just get tired of all the recent bickering that has had a recent spike in occurrence recently. It's always been bad I know. But it's really just fucking cringy to me to hear someone think they really got one over on someone else when they call them a reddit fag or whatever. I mean, could you image someone doing that to another person in public? They'd be eternally laughed at for displaying autistic behavior. But I digress.

>"Oh no I'm losing better call him a shill!"

Don't start shit you can't finish.

Imagine, not image

He's done the unbelievable and made Obama look good

Highlight so far is when he held mummy May's hand and laid on the charm

You've got to come back.

>No nuclear war with Russia
Still a better choice than Hillary

my US stocks are not going to the moon anymore

> not looking into 9/11
> starting more proxy wars
> bombing without though on syria
> no obamacare reform yet
> no nato or ttp reform
> no wall, but didn't expect it right away
> neocon
I like his federal cutting though
And MOAB bomb on ISIS

I've been calling them shills the whole time. You see they repeat the same things in every thread for weeks on end, very easy to spot. Many such cases!

Jew in lou

I'm not happy with Ivanka and Kushner constantly buzzing in his ear, and I lament the idea of his compliance with DACA.

Forgot to add: that said, he's doing a fine job otherwise.

He's shaken the deep state hard. It needed it. MAGA.


I haven't been rounded up by the PC police and sent to a labor camp in Alaska as reparations for slavery yet, so it's going pretty well.

>Having politics this superficial

really fucking annoyed about the syria bombing and his latest comment on illegals.

doing surprisingly well. I'm very pleasantly surprised.

Molymeme did a fairly decent rundown about this last week, if you're too lazy to dig the stuff up yourselves.

Ahead of schedule and under budget

low energy


>turns back on campaign promises and fills the swamp
>turns back on campaign mottos and intervenes in Syria over a probably false allegation
>turns back on the literally only reason he won the primary and the general, immigration

He's a neocon piece of shit. I'd rather have Hillary right now so at least a woman would look bad. Jesus trump could do serious damage to the right wing movements.

>He's shaken the deep state
By doing what they ask? Top kek

He deported Dreamers last week

You're a little dense apparently. Did it ever occur to you that those lines were being repeated because they are a good way to summarize his decline? He is a neocon puppet for Israel. The reason people are repeating those ideas is because that's what he fucking is now.

He did introduce several of those, they just got shot down.

Can I get an article? I heard the USA Today one was fake news.

This is the internet, not in public. Anyone sane would be able to tell them apart, so reddit's inability to do so says a lot about them.

Trump said Dreamers can stay you idiot. Keep up.

Strange how one thing happens and practically no reprecussions happen yet Sup Forums does a 180 on trump

2/10 would not fuck

He's doing really badly historically speaking. he's gotten next to nothing done.

But honestly what did I expect? The moment I saw his cabinet picks I knew he was a fucking con.

worst. president. ever.