Sup Forums , we need your help! >What's happening? As you all know , Le pen is qualified for the second round of french elections. This means that our only enemy now is Macron. >Who's that? The dude is a good goy who's politics are exactly the same as the current president (the most disliked in France's history) with the addition of total open border for everyone. >You mean white genocide? Yes , it means the election of Macron would doom the country and probably the rest of europe. >How did he got to the second round? The (((media))) bascilly memed him out of nowhere by bashing his name 24/7. Sadly , we do not have many meme makers here in France and couldn't counter attack effectively. >So what can I do? Meme! Make a lot of memes , as many as possible and spam twitter , facebook and any social media platforme with them! Attack Macron , on his open border policies as much a possible , we have so many terrorist attacks per days and you guys hate niggers so much that it should be the perfect match. >When will it end? In exactly two weeks. After that the french meme warfare will officially be over and we will know the fate of Europa.
It could survive with europeans or with shitskins mudslimes. Wich one would you rather have?
Jack Butler
I'm with you, but what do ? Raising a shitstorm on the 15/18 and 18/25 on ? Poor idea, we need to touch the People better, but how ?
Hunter Gutierrez
Thanks CTR. I guess I won't have to do anything now.
Robert Jackson
The exact same thing as when we memed Trump into office. Spam her on social media just as the media is spamming Macron and trying to meme him into office.
Zachary Wright
Take those.
Julian Brown
Camden Nelson
Jonathan Smith
"Are you man enough to vote for a woman?"
Brandon Morales
My boy MACRON will take this
Suck it Frenchies
Gavin Stewart
Just pray for at least three muzzie terror attacks in Paris over the next fortnight, combined body count of 250+.
Lee Pen wins.
Islam purged from Frogland.
Praise KEK!
Luis Evans
Idk guys it looks bleak. May kek be with us
Kayden Ortiz
thats not where you live
Isaac Martinez
Meme it!
David Taylor
i really hate this, almost as bad as Hillary, you should not vote becouse of her gender but becouse she will make France white again
Camden Nguyen
Also, if you can meme in French, all the better. Some resources:
Some frog correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Fillon voters likely to go for Le Pen? The only reason I could come up with as to why Fillon stayed in the race is because the globalists wanted him to in order to tank Le Pen.
Camden Lopez
I know, but if we can make some lefty cucks feel guilty, it's worth a shot
Jason Roberts
If you don't vote for her you're sexist. It's time for a women president! MADAME PRESIDENT!