How does it feel to know that Ottoman Empire is coming back and we will get to enslave white subhumans again? Some of you will be genocided though. Jizya will also be enforced.
Damn, Jamal and Mahmod will sure love the white subhuman slave women that we will sell to them :) White subhuman will pay for their atrocities.
How does it feel to know that Ottoman Empire is coming back and we will get to enslave white subhumans again...
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mashALLAH brother can't wait to rape wh*te women with my muslim friends in europe wallahi.
I'll rape both of you mothers remove kebab and repopulate with iberians
JUst like lepanto Turk slaves best slaves
Mentally handicapped albino subhuman needs to be euthanized.
Erdogod is kill.
Fuck off Turkroach. Even the Jews hate you.
I'd rather be gassed than pay lip service to you
pls don't I dont want to get drafted
how? You know that in the current world its impossible to invade foreign territory.
You will get an international coalition on your roof made up of russia and NATO and china.
Greeks take Thrace and Aegean Spain takes Anatolia
Jizya = the tradition of muslims drinking goat cum.
Go sew my jeans Mehmet.
Your meme empire will never return roach, get used to it, we're in the same boat.
British Vs Ottoman empire WHEN ????
Outta here, Roach.
WWI. Spoiler alert, Britain won
The great Skanderbeg of Albania, you remember turkroach? He fucked you up gooood!
but Galipoli was a mess
Cry again cuck, Israel supports a Sunni led alliance in the mid east.
This is a good opportunity for Great Britain. Britain left the EU and scotland secession part are looking more and more like retard. Spain may do something stupid regarding Gibraltar and this can lead to UK fighting back to glory.
I'm sorry remind me again which one of us had an empire by the end of the war?
sup ottobro
I don't care about ANZACs, do you?
I actually laughed out loud. Jesus christ OP.
I can't hear you because of all the white girls getting fucked by the black cock
you know that US will simply drop a nuke to end all the shit, right?
Ti sje shqiptar nese je pro turkut.
>UK invades Istanbul and some parts of Anatolia
>They retreat
we did in 1923, monkey.
You won't reach my shores and you'll be dying by the millions.
Literally every other campaign in the Middle East was a victory for Britain. Galipoli was the only campaign that the Ottomans actually won
>taking eastern europe
>mudslimes are this delusional
Outnumbering. As always.
Britain formally dissolved the Ottoman Empire.
British Empire Lasted for much more time than your filthy Roach den did
aman, mos me ate bullshit
How does it feel to know that we Kurds have higher birth rate in Turkey, Turkish women marrying Kurdish men in droves, nobodies wants Turkish micro penis and Turkey will become Kurdistan?
>Macaco education
also speak a homo-sapiens language. i can't understand your gibberish
>we took their melon patch
>gave it to Jewish people
>made the only regional democracy
shut the fuck up mehmet
>Roach Education
Are all Mudshits this delusional?
>turkroach being this retarded as usual
Yep, at the rate things are going Turkey will be majority Kurdish by the end of the century.
Turks aren't like Western Europeans, dude. France will literally sit by until its a nigger majority nation and do literally nothing for example.
If Kurds keep exploding in population, Turks will just do the same shit they did to the Anatolian Greeks and the Armenians. It's not their first rodeo.
Please try it.
>pic related
Sic thash, Shqiperia ka vuajtur ndaj osmanet. Vetem nje tradhetar i historise shqipetare shkruan ashtu.
Right, because if they had 10000 more inept sand-monkeys, they would have been able to take Britain's fortifications. Get outta here Hans
Because that Sure Worked Well for the Soviets
Enjoy your life without dentists, engineers, electricity or flush crappers, you piece of shit from an aids nigger anus.
>did someone call an exterminator
We beheaded that gypsy and turned Romania into a rapebaby colony
Come up with a better example, christian dog.
we will stop you at our borders just like we did he last time
you should tell your sister to be quiet then
Another episode of ''WE WUZ OTTOMANS N SHIT BELIEVE ME''
Can't even beat some kurds and want's to take on Europe
Enjoy getting
thats propaganda that the west used to justify a war whit you turks..and you celebrate that as something your proud of?
>We will enslave you.
Says as he is literally living in a slave-like north korean style dictatorship.
Maybe, you should take of your own country first.
no side really wants a fucking war in the balkan..this is all propaganda, start a war and sett back humanity 100 years.
go ahead roach
>start a war and sett back humanity 100 years.
not the worst idea
This isn't true the Ottomans took over 90% of Croatia, it did take them 100 years but only because Croatia was in Austria-Hungary. How else did they conquer Hungary and made to Vienna?
Actually that would be Pretty Good
Just needs to happen in 2030 though
Let them come!
We will fight them all!
lol what fucking ever roach.
You guys are getting your ass kicked by Kurds, rebels, terrorists, and Gulf Arab special forces in Syria. Not to mention cucked by the 75th Rangers too. Get out of here.
Thrace is full of Turks and Thracians Muslims.. the Thracians never went away and they see the west as modern day Rome, and they hate Rome..
no side can really predict the outcome of it..a balkan war would be real bloody and it will change the future for humanity..
Come and get it shitskin.
>16th-17th century
Learn more history, pls.
thats not real Muslim of you..that sound more as Wahhabis.. remember that it was the British who put the cult of saudi into power.. take away jesus from islam and you get wahhabism..
Makes me love the Jews and their pettiness
Samson option will cure the roach problem
>Ottoman Empire is coming back
nope, fuckoff
oh shit my bad, i mean Habsburg Monarchy but same thing.
Pope Urban's
-Est. 1095
I welcome the day when our empty lifes become filled with purpose.
Or we just feed the roaches to the Armenians and let them have payback.
So how does it feel to get cucked out of your own country by commie kurds?
How does it feel like if your muslim women get westernized and dicked by superior white males?
Enjoy being a kurdish majority country within the next 20 years.
yeepp..and the land they conquered will soon conquered them. why do you think that London is filled whit ex colonies people
Thank you, my Safavid fuckboi.
you.. but remind me again witch is the most popular name for boys in england? isnt it something like, muhammed? ali?
no, fuckoff
Gallipoli being our only failure, we will steam roll you again.
Kurds take Kurdistan Iberian race nation takes Anatolia.
>Nato has the only nukes in Turkey.
Get cucked.
>Spot the Turkish expat.
>trying to invade Europe the ONE TIME in the last 300 years when actual honest to god crusaders are a possibility
Try taking Vienna, oh wait you couldn't because you became the laughing stock of Europe in the 18th century
Your whole Islamic Rome thing failed long ago
maybe take a look around the country's around turkey..non of them have recovered..all corrupt to the bones, the populations spirit is broken.. and europe is now the sick man
I'd be more worried about a resurgence of the Khmer Empire than I would about the Ottomans. We're the only reason you aren't speaking Greek like your Pontic matrilineal ancestors. We should have left you to the Russians... You fags can't even conquer your own country. Why would I worry about you conquering mine?
It's so much coming back that the prime minister of Tunisia is a fucking sardinian whose anchestor were taken as slaves
>youre not coming back you absolute fag cockroach
our prophecies say you'll be handed your ass big time you will die by the millions, and they turn out as your scummy people know, so am just gettttin' ready .
>Shitskins take over a mound of dirt next to the one they live on
>Actual civilized humans take to the stars and gradually become something better
Britannia is not run by your kind little boy..
the same parasitic force that was behind rome moved HQ to london..
if your kings and queens would care about you..
london would not be filled whit pakis and hindus right now..
and just to throw a litel more gasoline at the fire.. the wahhabist is puppets to your leaders.. all this islam terrorism is created by your own!!
remember bread,circus and barbarians at the gate:)
I hope we fucking vaporise you and your people, casting shadows in their final moment of life as the young children slowly die a painful death, guts spewing out and coughing up blood, trying to keep their organs in the body as they scream for help. The child's last moments are watching there family trapped and burned alive as their skin slowly melts away, exposing the ape like bone structure you subhuman filth have.
The "people" trying to run away are crushed and die of an agonisingly long asphyxiation death, not able to get any air as they pass out, lings completely crushed and heart completely inactive, as the black tunnel of death slowly enters your eyes, every last moment is more and more painful.
The fallout will come and your "people" will choke on the toxic air, throwing up blood and gaining six heads before falling to the floor. Men, women and children strangle to death from the toxic air.
And I'll just fucking laugh.