Movie ends

>movie ends
>everyone starts clapping

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

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Maybe they really liked the movie?

Never seen this happen.

>plane lands
>everybody stars clapping
explain that spherecucks

Sorry we dont all shuffle out alone leaving our trash behind and never talking to another person or ever showing one bit of emotion like you.

>one is an ovation that nobody that was involved in making the movie will ever here
>one is an obation that the pilot didn't go le bains on the plane
Not clapping for RL baneposting - a fucking leaf

I've never seen this happen.

Italians do this.

I've seen this happen at more artsy type movies.

Basically, the audience is virtue signally to each other that they approve of the message of the movie.

The OP is pointing out that there are no actors on stage to be applauded. So the whole thing is really dumb.

At least when a plane lands, the passengers are applauding the flight crew.

I usually walk out and congratulate each of the staff personally, tell them good job, and tip them each a silver dollar.

In Chicago and DC the niggers in the theatre literally yell advice to the characters on the screen. I'm not kidding

My cousin started a round of applause at the end of a movie once. Everybody joined in.

>Never seen this happen.

same, op never leaves house

I sit through the credits to show appreciation for the people who made the movie, even though they'll never know.

Happened once to me. Why did they have to clap?

This happened on my first flight. Me and my family just sat there while everyone clapped.

Many others, including Dutch too. Cringe.

>go to cinema
>sing national anthem before previews
>movie starts, eagles soar across the theater
>uncle sam comes in and passes out chili bags
>everyone claps when the frito wagon comes around
>skateboard home on my freedom boner

I've flown a lot and have only experienced this when the flight was extremely rocky, like the time I took out from NYC and the plane had to fly head-first through a blizzard for an hour.

In Thailand they play the fucking National Anthem before every movie and everyone has to stand up and pay respects to the King

Cheap popcorn though

>be me
>watch the descent with friends in cinema
>its crammed with people
>jumpscare scene and all the bitches screams
>people calms down after a few seconds and movie is silent
>accidentally lets loose a beautiful fart that echoes in the silence sounding like a heavy zipper being pulled fast
>nobody clapped

Hahahaha Canadians.

>plane lands
>everyone claps because nobody died

>movie ends in the US
>everyone claps because nobody died

Happened once and only once, at an actual premier, and only because some of the actual actors were there. Or at least, I think that's why people were clapping.

They're just relieved they didn't get shot.

I have multiple times, it's totally retarded.

Ya you do.

Go back to Mexico you spic cunt.

Maybe you'd give a shit if Norway had a movie industry worth a damn.

This doesnt happen. Maybe on the release night on a big movie people are really excited for but otherwise i couldnt imagine anyone doing that.

As a full-blooded American, I don't get it. It's why I never go to live sporting events anymore. Ever fucking play, people stand up (making me stand up to see) and start clapping at the end of every play. Every. Fucking. Play.

Americans clap way too much and it is annoying. At least what OP said is explainable, that it carried over from live theatre and ovation is a sign of appreciation. But in sports? Especially the retard in a public bar that claps after every play? Retarded. And yes, I do say something if it is bad enough.

this coming from least relevant country in the world


Good thing the theaters where people get shot are gun free zones. Shooters even travel longer distances to go to the ones that ban guns, for some reason. Weird, right?

I do that too

Americans don't clap in movie theaters, retard. We only clap when there are live people performing.

I'm a person who goes to the movies quite often. The only time I've been in a theater where the crowd clapped after the movie was finished was when the movie either had a lot of hype before it came out or it was just a generally happy, great film to see and it made everybody in the theater feel the same way. Can I point out a few examples? No, but I can tell you from my experience that there's usually no clapping after movie's are finished in American theaters. some appreciation to the staff?

>least relevant country in the world

Thailand is officially still mourning over the king till 14 October.

I agree, I'm sick of that shit too. Especially the standing up after every insignificant play.

Compared to the Canadian movie industry?

We wuz vikangz n shit

A million cheers of silent voices.

Yeah, I was there 18 months ago whilst he was still breathing

You're joking, right? Tons of films are shot and produced in Canada. Many of the underlying tech used today comes from Canada.

Theres a new king, so things didnt change most likely.

listen you cucks. im tired of you achmeds making fun of us because we go through proper procedure in the cinema. there is nothing wrong with having a national anthem or doing bomb drills/fire safety before the start of the movie. there are some states where you cant even bring in firearms to the theater, you have to actually give it to the guards before entering, and guess what, in those states (Colorado, California, Connecticut) they have the highest rate of theater gun violence. think before you post

>Be Amerilard at cinema
>Movie ends
>Manage to get out of chair in first attempt
>Start clapping at the screen
>It's very tiring
>Buy a few dozen burgers
>Tip the staff with a couple
>Someone begins singing the national anthem
>Entire crowd has stopped to observe
>Buy more burgers to tip with
>Everyone now firing guns towards the ceiling
>Piles of burgers are now blocking the foyer
>Ceiling starts coming down
>Realize Yuropoors will never experience this


>go to cinema
>get extra large bucket of crab legs, extra butter
>ask for a bowl of crickets so I can feed my cinema falcon
>they're out of crickets

>take my seat, chain myself and my falcon to it as is customary, as we're lowered into the Watching Pit
>falcon is getting anxious because I didn't get any crickets
>about fifteen minutes into the movie it starts shrieking
>other falcons hear it in their own Watching Pits and also start shrieking
>desperately try to hush my falcon down but at this point it's a cacophony of screaming birds shitting all over the place in anger
>designated cinema shooter leaves the theatre in disgust as he can't possibly shoot anyone in that racket
>attendants grab me and bring me in front of the cinema court
>sentenced to 8 months hard labor in the popcorn mines
Ever since then, I smuggle in my own snacks

Stop. You're just making the ushers job harder.

Active movie goer here. This has never happened.

I'd clap just to prevent the pilot from going les bane in the future

Fuck, dude. Half the films set in Europe or cities like New York are actually shot in Montreal. IMAX, Entertainment One, etc. The animation industry is dominated by Canadians...

I've seen it happen twice, once at a showing of 2013's Lone Ranger movie and once at Star Wars Episode VII

fucking kek wtf is this

It pisses me off to no end. The only reason you should clap at the end of a showing is if the fucking director is there.
He's never going to be there.
I really fucking hate my countrymen sometimes.

Landing is a difficult operation, so we congratulate their success.

How do they make Canada look like Europe? What movies are you talking about? Are there any noteworthy Canadian productions? Because that's what makes something Canadian; if it was actually created by canadians.

good post t b h

The only times I've seen this are in flights coming from or going to America.
rrly mks u thnk


How autistic can you idiots be to the point where CLAPPING sends you into a fit.

Have you ever BEEN to Montreal?

Google it, man. I guarantee you've seen a Canadian film and just thought it was American.

>never been on Sup Forums

Yep that's Yerp forreal. Why don't you answer my questions? I hardly give a shit about Hollywood movies getting filmed in Canada because it's cheaper.

>implying the pilot can hear the applause
Educate yourself Hans

>spoon-feed me!

So what? Stop being such an edgelord faggot, kys.

tv-series... co-productions... see I was asking for a real Canadian movie. Can you come up with at least one? A recent one preferably.

>be American
>clap for everything

Honestly want James Holmes to appear when that happens in cinemas. I'll take my chances, its more than worth it.

>pay $15 to see movie
>movie takes 90% cut
>cinema still hemorrhages money unless you buy $10 of meme snacks and $6 watered down piss swill
>movie is tired plotline of Jewish shit everyone's seen 6 million times before
>clap at end like it's an achievement of mankind
>pay $30 for 2 hrs of lame entertainment
>this is considered a bargain night out
Fucking why?

Americans are fucking cucked beyond repair

Because it's like every well-intentioned act of goodwill here. It's applied to ridiculous things and overdone to the point it has no meaning and just comes off as a sterilized empty platitude. Like tipping or saying everything's awesome.

See, you're only interested in shifting goal-posts. The list of films shot in Canada and/or made by Canadians is huge. Fuck, some of the most influential people in the industry are/were Canadian. Ever seen a Cronenberg film? Fuck, I know you've seen something by James Cameron at the least.

im not shifting goal posts, asshole. I'm just asking for a title. I like A History Of Violence. Too bad it's not Canadian. Neither are the Terminator movies.

5150, Rue des Ormes and Les 7 hours de talion are, for instance.

only urban retards clap

waffle you make me laugh, thank you.

This didn't really bother me, neither the plane clapping when I went to America. But why the fuck would you clap after receiving your order at a burger joint.

>plane lands
>everyone starts clapping

>What the fuck is wrong with Euros?

Every country has it's weirdo shit. Personally, I've never clapped at a movie's ending (though I did clap half way through "Schindler's List"). Stop being a barren cunt, OP.

I went to go see the ghostbusters remake in theaters, nobody clapped. Everyone actually left early.

>Everybody claps because somebody's hardships are over

If it's not a movie you've seen (or like), then you'll just argue that point.

If I said "Goon" or "Bon Cop Bad Cop", there's no way you could argue that they are anything but the most Canadian things you've ever heard of, but it'd be irrelevant to you.

Scott Pilgrim was a big budget Canadian film that garnered critical acclaim, but didn't do well at the box office because of a bad ad campaign.

Canada and the US are joined at the hip fiscally, culturally and politically, not because we're forced to by some stupid union but because it benefits both of our countries. You didn't think Canada had much of a media industry and it's provably false. We're talking about billions of dollars and you refuse to accept it unless I say the title of some movie that fits the extremely narrow requirements you want but shift the definition of to suit your position.

For every single LOTR film and Spiderman 1 I've seen this happen.

they're happy that they landed on a landing strip and not a building.

>>falcon is getting anxious because I didn't get any crickets
>>about fifteen minutes into the movie it starts shrieking

I love this!

...that never happens?!

I saw it happen multiple times in one joint and once in another.
I do not fucking understand.

I can imagine.

>If you're happy and you know it...

I've never seen that happen at a fast food restaurant either, though. The closest I can think of is someone seeing food being flambé for the first time, and that's decidedly not something you see at Mickey D's.

Nobody tell this guy about the Arby's bell.

>If it's a movie nobody has seen
It's not very relevant. You expect me to call RoboCop or Total Recall Dutch movies? Fuck out of here. Even Porky's is not a real Canadian movie. Sure there are billions going on in in the Canadian movie industry. Billions of USD from the US.

The burgers have gone to our heads.

>wah other people are enjoying themselves

Clapping is our national pastime. Please be respectful.

>Massive amount of money being made by Canadians both in Canada and the US for the entertainment industry
>But Netherlands can totes talk shit with its non-existent media industry because they haven't seen a movie that wasn't marketed to them at all or maybe even translated into their language

I've rung it multiple times

I'm actually at loss for words.

I was on a mountaintop watching the sunset and everyone clapped after it went down
They were mostly chinks and Quebecois though

>Americans are rude assholes
Fuck off you sound like a woman