>What did you just call me? A sand what?
What do?
What did you just call me? A sand what?
Other urls found in this thread:
A sand nigger your deaf motherfucker
Ask him why he is where a dishrag on his head taking a picture of me at my desktop naked. Then shot the sandnigger with my .45 auto.
Repeat myself, clearly, so the dumb sand nigger can understand my words.
Sand-N I G G E R
Now fuck off back to the goat pen before your moon god figures out a way to look over mountains.
>a sandnigger
and proceed to paste him as i only use slurs if i'm fuming
is that a ftm? kind of looks effeminate
you look like a massive sand faggot desu
Hit him with a crisp one two, bap bap, he drops, proceed to stomp his guts out. Refresh myself with a 50 oz coca cola and drop my pants, unleashing a torrent of rancid freedom upon his face.
Go fuck a goat muhammad
Get my flail and smash his head in
How ugly are you, jewish clammo?
your a sand nigger
*he throws a punch*
>i teleport behind
Nice Grindr pic
You would do well to go to gyms and public washrooms. Fucking freak
Grindr puts its logo on all pics nice try
S-suck his dick desu
>pink nipples
I didn't call you anything, you're aryan.
He is ugly
*teleports behind him*
*its kebab time*
>clearly circumcised
Almost Aryan
Sorry sir, we can't give you that position as male stripper at the orlando pulse club due to unforseen consequences.
Gay prostitute on Israel.
I-I would let him f-fuck me while he tells me how much of a filthy white scum I am...
A tight little boypussy
Hire this guy instead
sand nigger
isn't this guy a jew?
sand daddy
Throw rock at his chest so th TATP he put in his bomb vest goes off.
>We're reaching levels of cuck that shouldn't even be possible
how cucked do you have to be to feel the need to white knight for some faggy arab in Jordan with a bunch of vigs stuffed down his tighty-whiteys, all the way from the frozen wastes of canuckistan.
I'm genuinely impressed leaf.
>I called you " my next girlfriend". SO what? Got a problem with that, suggar butt?
What do?
Hi Elliot Shimon
I called you swedish you dumbfuck
Is it anti zionist? I'm all for it. Homosexuality included
You would know,faggot.
>clearly circumcised
Canada, how?
Bro I was gonna hook you up with some hash and my 18 year old virgin sister. Now that I know you're a dick I'll find some others autistic virgin to be friends with.
>proceeds to get shit kicked out of him and raped
deport him
You know what grindr is? You see grindr in your fruit loops? Go suck on a vag it's all you're good for. Enjoy the throat cancer
nuke it from low orbit, the only way to be sure
a sandnigger
I'm a conoisseur
fucking sand niggers
thank you, you now have one less debt to pay.
Unzip dick
I'll slap my girl's ass
You height is one meter and shit I would chew you and spit out like a shitskin you are.
Al baghdadi's real name. The leader of isisrael's isis. You can always google things you know. Common knowledge though. Babylonians don't know English very much
Never skip chest day
I didn't call you a sand nigger. I said get off my land, nigger.
>What do?
Where do this shitty thread come from. Is that the new Shariablue technique ?
Or just 12 years old fagget 9gager ?
Bay denpts
Jordan's cool, but this thread is still low quality shit.
Yeah, he's like 5'4". Not scared at all
It's pretty popular though. Aren't males enticing?
a sand-DYEL
>Enjoy the throat cancer
K. Enjoy Aids.
punch him in the dick and tell him to put some fuggin clothes on, faggot
Rape me.
His whole torso is 2.5 iphones long, I'm not particularly scared of islamic hobbits desu
a sandNIGGER. And I remember you faggotry is a sin.
>W-Why are you only in your underwear..?
Enjoy truvada. Enjoy zika and charlie sheen's 700 HIV women. Enjoy herpes and incurable gonorrhea. Clammos wear condoms? Btw truvada doesnt work on gash holes
>touches dick
>clothes it
Goofy gay selfies aren't intimidating OP.
Here is a beginner's course. chapelofsergeandbacchus.blogspot.ca
Why aren't you?
That's why everybody is rolling around on the floor in here
Sandnigger. Don't bring muscles to a gunfight.
Shoot him.
You can bring a slingshot to kill Nephilim though. Be half a fag and skinny as shit. I forgot to mention half of clammos have anal :)
Having problems with your sanitary napkins there Cindy?
use a condom instead of turdinvader, you barebacking degenerate.
Sandniggers - muscles are useless against MOABs
Sand. Just sand. That's what I called you.
I hate sand.
>clammos use condoms?
>says I'm a clammo who doesn't use condoms
Women dont have g spots. We do. We cum. They say they do. They piss on you instead. Poop doesnt store that low. Why are bagoos so unaesthetic and smelly?
This is so gay
i bet gegard mousasi would kick your ass
A sand nigger. Now wakef or I batuhek or whatever. Keep your hands where I can see them, subhuman
Muh tooth jobs!
Don't mind him. He's insecure about not having billions of dollars worth of oil under his feet.
Do you have a sand glans though?
And CIA tunnels and fake nukes. You realise NK is about to attack a US aircraft carrier yes?
>Wearing a dish rag around his head.
Well, I was about to call you a sand nigger, but may I offer some fashion advice?
tatoos are haram you fucking kaffir
Are they going to attack Australia? What a time to be alive. Thanks for sept 23, gurmpf. Muh divine vaginas! There is much to this but this is not the thread for it. This thread goes against the heterosexual creation of serpent seed and all deaths and sins
He's probably a kike like some guy said. Is it in the Bible? They don't follow it
A sandfaggot
Can his muscles block a knife?
>a chocolate loving dyke
Why are you killing males again? Sometimes I think the flood was satan's period
LOL i looked at it while i was masturbating and i totally forgot that i was about to cum and proceeded to cum all over my face
Looks like Lucky Larry. Looks like USS Liberty
Hot. Only uncut guys can do this. Why aren't all cutfags restoring?
I called you a sand nigger you subhuman shit skin
>europe's biggest size average