Map of the results so far

The muslim-free West fucked us again

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how is this fucking possibl with so much region that she has merely 20% ?


Are you retarded?

>rural and suburban retards density map


nuke those celts and what did paris vote?

>tfw you were so fucked up by Republican genocidal policies that you end up with Stockholm Syndrome

>rural and suburban retards

All urbanite scum should be fucking exterminated without mercy and with inhuman prejudice. All euro countries worshiping the EU are signing the sovereignty over, and becoming a vassal state to Germany.

Based rural and suburban bros.

Les musulmans sont les moins nombreux à voter sale idiot lol

Look carefully Lepen has the most départements

>rural and suburban

The point is that the more you have to endure muslims, the more you'll vote FN

T'as pas compris ce qu'il a dit en fait
Les régions de l'ouest de la France qui n'ont jamais vu un seul non blanc de leur putain de vie de saloperie de breton de mes couilles ont voté pour la gauche encore et toujours
Pourriture infâme qu'ils sont

Hey faggot why don't you click your name field and hold backspace for five seconds before ever posting on Sup Forums again or maybe just drink a gallon of bleach

shut up g*rmcuck faggot

So the opposite happens with rural and suburban retards voting macron?

I CANNOT WAIT for the inevitable loss. Eurocucks can't comprehend notions like "national freedom", save for the based UK. Maybe it's only an Anglo thing?. After all, Austrian cucks failed, Nethercucks failed, and French cucks will fail too.

lol et on a eu internet l'année dernière aussi.

It's not about the EU
If there was a referundim about it, the Leave would win
It's about mih racism, muh mislims...etc
The UK will never have a far right PM either

Europeans are a naturally weak people. They've been bending the knee for more than a millennia.

>implying the Brexit means that the Brits will remove kebabs
Jesus Christ, Americans, stop talking about politic in Europe, you are so dumb.

any sauce for this map?

OP meant that the Le Pen regions suffer the most from muzzie "integration", and all the natural french citizens who experience it, and have to put up with urbanite legislation, are now voting in favor of anyone that doesn't suck sandnigger cock.

Suce mon cul et mes boules je pate sur la baguette de fromage macron stinky, oui oui je suis une personne française

Did I say anything about the UK going full fascist? No, you dumb baguette nigger. For what's it worth, Brexit is at least a fucking start.

remember that according to French media, "voting Le pen will divide the country"

honhonhon! jemappelle Franchie honhonhon

Brexit is not a start.

It was natural that the UK left the EU. Geopolitically speaking it was unatural that England joined an European continental union (unlike France and Germany, see our history), it's against their own interests.

And calling us cucks is funny when we see how Trump evolved these last months.

I hate to say this but let's face it: WE ARE ALL KEKED

And Paris will skew the results massively to the left.


Fuck Western France


How dumb are you?

Fixed ur map