Stop electing retarded populists around the world

You fucking lazy basement dwelling fat losers!



>If you kill your enemies, they win!

It's not Russia anymore?

Yea im mad you got me! Good troll congratulations you win!

Now cut it the fuck out before you start ww3.

Y'all shoulda left vidya alone, literally none of this would have happened.

Eat a dick Jew.

It's true though. If the EU goes down it will be much easier for these Muslims shits to target each country singularly. And who's going to be there to defend us? Not Europe because it doesn't exist anymore.

We would also be much weaker economic players next to the USA and China, nearly irrelevant even.


It absolutely amazes me that Neither Obama nor Hiliary is on that wall. They're both more responsible for ISIS than the "Founding Fathers."

How about... no.

What should we do then? Please guide us, oh great wizard of government!

fuck off retard

you sound like a shitskin-loving kike boomer, normally I'd assume you were baiting but with the french election there's a chance these sort of shit-tier normie posts are actually sincere in which case I hope you fucking get run over by a truck

Politics is just one huge nationwide, coast to coast, ass blast.

Go back to leling and keking at your stupid memes and stop interfiering with world politics.

Kek lelington

>Founding Fathers
>Bush and Cheney
>Not Obama and Hillary

So the people who's policies destabilized Libya and Syria and who conducted drone strikes across the middle east for 8 years don't make the list?

How can someone be this deluded?

But user, that would undermine their strawman

Yeah I'm normie, and I just came here to tell you guys to cut it out.

We had enough.

Do you suck dicks, faggot?

Left are mental illness.

>fat losers
>t. Amerifat




it also shocks me they always overlook McCain. Then again him and Hillary were best buddies, so they overlook his parts. It's up to MAGA to keep calling him out for being a crooked warmongering and treacherous old cuck.

So you're saying the way to defeat IS to let them invade, rape our women and blow shit up?

Crazy plan but it just might work

>winning the most important elections in world history

You're right. We should keep the EU with their open borders and cuckery. That will make it much harder for the terries

You can't kill an idea, idiot.

Portugal is irrelevant anyway.

Don't be fucking stupid, fake pedro.
It's the EU globalists who are bringing the shitskins in.
If you can't figure that out you're either a retard or a shill.
If you're the first, we will ignore you as a pleb.
If you're the second...we will hunt you down and hang you as a cultural traitor.
You have been warned.

>you guys

If you need to believe that an Uzbekistani yak breeding listserv is channelling an Egyptian Chaos God and influencing all the elections and that it's not just that normies are sick of all the leftist shit being constantly stuffed down their throats, more power to you.

It's all our fault.


"we didnt start the race war!
it had already started so stop being retarded!
we didnt star the race war!"

Guys, stop electing people who disagree with islam!!! That makes them really mad and I'm a buttpussy faggot who would rather see my own country and culture be destroyed than upset the brown people who worship a child molester. They're just like us except they produce almost nothing and no one of worth. The middle east is a mess becuase of WHITES!!! cmon guise... guise cmon.

you can neutralize the idea man. But you need to slay them all.


You are losers in the sense that you accomplished nothing of value as an individual. As a group your accomplishments are trolling the fuck out of elections destabilizing the world.

Good job.

>held hostage by ISIS

Go back to your overpriced hovel in your nigger city, and shut your fucking mouth

you are missing a fundamental part of the equation.

the solution is to toughen liberals not elect right wing idiots

bombing the middle east wont solve anything, neither will lowering taxes on the rich.

the terrorist threat is being used like abortion, to convince people to vote against their better judgment

Every time I see shit like this it reminds me that leftists don't have any idea what ISIS is or why it exists.


Suck it, faggot! Le Pen will win!

This, its time to take the philly pill

hows that even possible

actually they are working on how to destroy them.


But even if you kill all the Muslims then the lefty white people will read Islamic books and pick up their jihad.
Why don't we just kill everyone then? If there are no people on earth there are no ideas and 0 chance of anyone becoming a Muslim, problem solved.

please put more thought into voting

although i fucking love what trump does
he at least have enough balls to make unpopular moves

That pic is stupid. They're gonna recruit people regardless who the leaders in the west are. We need to crusade those fuckers, put them down for good, and make sure anymore that pop up are dealt with swiftly and without mercy.

Thanks! So tell us cuck, planning any events where another professor will be swinging a bike lock at someone not doing anything, then hiding behind women as you beat feet to the back of the line like a faggot?

The world has woke up to the fact that you commie fucks are losers, and now your reaping the rewards of your failed ideology.

The whole point of being a leftist is to hate the West and seek its demise. That's their singular driving force. There is no "toughening" them to go against their sole purpose.

The whole idea that "populism" is a bad thing will never, ever stop being funny to me. Consensus liberals are the absolute worst.

toughening liberals?

well get them to realize that not all bad ideas are equally full of shit. not every culture is equal and a liberal secular democracy is better than a sharia state.

they should be told that they have to actually support their own point of view instead of false equality.

strengthen our education system and other social institutions so we actually give a fuck when its threatened from without.

withdraw from the middle east and let them sort it out amongst themselves.

bring back things like racial profiling because it makes sense.

common sense really. instead of having the party of war and corporate theft be the party of safety.

its a contradiction

Or we could just burn all muslim books. We are Nazis aren't we?

>But even if you kill all the Muslims then the lefty white people will read Islamic books and pick up their jihad.

This is possible, but not likely.
They tend to read marxist books if they don't need to collect karma points, because islam is very brute and the opposite of almost everything they believe in.

It's very true that the goat herders will always be a lingering problem, they're on the same "wavelength" as the prophet and the message of the prophet is so simple and widespread that it wont just go away.
The cleansing operation needs to go on constantly - always kill the radicals to make it known nothing good ever comes from it.

>Why don't we just kill everyone then?
Everyone who is or converts to Islam, yes.

>inb4: muh human ritez

thats retarded, they are just confused, fighting against the racists of the past, just like you are fighting against the socialists of the past.

the whole left-right divide is largely contrived, designed to turn very similar people against each other

This is so fucking true. Historians will look back and see this was the case. Why would you taint people's means of escapism? What a retarded decision to make if you want to win.

then you just make it an exciting banned thing that people will gravitate towards because it's naughty,like the way the banned Mein Kampf in Germany, your favorite book.

Wasted quads

Truth is they succeeded in stopping the most corrupted and anti populist politicians I. Their respective county's history from attaining the highest offices in the state. What have you done again? Support leftism for the sake of leftism and blast your bias in everyone's face you disagree with? Funny how the first to use as hominem is actually the more deserving of the insult.

Proceeds to get fucked in every election worldwide for the rest of the century

>getting the opposite of what helps you elected is actually what we want

makes a lot of sense

LMAO. They literally used Obama and Hillary in their propaganda movies. But they're not in the image?

Good job you drive the religion underground enjoy your death by hassassin.

You can if you convince everyone around you the idea is retarded. i.e. getting everyone to realize islam is shit.

Don't give two single fucks about immigration, I care much more about my well being, and France getting out of the Europe would only bring the crash of the Euro to the table. We would all going back to farming potatoes.
You don't care because you're Amerifats but you would also feel it, like a big fucking tsunami. The world would merge in another economic crash like 1930 but worse.

>Isis rises during Bush's presidency
>no mention of Obama and Hillary

What planet was this guy on the last 8 years.

Where is Thor?
Where is Jupiter?
Where is Zeus?
Where is Mammon?
Where is Amon Ra?

What is wrong with populism?

>The cleansing operation needs to go on constantly - always kill the radicals to make it known nothing good ever comes from it.
Welcome to Soviet Russia circa 1936-1939 during the purges.

Congratulation you are now indistinguishable from your enemy.

k now fuck off i don't give a shit about you.

most people are fickle idiots.

>Don't give two single fucks about immigration
Then you are either a shitskin, or deserve to get beheaded by one.

That image really makes me think

It turns against Jews every time and we dont want that now do we Goy?

>implying we need to be scared of ISIS
They're falling apart as it is

He forgot to hang king goat fucker mohammed above everyone. Silly leftard.

>My mum and sister got raped by a peaceful refugee but at least I got money!


So how would communism work then?


What are the actual arguments as to why a populist is bad?

That might be true for politicians, but certainly not for average voters. Your average voter can be turned into a nazi, communist, corporate drone, freedom fighter, crusader, literally anything with enough propaganda.

You can kill the people following it though.


Believe it or not there are people around that still worship those gods, unironically.

Stop acting like enemies of the state.Then we wont have to vote them in

You mean like how everyone should punch a "Nazi"?

btw you don't want to be racist, or sexist do you? you bigot.

This is anons wife, you caused a seizure. I have your information and have called the police to report the assault.
Came to post this

I don't understand why the left tries to use ISIS to blame the west for Islamic terrorism. Newsflash Muslim nations have always been aggressively expansionist, not in pursuit of profit, but because the Qu'Ran tells them to actively seek out and kill non-believers.

>things that will never happen vs getting starved to death because your economy just crashed
I take the first one, thank you.

reminder that almost 50% of your country also voted to stay doesnt.

>thinking your vote counts



what about the people who could potentially follow it? Lets just kill everyone just to make sure.

Weapon grade memes