the funniest thing about this sign is that trump supporters wont even understand how it totally BTFOs trump.
The funniest thing about this sign is that trump supporters wont even understand how it totally BTFOs trump
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you're right. I don't
Wow what a burn trump btfo he has no choice but to retire
Kill yourself leftypol trash
>Implying trump supporters care about your pathetic feels
i thought this one was pretty clever
This shit is just cringey.
>the funniest thing about this sign is that trump supporters wont even understand how it totally
>BTFOs trump.
It's not even quippy, it's just lame in the attempt
Like Trump has cooties in a 5th grade high school science class way.. Lol
Go out, drink a beer kid
it's official. the science is against trump. now you have to decide. are you with science? or are you with a cheeto-faced used-car salesman?
It's like saying "I have a hypothesis Trump is dumb!" It shows no kind of scientific understanding while desperately trying to.
>5th grade high school
just because it's the last grade that you attended school does not make it 'high school'
Why are libtards such hypocrites Sup Forums?
I bet most of these people are just redditors who think they're scientists because they watched Cosmos.
The funniest thing about that sign is that most of the people there aren't scientists.
All those manufactured memes are so cringy.
>muh science
lets see what you "scientists" really get up to shall we?
Because they have no values. They will say anything to make themselves appear virtuous while doing the same thing they're railing against. The ends justify the means, communism 101.
th grade high school
>just because it's the last grade that you attended school does not make it 'high school'
No the actual subject matter of antibodies and infection is just my guess of about a 5th grade level of knowledge. The joke is a pretty lame attempt of being clever. Lame enough that it actually got written down into a protest message. If you consider the actual intellectual level of the scientific concept. Yes, unfortunately, it has to be stupid so that most may get it. I obviously do. You trying to belittle my intelligence is just as lame as the OP trying to act like they are intelligent because they made a stupid sign based on middle school or earlier science topics. Sit down. Lol *saged
I think
antibody = a protein that fights disease
Trump = disease
The only "science" at this event is
>man definitely is triggering a climate apocalypse
>there are definitely and infinite number of genders
>vaccines definitely do not cause any problems whatsoever
Am I missing anything?
jimmies status:
kek. reveal their own idiocy to a drumpftard and their heads explode. so funny.
She wore those glasses so we'd think she is smart and not just ugly
>Science serving the common good
Does this mean we can talk about race and IQ now?
They just can't resist making this about Trump. If they were smart they'd pretend to just make it about "S C I E N C E" whatever that means.
I wouldn't call them scientists outside of the lab.
my poor midwestern flyover state brain cannot comprehend it.
And how there's two genders.
Peer review is notorious for corruption and politics. You got a paper that somebody is jealous of? Denied. You can't even get funding if your research isn't aligned with the societal norms of those giving out grants.
And how the guy who started the "gender and sex aren't the same thing" movement was disgraced by his horribly flawed and biased research
It's absurdly frustrating talking to liberals about anything that requires intelligence. They know just enough to be insufferable cunts.
haha, what a meme, what a meme!
He trusts a Muppet to tell him about science? A Muppet that only speaks in weird meep noises? No wonder he is protesting, he's a fucking moron.
I am livid, fucking livid about this. This is dumber than any of the previous marches, these fucking people don't fucking understand what science is. They have zero fucking understanding. They think science is just some fucking meme-force of good that just makes everything fucking rainbows.
Some suspicion around the FDA blocking male birth control pills for that reason
Those are some pretty professional looking signs.
Also their concept of "science" is like those cringy facebook science pages. Where their followers think they are some super intelligent scientist because they liked and shared an image macro with a quote from black science man.
There is no such thing as "science". And people don't just love "science". Just like people don't just like "music" or "food".
Science for them is pretty much a substitute for religion, where everyone that disagrees with the majority consensus is some kind of "denier".
And yet they ignore the science that there is only two genders
This is a shill thread. A really obvious one at that. Type sage in the options field when you respond.
wow somebody making clever quips. yes OP our collective world has been rocked.
I hope "science" is against Trump. it will just further alienate your cause. learning the eating habits of bull dykes is a cause truly worthy of tax payer dollars.
what I don't get about liberals is that they always want somebody else to pay for their bullshit. funding is being cut to bullshit research .
>oh no my gibs!!!!
you guys are a bunch of niggers wanting free hand outs. if it's important somebody will fund it or maybe some of your rich liberal sugar daddies can fund it. you know instead paying to organize these little hissy fits.
Das racis
I found OP's son on youtube.
Doesn1t benefit their agenda. So no.
>There is no such thing as "science"
What did he mean by this?
This reminds me of Democracy now or whatever they are called. Guys that did the stupid Donald ducked taxes and breaking up occupy Wallstreet etc.
>Ummm sorry sweetie
>we're scientists!
>i laff so hard when i watch big bang theory!
Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease.
Wtf I love paying carbon tax now
Rick and Morty caused this.
"science" really does seem to be growing into a religion these days.
I wish I wasn't an atheist. I don't want to be lumped in the same category as these morons.
>shitty pleb movies are reality
Would impregnate.
they didn't ignore the scientists at the start of Indeendence Day, Core, or Godzilla
in fact I think it would be more accurate to say 'at the start of every disaster movie there's a scientist who everyone listens to but it's too late anyway so here's some explosions'
She might as well cite Harry Potter. Women are children.
But they're battling against what? Why are liberals so gay and would helicopter res really help cure them?
Trump BTFO by funny liberal memeist.
If these fags like science so much why don't they pay it from their own pockets. Even the scientific community are a bunch of welfare queens nowadays. Fucking commies ruining everything with gibsmedats
>2007 memes
>They just can't resist making this about Trump.
The purpose of the march is to protest against the growing anti-intellectualism that is growing in society, particularly the brand that is propagated by politicians.Global warming is not a Chinese or Jewish hoax and everything that doesn't validate your world view is not fake news.
most corny shit i've seen since the shit i took this morning
This is the cringiest thing I've ever read.
Watching Rick and Morty doesn't make you a scientist, user!
CNN isn't a valid news source just because they have a TV station!
Probably that these people don't actually care about various fields or concepts in science. Since he mentioned their science being like a religion, it renders them basically the kind of people who "I'm religious. Huh? No I'm not a member of any particular religion and I'm just religious. What tenants do I follow? THATS PERSONALLL!!!!!!"
living to see science become the new religion disgusts me because it is a symptom of the 'browning' or 'niggering' of the west.
the whole point of the method was that anyone could do it. that's the point. but now niggers and idiots are holding it up as the new god.
People are lazy and don't want to / are biologically incapable of doing the hard work of learning physics/statistics/chemistry/the scientific method. Writing my thesis is like lighting a candle in the dark that nobody will every look at.
Nothing left to fight for.
t. Masters student
>implying Trump is BTFO
He will forever be called President.
So now science has become politicized. Fucking lol. How can you possibly be an "on the fencer" anymore?
The Death Star was a (fictional) peak of human ingenuity. Capable of destroying worlds. A wonder of engineering. Women might have a hand in destroying it but they sure as fuck would not have been able to build it.
Science speaking truth to power.
>Lets discuss IQ scores across sexes and races
>Nope thats off limits.
>TFW your "MUH SCIENCE" protest has no actual scientists so you make a bunch of of low energy pseudo memes out of fictional movies under the assumption that everyone is as retarded as you are.
>science march
>all the sciences are pop culture references to "science fiction" tv shows/movies
I meant all the signs not sciences.
>completely ignoring how Trump gave NASA a bigger budget and stopped using them for anything that wasn't fucking space
I don't even think I've met a person who has looked at the data themselves.
>The purpose of the march is to protest against the growing anti-intellectualism that is growing in society
so-called intellectuals got involved in politics. they picked a side. this naturally makes them an enemy of the other side.
you can't demand respect and reverence from people and at the same time engage in partisan politics against those same people. doesn't work like that.
you want intellectuals to be respected and looked up to, then stop politicizing them and their work, and stop calling professional ideologues and propagandists "intellectuals".
This is true all of academia is infected with partisan politics. The peer review process is a large excersice in group think, eventhough the peer reviewers should only be applaying if the methods and techniques are sound and if the conclusions drawn from the methods and techniques follow.
It is amazing that these so called skeptics cannot see that driving the peer review process is who gets funding, who are the peer reviewers, and what they choose to publish, and where the government wants the gibs to flow.
Imagine for a minute that you are a prominent climate scientist who has dedicated a 30 year career to the subject. You are a respected member who reviews papers for the most prominent scientific journal. You get the majority of your research grants from governemnt who wish to study carbon and its effect on global temperature. The government wants to learn about global warming and carbon because they want to develop policies to combat it. The government funds research which shows the results that the politics demand.
You receive a paper for review from a new young researcher. His data and conclusions contradict your lifes work.His methods, measurements, data, and conclusions are all sound. Would you publish knowing that it could possibly dry up future funding and destroy your lifes work?
Oh, well, movies are just like real life!
no the purpose of the march is the EPA is butthurt their party is coming to an end. no one has ever denied global warming was real, what people are annoyed about is the EPA spending 100 million dollars on furniture for 2000 employees, and starting up a 715 million dollar a year "enforcement force" ie paramilitary organization why do so called scientists need assault vechiles, m4s , body armor, NVG and a predator drone? the EPA had a 8 billion dollar budget last year they have a 4 billion dollar one this year post cuts, that's the only "science" trump has cut, this is beurocrats throwing a titty fit and morons who want to get paid 200-300k a year for doing a study 20 other people are doing , people do not realize how this shit works you can get paid to do some study for the government, let's say you get 2-3 million to do this study, then someone else does that same study before you, whats the point of doing your study? but hey you've already worked on it for like 3 years and spent 2 million might as well waste the other million, also the EPA started trying to make regulations and enforcing them with their pseudo military along with their 1.3 billion dollar a year law wing, and their 1.2 billion dollar program to "help seniors get jobs". what does any of that actually have to do with science? it doesn't, someone just cut the purse strings and clipped their idea they were going to start passing regulations and go out and enforce them on their own with no law backing them. that's where the butthurt comes from.
Where did these people come from? What are their degrees in? Why didn't any of them make their own signs?
none of them are scientists, some of them might be EPA employees mad they can't get 50,000 dollar annual furniture budgets and ship in furniture from europe.
Science is good unless it involves : Race, Evolution, Biology, Economics or Math.
>tfw started the short lived pep-e-oh! meme
man this feels strange.
Oh I get it
Trump has a body
And they don't like his body
Is that it? That's the only way it makes sense
>i spent years thinking b.
>it can't be c.
it's no different than anything else in life.
Excuse me, Jor-El wasn't censored, he was just ignored. Fucking fake geek guys.
When I was taught the scientific method it was
Their version sucks.
Can someone explain to me how they think that people just holding signs are going to do any good? is it really a game changer? Do the politicians really fucking care about their stupid fucking signs?
Wow, he sure showed him!!!
I think here "science" means socialism and the advance of "muh global warming" scam.
>mfw I went to DC with my family today and dodged this shit
>them teeth
so it's saying that scientists battling Trump don't do anything