Why do liberals hate guns, but yet have no problem with running people over, beating them up with blunt objects, using explosives or throwing dangerous objects? All which could be 100x worse than guns if used the dangerous way they do
Why do liberals hate guns, but yet have no problem with running people over, beating them up with blunt objects...
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I hope the Democratic party completely collapses
Wow no wonder he made that post he's fucked in the head
Someone give him some pimozide
Because with guns a small amount of people can stand up to a much larger hostile force. Guns make it hard to stamp out certain ideals.
inb4 four mile long post about seatbelt locks
>side note: my katana is too fast and stealth for a gun to fight back
She would have gotten one tug on the gun, it would have not budged, and the guy would have turned around and decked her
>i could have disarmed him
Guns are the ultimate equalizer.
Liberals like to pigeonhole people into distinct groups and anything that could defy that (such as an equalizer) sends them into tit-swinging fits.
And consequently arrested for trying to take a police officer's firearm
And four mile long comics
That dumbass Britt faggot thought same thing last year when he tried getting a gun from a cop at one of Trump's rallies.
>Guns are the ultimate equalizer.
it's funny how guns can be even better from a sjw point of view:
>no more rape, women as strong as men
>protecting democracy against bad cops and governement
>no more nazis beating fags etc
Police officers have guns in virtually every country but England.
She's not even English. She's just an Anglophile from the U.S. who splits her time between the two countries.
>b-but if cops weren't armed they wouldn't be aimed by terrorists
one of the french candidate
Source please
>be liberal
>first thought that pops to mind when seeing is a firearm is how easy it would be take it away from someone (not) and discharge it until it says click
No, you are the problem
do you seriously find that hot
Liberals hate guns because they want to keep guns out of the hands of minorities. They'll never say it and maybe they don't realize it themselves, but that's the reason. They don't care about the rednecks in the south or the cowboys in Wyoming.
Liberals are anything but dumb. They're simply struggling with dissonance and their own contradictions. They know that blacks and browns commit the overwhelming about of gun crime, but their paternalistic view of minorities keeps them from publicly making that argument. Gun control is their misguided attempt to disarm minorities, except that the majority of gun crime is committed using illegal guns.
What is it with leftist brits who have no knowledge about firearms whatsoever, weighing in on American gun debates? If one of these loons learned what a safety was, they might stand a chance. That one kid you mentioned, probably hadn't fired a gun before he practiced at the range a couple of days before he got arrested.
I'm lucky because I grew up abroad, my uncle's ex special forces, and my m8 is a police firearms instructor. Most brit fags wouldn't know which end to point.
>pull the gun
>an aware customer behind you pulls his own gun
>blows your head off
>officer buys customer a doughnut
>body becomes new cash register
This woman's logic is female.
>That holster
>That other holstered thing that I assume is a telescopic baton
That's a cop or a security guard, isn't it?
More like
>Reach for gun
>Fail to lift out of holster because of its design
>Cop throws you to the ground, pulls gun
>You either die or get thrown in jail
It's a white woman in the picture, of course you'd find it repugnant.
You mean you don't?
Nobody can carry in NY except cops, so yeah.
How dare the good guys have guns
Have you never been to /d/?
to use the tools of your enemy is to become your enemy
>good guys
>i could have disarmed him
even if you knew how this combo latch on that holster is released, you can't do it smoothly before he knows what the fuck you're doing and subsequently backhands you
>shoot niggers
Sorry your police have betrayed you, frogger, but I wish you luck in the coming war
Antifa isn't liberal.
>Partially weapons trained
Don't think she's ever seen a safariland retention holster before
Thank you.
fucking waste of digits
I'd rather not having to shoot niggers and having them all back to africa...
cops are the one defending the ones making the niggers come here
>I could have disarmed him!
>Shoot up everything
Wow...glad to know whats on your mind lib scum. Your pussy smells!
true, they're communists
Do you know how many niggers each year go for a cops weapon and get dindu'd on the spot? Im sure some faggoty shitlib woman has a better chance than a 6' turbo groid so sure, make my day.
delete this
and she would have complained about police brutality afterwards
antifa confirmed commies, and therefore subhuman
Digits say so
They think what they are told.
Dunning Kruger effect. The basic upshot is the less you actually know about a subject the more you overestimate your knowledge of a subject.
They are obsessed with "muh 12 kids dead" because it is easier in the short run to appeal to emotion. It's really got nothing to do with guns, and more about appealing to their intensely emotional, virtue signaling constituents. Most young people operate off of immediate gratification, which the old tend to not do this. That's generally why younger people vote democrat.