Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
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I'd go to a neighbouring coutry not some country full of cucks and people that hate us
fuck off
>fleeing from war and terror
We have guns, bro. Even our nogunz states have more guns than most anywhere else.
Sup Forums has their own problems of impotence and failure. As such, they have no empathy for anyone and are basically a bottomless pit of despair and negative energy. Sup Forums can be summed up in one phrase: "misery loves company"
Many refugees are grown men pretending to be children. If all these refugees were no one but families with children, I wouldn't be as concerned. However, that isn't the case.
Of course there will still be a cutoff.
Refugees are cowards
>Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
nobody cares about refugees. people care that modern refugees => dangerous likely terrorist/cultural disaster
>What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
id flee to neighboring country that is safe, and allows for better opportunities. no need to flee halfway across the globe.
>I'd go to a neighbouring coutry
This too.
They come from a failed culture and a failed civilisation. When they come to a successful civilisation, the only result is then dragging it down and cultivating the conditions of failure. It is not the western world's responsibility to fix victims of a system that cannot take care of its people.
My Grandparents lived through the Blitz.
first of all you mean """"""""""""refugees"""""""""""""""
secondly your picture is cherrypicked, here's the reality
and then there's also the small tiny detail that most of them will never go back, even if the war in syria ends
Maybe that's because the little girls that wanted to escape got left behind to be gassed by false flagging globalists while the criminals and scum stole her ticket to salvation and Liberals let them in with open arms.
Fifth post Best post. Running away when your country is in need, is a coward's move.
>be in the military
>fight brown people in their home for a few shekels
>flee from my own home when my way of life is being threatened
That would make me a coward. Why would I have empathy for cowards that are invading and occupying my home because their home was invaded and occupied?
People just worry there are terrorist sleepers hiding among the refugees.
Since when is accepting immigrants from a region we're bombing SAFE?
Empathy is good, but security is how policy is formed.
Oh God, I wish fugees were this cute. I'd personally adopt a dozen of them.
> What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
What if they were economic migrants from shitholes and with the only purpose of living off welfare, creating as much problems as possible and never work? Plus blowing up a bus or two every now and then.
because the rebels don't have guns? Its little protection from a externally aided goverment with air power and heavy armored vehicle. Your daddie's 306 isn't going to protect against that.
Is the girl in OP pic a coward? What about the millions of women, children and elderly? Are they all cowards too?
>Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
i would acceot real refugges, so far i've seen none in my country
>Sexual Frustration.
>What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
We never will.
We'll hold our fucking land, and nothing will make us lose ground.
We must protect each other, our friends, our land.
Fleeing is the ultimate act of cowardice.
>What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
They were, no one gave a fuck back then. No, they dropped some bombs on their heads instead as a final "fuck you". They were treated like dirt from their fellow germans. Why should i give a fuck about complete foreigners now who shouldn't even be here in the first place.
Pro-Tip: i shouldn't
And i don't.
Hitler wants your head!
>Middle Eastern people are inbred retards who subscribe to an ideology that wants and encourages your murder.
Fuck you.
Not our people, not our problem
Why can't people understand this? And, y'know, if you think you have some moral duty to help these foreign scum go ahead, don't try forcing everyone else to go along with your retarded blind altruism.
Not really. Sup Forums feels empathy for white victims, unlike robotic death-cult leftists.
For example, I wish someone would slowly torture you to death, cut off bits and pieces of you with a red-hot metal bar, and you scream and scream and scream.
This is because I have an extreme amount of empathy with the 1500+ white underage british girls who were serially drugged and gangraped.
I empathically feel their confusion and pain, hence I want to empathically feel your agony and death as an act of revenge.
Here's hoping someone bombs your local leftist university. I would intimately feel the pain of every animal as its life is snuffed out -- precisely because of the empathy I feel for the genuine victims.
In the leftist universe, empathy for white native victims does not exist. They are not human beings, but animals or insects. Their "empathy" is some kind of robotic simulation which just happens to have been calibrated to exclude white Westerners.
The girl in your faggoty little estrogen laden OP isn't country hopping across Europe looking for free shit, faggot. Choke to death on your boyfriend's dick.
Common sense would dictate that you would flee to a different part of your country that is safe. At worst you would go to the next neighboring country.
The mudslimes are economic refugees bypassing safe country after safe country seeking money, not safety.
>What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
I would go to a neighboring country instead of one that gives the most gibs.
But I'd let that girl be a refugee in my basement.
That's not what this is about and you know it.
Providing aid for those harmed by war is a noble goal.
The problem is that the line between refugee and immigrant has become blurred.
It doesn't matter whether the person is a Syrian displaced by war, or a Congolese nigger, or a Mexican spic.
The fact is that these people are coming to our countries and displacing natives.
They are ruining property values, consuming public resources, driving up unemployment, and displacing the native culture.
Regardless of their motivations these people have become like a plague of locusts and if we do not remove them quickly the damage will be irreversible.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
Legit ones that leave due to war and don't try to blow themselves up or suckle off the welfare system when they get here are fine. Problem is it's mostly fucks who want to blow themselves up, or suck the system dry while not contributing fuck all, all the while not integrating because most of them don't want to because they think they're better than their hosts.
>What if it were your family fleeing from war and terror?
Go to neighboring country, try to integrate, get a job, and be as little as possible of a nuisance.
You're mistaking empathy with sympathy.
>my family
>fleeing from terror
Yeah go fuck yourself. Saged
Humans are tribal. Why should I care about someone from another group? How does it benefit me and mine?
cry me a fucking river
>What about the millions of women, children and elderly? Are they all cowards too?
Yes because they arent fighting for the future of their nation.
(Cool get, Kek'd)
Most refugees are men of fighting age. And 4 out 5 refugees in europe are fucking scum from other middle east countries moving to europe and pretending to be a war refugee for gimethats. So fuck off.
Why should I have sympathy for grown men leaving their families behind?
If everybody fled from war and terror there would be no Estonia or Estonians.
So fuck off with your POS refugees.
Proved his point dumbass.
Most of them are not real refugees. Very little families or women and children board those boats... They're mostly older men and economic migrants from non war-afflicted countries looking for free handouts from sympathetic yuros. They destroy any documentation they have so they can lie and say they're from Syria and 14 years old when they're more likely 28 and from some craphole in Africa.
its not my family, SO FUCK THE MUSLIM SCUM.
Most are not fleeing war, they're fleeing their shithole countries because they are shitholes.
I don't blame them for that, but taking so many of them is turning my nice country into their shithole.
Not complicated.
Can't run away from yourself.
Another FPBP
If I had to flee a country I would to a country with a similar culture. I wouldn't go to a country that is the polar opposite and attack people. I also wouldn't gang rape them. They should go to Saudi Arabia and they could use the trillions in oil money to provide for the refugees.
I do
If I was fleeing from a house that was burning down and I could choose to go to any house in the neighborhood, why wouldn't I go to the mansion that leaves the doors unlocked and the gates open?
That doesn't mean we don't have the right to say we wish the owners locked the god damn doors because now they are fucking my sister on Facebook live
My family would stand and fight. So these people need to fuck off back where they came from and better their homelands.
Kys fuggin pervert.
Most of you are just parroting shit you heard off a BlackPigeonSpeaks vid or other alt-right echo chamber bullcrap videos. You don't know that for a fact or have any evidence to back up those statements/
>Sup Forums wants to ban pic related
No wonder no women will let you touch her lol
Empathy as #1 motivation is for idiots and females. When the oxygen masks come down, first you put on yours, and ONLY THEN you take care of your child. Do you get it?
No, dumbass. His claim was that pol doesn't feel empathy. I pointed out that pol is motivated above all by empathy, just by empathy for the actual victims. Here's hoping you also get killed.
Come to Calais, and you will see. Not all "refugees" are seeking refuge, a lot of them are economic immigrants from countries like Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Iran. Very few are from Syria, and 9/10 of them are grown men.
>appeal to emotion
How about you go fuck yourself roastie
Do you ACTUALLY think that there'd be any place we could flee to?
If the shoe was on the other foot, they would screw us over way worse than we have "screwed" them over. Europeans and Americans have been FUCKING GENEROUS to the ones we've allowed in.
It's how they act when they get here that pisses people off.
If you're fleeing a shithole warzone and have been granted "refuge" in a civilized society then leave your stupid fucking way of life in the shitty country you've just been shat out of. Stop raping/killing and trying to make us adopt your retarded fucking customs.
>you're just parroting stuff you heard from the UN. It's 3.6/5 that are male, not 4/5, tough luck virgin bigot
Too bad your mom didn't have better aim with that hangar.
>being a civic nationalist
you don't deserve those digits
We don't flee.
Everyone who does is part of the problem and intend on making their old home in a new place.
How much money have been deposited to your bank account since you started this thread?
There are facts and evidence to back it kek, but since you are just a shill paid by shareblue.
I won't waste my time here, slide thread and saged
because 99% of them are sleezebags exploiting a system put in place to help actual victims.
>le child rape gang meme
You know the "child prostitute ring" was mostly 15 and 16 year old heroin addicts, right? They were selling their pussy on the street and they hooked up with some sand niggers to get free drugs in exchange for some of their profits. The whole story was bullshit.
Because they are fleeing from Assad and Assad is a good guy.
>Defending mudslimes
Yeah, let's just give them free drugs and cut out the middleman. Cuck faggot, they made their bed and they can lie in it.
Over 90% of the "refugees" are just young males who should be in the war fighting for their fucking country. So....no. No empathy.
1) Most of the people coming arent really refugees
2) They let their woman fight for their country while they flee
3) The way we treat them is a complete failure and basically stops them from adapting our culture
4) Ask yourself how they would treat you in their country if you fled
5) For them we are just a weak society to conquer at the moment
6) We have taken enough of them
7) We dont need them
8) Welfare and drugs is their lifestyle
9) They don't contribute they just take and hate
10) Daily terror attacks
11) They breed so much
12) Jewish leaders give the commands to attack their countrys via our government and then blame it on us. When we've had enough we try to vote for someone who's against immigration but these candidates are usually controlled by the jew.
The list goes on forever just make a list with pro and contra and you will find yourself asking if "muh empathy and muh feelings" are worth it.
I'm sure you'd be the first to volunteer.
Exactly, 1500+ young girl heroin addicts specifically in the 15-16 age range in a small British town who just happened to become addicted to drugs on their own and only afterwards chose to seek out adult sandniggers.
Seriously, the fact that you present this fucked-up story illustrates the antihumanity and insectile nature of leftists. I wish I could have been at Utoya to watch each of the insects as it screamed and died.
Do you think they would let us in if we were fleeing to their shithole countries?
>Yeah, let's just give them free drugs and cut out the middleman.
Where the fuck did I say anything about giving anybody free drugs? The addicts should be gassed and kebab should be removed.
My family would not flee.
I expect them to fight and die for their homeland.
Yes pretty much this.
A person who can't full fill his emotional needs can't show emphaty to others.
Even if they have the same problems.
For example:I, as a loner, hate loners more than anyone else.
posts literally isis pedo shit,
fucking kill yourself.
Sheltered cuck, do you realize how many underage girls are drug addicts? They were junkie scum before the mudslimes came along. The whole point of the story is that they were recruited while already prostituting themselves for drugs, did you even read up on the case?
funny refugee you have there
let's do some real cross analysis
My family isn't a bunch of shitskins
We welcome refugee in Canada
jej i stole your numerals
heil hitler
>th-they were older so it's o-okay
Would love to shove jalapeƱo down your shitter.
Source or bullshit
Every 1 Refugee leeching benefits in the west chokes off 10 refugees left behind
why are you in favour of spoiling a select few at the expense of everyone else?
Another thing -
empathy for refugees has NOTHING to do with open borders
it's a pathetic attempt at bullying people into open borders
You can have empathy while also considering security, also there are are more alternatives than just letting refugees die and letting all of them into the West unvetted
1. They don't want our culture.
2. They don't like us.
3. Women and children are left behind.
>Why doesn't Sup Forums have any empathy for refugees?
Again, ya'll are confusing economic migrants with refugees.
The shoe has been on the other foot, only it wasn't through acceptance but through rape, murder and displacement that whites forced their way into other countries. So I have absolutely no issue with taking in refugees from nations with minorities to make up for transgressions of the past.
A child from Syrian refugees becoming POTUS one day would be ideal. That's what I want America to be about.
>Sheltered cuck, do you realize how many underage girls are drug addicts?
Im aware of that. That doesnt change my original claim that drug addicts should be gassed and kebab should be removed.
>The whole point of the story is that they were recruited while already prostituting themselves for drugs, did you even read up on the case?
That doesnt make grooming ok you fucking mongrel. Two wrongs do not make a right. The fact that these girls were doing heroin doesnt change the fact that people who shouldnt have been in the country in the first place were themselves engaging in illegal acts.
Your logic seems to boil down to
>People do heroin
>therefore, we should let muslims rape everybody they want
You see why I think youre completely retarded?
>"misery loves company"
that's also what happens when you let in miserable people. They'll pull you into their pit of despair.
If you don't want to live miserably, don't import misery and miserable people.
>They were junkie scum before the mudslimes came along.
These events took place over 10+ years.
"They" were not "junkie scum" before the mudslimes came along -- because many of them were infants.
Your proposition that as they grew up they took drugs BUT NOT AT ALL PUSHED INTO IT BY ADULTS and ONLY AFTERWARDS sought out the adults for more drugs, is deranged.
In any case, giving drugs to a 14-year old in return for sex with 10+ adult men is antihuman - on the part of the mudslimes. Drug abuse is a genuine problem.
You have posted no sources.
Leftists should scream and die. Fuck, someone post pictures of dead leftists.