Aw yeah
Other urls found in this thread:
LOL "extreme right"
They don't even call the far left "extreme".
Everywhere else says 23.7 Macron to 21.9 Le Pen
Where are Reppublica getting their info?
>France's interior ministry says with 20 million votes counted, Marine Le Pen has 24.38%, ahead of Emmanuel Macron on 22.19%. François Fillon has 19.63% and Jean-Luc Mélechon 18.09%. That would represent about half the vote, but will not include the main cities.
From the BBC
>100% tax guy not extreme left
I dont fucking get it, How much does Le Pen have now.
le pen is a racist nazi
>EXTREME right
>far left
>Extreme right
They aren't even trying
>extreme right
>far left
I really cannot fucking stand this retarded world
>Sup Forums has difficulty understanding basic statistics
I wander how shit the IQ here is compared to other boards.
The rural parts get counted faster because they are sparsely populated and have fewer voters total.
Le pen has a smaller voterbase in the cities.
its projections vs real vote count. how ever the real votes arent finished jet so its pointless for op to post that pic. hes a faggot.
So you're saying the faggots who are in the city, who are bombarded by cultural groupthink, all vote the same?
More like
>extreme up
Not all votes have been counted yet so we don't have a definitive result
>Macron most %
>thinks globes got btfo.
lol are you fucking idiotic?
besides globalists do not get btfo.
Just watch how Trump's foreign policy got fucked in the ass
can you read? i think you might be retarded.
>extreme right
>Extreme right
Lmao, what. Has Le Pen said he'll gas the jews or something?
>The projection is above real time results where Macaron is #1 and Le Pen #2
wins again
sorry for fast posting
when will the final result be in?
wtf I love Macron now
So what youre saying is all the rural and suburban retards voted LePen
I don't know much about what is going on, but is Le Benis really "extreme right wing"? I see her labeled as extreme right win even in Finnish media. Or is not-wanting-to-get-fucked-in-the-ass-by-muslims considered extremism nowadays?
How can Soros ever recover ?
Literally Hitler
You have to understand that the Republican party in America would be "EXTREME RIGHT WING" in the EU.
That's how fucked it is.
Hardly, but more of them than the city equivalent will.
but she's not even right wing, economically. media companies still describe anything authoritarian as 'right wing'
Where can I see the results in real time?
No one cares about your old " rural retard" tropes anymore.
I wore my MAGA hat to my U I exam yesterday and few people have a fuck. I got more likes from Arabs and minorites than not.
You're old steryotypes are dead and boring.
you're looking at predictions m8