He guys I've witnessed what happened to the womens in the West and I'm feared that Indian Millennials too are trying to copy the white trash. How do we stop this?
Pic related is just 17.
He guys I've witnessed what happened to the womens in the West and I'm feared that Indian Millennials too are trying to copy the white trash. How do we stop this?
Pic related is just 17.
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I'd poo in her loo if ya know what I mean.
she can poo in my loo if you understand my implication
You can't, unfortunately your culture wants to become a first world, meaning they will emulate other first world cultures. Rip
cant stop the zog
rape them
wait a minute
Pic related is white
Show me some hot dark skinned Indians OP
That's a man.
I lived in India for a year and know many Indians from that time via facebook, instagram and snapchat and the Westernization of the girls especially is incredible. They all will be sluts.
WOW! Hot a what bahhabbiat!
E. Michael Jones has talked about this issue, very insightful. It's a deliberate program to sexualize Indian population to make them susceptible to American-style liberal capitalism under Jewish hegemony
No she isn't, she just used skin whitener and filter.
I'd Instagram her freshly laid turd if you know what I mean.
fuck india
She's not white. 90% northies are same colored and she looks like a white girl probably because of makeup.
how much skin whitening cream is she using?
Stop posting trannies, faggot.
id let her poo in my loo
What I want to know is did the kikes own weapon backfire on them? Are israeli girls who live in israel whores too?
Yeah in her other pics she looks more brown
India has a corporatist economy which causes a consumerist culture.
Consumerist culture makes girls become like that.The solution is free market capitalism
A lot.
Also I'm feeling so much insecure because of all these girls.
Bro, fellow pajeet here. Only women in cities like Mumbai and delhi are like that. Most women are still wife material believe it or not.
Beat your children!
And do not let them indulge in media bullshit
No. Come on. Post some actual brown girls
>country of a billion
no shit theres going to be some insta sluts
All you can do is be a traditionalist. Don't worry though this is spreading all around the world event he Islamic, and all their Muslim ree'ing won't do a damn thing to stop dildos and contraception. Anyway they die off in a few generations cause they don't have kids so w/e.
You... can't. There are many reasons for this but the fundamental one is r/K selection. As your country becomes less poor the excess resources put an r-selection pressure on your people. This means that so long as your country is rich it will be full of sluts and cucks (i.e. r-selected individuals). This is sadly inevitable. Call it whatever the fuck you will, fate of empires, dynastic cycle, etc. it's the same damn story. You dotheads are right about time being cyclical, history bears you out.
Thankfully, we're about to reset this story. The Kali Yuga is here but it's gonna end soon. Come Kalki come and wipe away the filthy libshits and mudslimes!
wtf? i love castemixing now!
r/k selection theory is fucking retarded
Jesus fuck please let that degeneracy you talk about come faster.
The more sluts the better
It's unironic toxic femininity
now i'm hard
You're right. I'm from Delhi but the culture has skewed way way too much from the normal.
If you go to Hauz Khas you'll see a complete opposite India.
Hence, I'll get a small town, nice, educated and traditional girl for myself.
start lifting and stop giving a fuck about what they think
Pathetic loser this is why people here complain about "degeneracy". You are terrified at the lack of control over these women.
>when mom asks you where the arguments went
>look at flag
make sense
tfw i like when women from other countries are skutty
>Dr. Michael E. Jones
>All those video titles
Damned if it doesn't answer a lot of questions though my ignorant leafy friend.
My how the Iberians have fallen. Once they killed the mudslimes, now... you. Man, what a letdown.
This is the problem with the alt right. In the philosophy there is new "cure" for degeneracy. You either are or you aren't. There is no way to atone for it or change. If you have a drop of Jewish blood or slept with a black you are a degenerate. There's no way it can sustain itsself because it demands an impossible level of purity.
R/K has become a grossly over simplified catch all for people who fancy themselves R's to use as a cudgel against people they fancy K's. For example R/K doesn't make any allowance for any middle ground or change over the life cycle of the proposed R's and K's ie. it is impossible for a K to become an R or an R a K.
You dumbfuck..complaining about degeneracy...as if there were any ''cultural values' to begin with...it's just a meme here.' ...Stop force pushing the stero-types cuck...
And yea...Every single indian chick is like that...It's the information era since the 2000's...dumb ass fucks like OP just jerk off to the 90's images of cow porn...
>not fucking an ape or being jewish is too high of a standard
>He thinks the (((alt right))) isn't controlled opposition
How can you be so internationally insightful, yet so socially retarded?
I rest my case.
I'm terrified because I can't keep these kinds for long under my control. They're literal slooots who're hungry from Semen.
Even more sad is how traditional values are promoted simply because they cannot keep up with times and are losing their grab on the sexual marketplace - if they ever had any to start with-
Guys, get real. Women want fun, money and dick. They don't want to be faithful housewives. Promoting a scenario where they lose control just calls you to be laughed at by them.
Lift, be successful, give them fun, give them dick and you will also not want to do with traditional values.
>>He thinks the (((alt right))) isn't controlled opposition
Oh lord, what don't you think is controlled opposition?
wait till your future daughter marries a negro or whitey and reports you to the police if you object to it.
you should know, pajeet
"There is a saying in Sanskrit that is at least 5000 years old, possibly much older, maybe even 10,000 + years old going back to the last Ice Age.
"All destruction of good things begins with the corruption of the woman and her place at the hearth.""
>Implying any of them would touch you with a stick
>All destruction of good things begins with the corruption of the woman and her place at the hearth.
So true.
Don't be pathetic. Give them your share of semen and move to the next slut as yours is ready to move to the next dick.
You can't control them.
>They don't want to be faithful housewives.
And men don't want one sexual partner.
But it worked for 1000's of years because people were taught since they were children that there are far more important things in life than sex with whoever you want.
>Lift, be successful, give them fun, give them dick and you will also not want to do with traditional values.
And this will only actually work for a small percentage of people and it won't create lasting relationships or family units therefore you can't base successful societies on this model.
>(((some people))) misappropriating the study in order to strawman invalidates the whole concept
really coagulates my cashews
Vamos, que no es difícil, coño.
Don't worry those women long and miss being the literal fuck toys for white men. Why would they want anything to do with the smallest and ugliest (literally looks like a log of shit) penises that you have Pajeet? Let them go, we love to have them as our sluts.
>They don't want to be Faithful Housewives
M8.... that Is LITERALLY all they want.
How are you here and you don't know about jewish brainwashing of women to turn them away from the Nuclear Family?
And yea...Time has changed our country a lot since the 2000 era..we live in the same society values as a western culture would,The Western media just doesn't show that...they focus on the kebabs who outsourced to other countries a long time ago....we lost our ''patriotism'' decades ago...
She can poo on muh dik
>my unproven and incoherent concept has been unfairly demanded to be proven
jogs me noggin that's fer suuuure
We don't know how society will turn out, but we can't stop change so we might as well adapt and ride with it, because if you don't adapt you are pretty much left behind.
>take a bite of that apple you fucking filthy shiksa
One man had the cure for degeneracy and implemented it. Look at what Berlin was like during the Wiemar Republic. One man did what had to be done and fixed it. Look up his solutions, they worked.
You can force the r-selected to ACT like they're K-selected through force of arms though. Which is exactly what it fucking takes. If you don't put a gun to their head socially and politically you get the POZ. That's the crux of the arguments and the recommendations the theory provides.
People can change? Sure, but you don't bet your whole fucking civilization on that shit. If you give the r-selected an inch they'll collapse your whole damn civilization because MUH DICK/MUH PUSSY!!!
Truer words were never spoken.
The problem with this reasoning:
>if protruding labia is a sign that a woman has had a lot of sex
>why don't all the wankers on this site have 12" cocks?
>inb4 ANY of the actually do!
Honestly I would not pull out
Let's see how you adapt to cities being bombed every week, mass murders taking place & women being raped en masse
I thought it was feminism the one doing all the brainwashing.
>women degeneracy reaching India
your people shit in the streets.
any kind of western degeneracy making its way into your country is a net improvement for you.
What does this autistic paranoia has do to with young sluts, man?
And (((who))) do you think came up with and pushed feminist ideology everywhere?
Fuck off Americucks. You better watch them Niggers.
Over the past few decades birth rates have plummeted, divorce rates have sky rocketed. Single motherhood plagues our societies and people have become increasingly more reliant on the welfare state due to the lack of inter generational capital. It's not about "knowing" where society will end up as some abstract projection we have already seen the negative effects. And you're attitudes surrounding sex and society are the attitudes that have lead to this. This coin has 2 haves and your attitude optimizes the narcissistic destructive capability of negative male sexual behavior. And if you ever do plan on having children I can guarantee you with your attitudes and the type of women you attract you won't have a successful family unit.
Who do you think created and pushes feminism?
All I'm saying is since We're Young it seems like dun to have women be al whorish but when you get older you start to see how disastrous it is and how childish they are.
you just don't even understand what it means if you think it has to be proven
since i know you wont ever get it o your own, i'll throw you this bone, leaf. it's the formal way of saying: burn the coal, pay the toll.