Christianity is true

Ask yourself this question: hypothetically, if you knew that biblical Christianity was 100% fact, would you convert? Be honest.

If you answered yes, you need to hit up google right now and search "how do we know that God is real", "how do we know that the Bible is true", check out reasons to believe, answers in Genesis, and search youtube for Chuck Missler, Dr. Robert Carter, and Kent Hovind.

The bible has over 2000 very specific prophecies that have already come true. No other text comes even close. This all points to the fact that we are very close to the end. Every single one of you knows this deep down inside, but you deceive yourselves. You know that God is real, but you choose to rebel. It is in our nature. You need to admit that you need help and ask God for it. He will answer. He is reaching out to all of you, but you need to meet him halfway because he gave us free will.

I am a physicist and was an atheist for a long time. My journey began with me admitting to myself that I was agnostic. Next, I simply said "God, i'm not sure if you are real, but if you are, I want to follow you". Everyone's journey is unique, this is just how I started.

Search for the Lord and you will find Him. I pray for all of you that the truth will truly set you free.

Other urls found in this thread:

you're just another snake oil salesman doing satans work.

If god wants us, he knows where we live.

What, you're asking him to... send you a message? Maybe... I dunno... write you a book?

>Chuck Missler, Dr. Robert Carter, and Kent Hovind.
Skip these evangelicucks and read real Christian theologians. Irenaeus, John Chrysostom, etc.

You might say to yourself "if God's real, I'll just wait until the antichrist comes and earthquakes and famines, etc. At that point, it'll be obvious and I can just convert then.

Do NOT play that game. God is just. Do you think it's just for Him to just allow everyone to wait until there is no more need for faith? 2 Thessalonians 2 states:

"7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Do you honestly believe you're clever enough to overcome the strong delusion that The Almighty will cause to come over you? Don't play that game.

Got 2 Thessalonians memorized bro. King James of course.

I believe Kent Hovind has fallen away lately, but his earlier stuff is great. And I don't see how anyone could have anything bad to say about Chuck Missler. Dr. Robert Carter... I can see why one would be scared of him. His work in the human genome leave no doubt whatsoever that the bible is true. It can be scary.

With all due respect, I don't believe you've seen any of Chuck Missler's lectures or you would never say anything bad about him.

Chuck Missler works for the DoD, moron. His entire purpose is to spread the "judeo-christianity" meme and convince goyim that prophecy says they must support American neocon foreign policy and Israel.

You ever wonder why all these megachurch Zionist pastors all have military backgrounds and work in technology companies of the military industrial complex?

>if you knew that biblical Christianity was 100% fact, would you convert?
No, because what it teaches is wrong. I couldnt rightly honorably call myself a man if I followed the teachings of Rabbi Yeshua and lived after his example.

>real theologians
That's hilarious. Theology isn't a real field of study.

You'd need to prove your presupposition that the book is his word first you drooling piece of shit. The burden of proof is on you. Do it without using a single logical fallacy, I challenge you.

Missler used to work as a contractor for the DoD. So did I. Are people not allowed to make mistakes?

I've heard Missler say that he realized that patriotism was just an obsolete form of idol worship.

Hyptothetically, if you knew that the Quran or Torah was 100%, would you convert? Be Honest.

If you answer yes, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ?? Just google the meaning of life univrese and everything which is 42.


Hey faggot, if God created humans in his image, why do chimps look similar as well?

If god created humans in his image, why did he gave un internal organs, God is a god he doesnt require lungs no digestive system.

If god created humans in his image, why did he gave us cocks and pussys, does he fuck people in the ass aswell? Does that mean god is gay? no wonder he hates fags so much he made people write in his "book" to burn them.

If God made us in his imagine, why do we have things that we dont use, such as an appendix, veronsom organ, cocsics tail bone. in other animals he created they have a well defined fuction while on us they are not.

Why do we have hair? does god have hair too?

what does the bible says about how god looks, and if you ask any priest what will they say... "God is light, creator, balls of light, thought"

With this idea is mind

Why has God created such a faulty creature yet, had no problem creating blackwholes where the universe just stops existing because of the gravitational force being pushing you faster then the speed of light.


Having just one man and one woman to create the human race by INBREEDING.. won't work genetically.

It's like taking your clone changing one gene and excepting something else to pop out.

LIke you take a donut chocolate donot split it in two, you make a hole in one and then by uniting them you produce new donuts that are NOT chocolate donuts.

You aren't seeing the connection here? Works for the DoD for years and now preaches zio-christianity that just so happens to line up perfectly with all American foreign policy goals?

He is a propagandist for the military industrial complex, pure and simple.

I'll tell you what, if this were a real debate, i'd accept that the burden of proof was on me. But I'm saved. And I know how this world ends. But you're the one in peril. If you cared, you'd do your own research. It's already been proven, by secular historians, taht the bible is unaltered.

The prophecies and hidden codes (see the structure of 7s in the Gospels) prove that the bible was either written by (1) God or (2) some time traveling being(s). I suppose another possibility is that we're all living inside of some matrix.

I will pray that you find the truth. If I were you, I'd start with my original posts. Start googling. Or not... it's your soul.

You're wrong about human genetics. See the work by Dr. Robert Carter.

And of course he would be against patriotism, because patriotism interferes with his goals of open borders, free trade, and using the American military as a global police force.

Evangelical Christianity in America is a psyop. It is astroturfed straight from the government.

>But I'm saved. And I know how this world ends. But you're the one in peril

hahaha yeah ok buddy. Every other deluded fucker says the same shit. You should be ashamed of being so unconvincing.

Who is god and why the fuck does he care what I believe? If he really wants believers maybe he should be a bit more obvious.

>The prophecies and hidden codes (see the structure of 7s in the Gospels) prove that the bible was either written by (1) God or (2) some time traveling being(s). I suppose another possibility is that we're all living inside of some matrix.

By the way have you ever heard of nostradamus? He has a modern day following who believe he predicted the future too. Do you see Jesus in toast as well? Break. Your. Conditioning.


If God is real, he is not just. Millions are burning in hell according to the religon. Not only that, he chose who would follow him/get saved (predestination) so the people in hell never really had a choice... Very fucked up.

Friendly reminder that Israel/CIA/Shariablue create religious threads in an attempt to cause infighting among us. It's classic D&C (divide and conquer). Ignore religion threads: the OP is NEVER sincere with his questions or points. It all just to start a fight.

Be a mage and SAGE.

In the mind of the mentally retarded he is just because he is the absolute truth. He can do things that would be evil for us to do.

nostradamus is vague and can only be "interpreted" after the event occurs. He's not even comparable to the bible. A quick google search would prove this to you.

>nostradamus is vague and can only be "interpreted" after the event occurs. He's not even comparable to the bible.

Oh please show me the clear and precise predictions your specific brand of bullshit offers.

Also, "google it" is a sign you don't understand your own conclusions. Stop being a faggot and explain to me without parroting something you've read on a retard's blog

That's anti christian propaganda pushed by Satan and his cohorts.

No one is in hell right now. Hell was created as a prison for the fallen angels. When you die, you "sleep" until the final judgement. At that point, all who have chosen to rebel against God are thrown into the lake of fire to be consumed (the 2nd death). There is no such thing as being tortured for all of eternity. There is no such passage in the bible.

I guarantee you're not a Christian
I guarantee no one here is.
Leviticus 20:13
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Matthew 5:17-19
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

Luke 16:17
It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.

Matthew 5:27
Have you yet?

And to add to that

Matthew 15:4-7

Basically the so called Christians and Jews alike are all hypocrites, true Christians and Jews died off a long long time ago.

But you'll sit in denial, because you were raised and brainwashed this way that you are now, programmed like a fucking computer, can't use logic and reasoning just obedience to the lies you were taught.

I say "google it" because no one wants to read 20 pages of reposted material and because many people have already done all this leg work, going back two thousand years. All research builds on prior verifiable work.

But just an example of specificity that nostradamus could only ever dream of:

" Some time before 500 BC, the prophet Daniel proclaimed that Israel's long-awaited Messiah would begin his public ministry 483 years after the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25-26). He further predicted that the Messiah would be "cut off," killed, and that this event would take place prior to a second destruction of Jerusalem. Abundant documentation shows that these prophecies were perfectly fulfilled in the life (and crucifixion) of Jesus Christ. The decree regarding the restoration of Jerusalem was issued by Persia's King Artaxerxes to the Hebrew priest Ezra in 458 BC, 483 years later the ministry of Jesus Christ began in Galilee. (Remember that due to calendar changes, the date for the start of Christ's ministry is set by most historians at about AD 26. Also note that from 1 BC to AD 1 is just one year.) Jesus' crucifixion occurred only a few years later, and about four decades later, in AD 70 came the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus."

A prediction down to the exact day. And this is only one of many.

>turning religion into science that can be proved

I don't think you understand what faith means OP

Can you elaborate on that more?

> a character in some older unverifiable story predirected another unverifiable story would happen!

Even if these stories were true how the fuck do you conclude "therefore god exists". You need to read up on logic, specifically premises and valid conclusions.

>very specific prophecies

They aren't specific at all, name one that is specific.

>God is not as much of an individual but an omnipresent force that governs how the universe works. God seeks order and the force god works through is the source of the human soul. The devil/trickster/nature is another force, the force governing life/human nature. Seeks chaos, through anger/apathy/desire of sex and power.
>the bible is not written by god but a set of values to live by for a group to survive the unpredictable and often uncaring universe we live in
>prepares all true believers for an apocalypse. Cataclysms are a natural part of human history on earth and all species on earth and only the prepared/most adaptable ones survive these extinction level events to pass on their genes.

God has no form, yet made us in his image
Consider the implications of that

It does not necessarily have to refer to physical form. God making us in his image could mean capability for self-awareness, free will, creativity or spiritual experiences too.

"If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out."

Just one example

Christians believe in the soul, right? But they usually say that they have a soul, rather than believing that that are a soul that has a body

You might find this useful:

2 Peter 3:3-4

3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

I think that's more a matter of semantics than anything else.

I really don't think so, otherwise they wouldn't fear death so much

Fear of death occurs universally at about the same prevalence in all groups no matter what they believe in. It's an instinctual fear that is mostly based on biology.

Hypothetically, if you knew that God wants you to suck my dick, would you do it? Be honest.

If you were a Christian and you knew that my new Cult was 100% fact after learning that your "100% factual" religion was actually a lie, would you convert?

Pro-tip, if you are trying to argue for Christianity don't ever use Kent Hovand as proof

Yeah, I'm certain an all loving god created me to condemn me to eternal suffering for not believing in his non-present ass. If there was any proof at all everyone would believe it. You retard.

>all the biblical things that are likely true are from Torah
>all the biblical things that are likely false are from the NT
I think you meant Judaism not Christianity, stop using our book to push your bullshit

christ cucks are getting dumber and dumber.
they've been placing significant events so it fits the timeline in bible dumbass. so fuckheads like you get triggered easily. next month you will be burning heretics on the street faggot... god's not real, only person's conscience is..

Point to me where the Bible says anyone will suffer eternally.

Then why should I believe? Leave God where He is with His ressurected fans and let me die an atheist death and stay dead. Thank you.

> They will go out and look on the carcasses of the men who rebelled against me;
> for the worms on them will not die, and their fire will not be extinguished.
> Isaiah 66:24

You shouldn't believe if you don't want to. Think of the universe as being divided between good and evil. Everyone chooses one or the other and not choosing is choosing the latter.

You should do whatever you want to do. I just think you ought to know all the facts before deciding. There is nothing more important than this decision.

>Kent Hovind

Stopped reading right there.