Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Le Pen is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a woman like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support Macron, who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you support Le Pen. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends and your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while progressive views are accepted as the norm
Most cucked nation
The media isn't always right with these projections. A clear example was your recent presidential election.
((((((((((((((((( MEDIA PROJECTION ))))))))))))))
Calm down Pedro.
Says place with VVD.
>Islamists have killed about 250 people since November 2015
>Still voting for appeasers
Man France is fucked.
We haven't had the same gruesome islamic terror that france has. Anyway, I did my part for the freedom party.
Islamic terror is a meme. 240 deaths in 5 years is nothing. We need to stop immigration not islamists.
>Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Le Pen is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor.
you are a retard living in brazil, you have no idea... plz stop humiliation yourself
Are you retarded?
Check the statistics for traffic collisions, or suicides, or heart attacks.
250 deaths in 3 years is fucking nothing.
So stfu
>Largest cities are still under represented in counted votes
There's still time
that's just Jihadist, froggert
even the USA hasn't had that in 10 years, cause we stopped those fuckers once we knew the war was on, wake up
>240 deaths in 5 years is nothing.
220 in just a year and a half (November 2015 - Now)
>heart attacks, car accidents, and suicides plot to kill people in coordinated efforts with guns, bombs, trucks, and knives, just like terrorists do!
You're retarded.
Still not really significant, we have hundred of thousands more niggers every year we need to focus on that.
>Check the statistics for traffic collisions, or suicides, or heart attacks.
But with all of those things we take steps to reduce them. So why not with Islam? Also it's less than 2 years (november 2015 - April 2017 = 17 months).
Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a woman like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support Macron, who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you support Le Pen. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends and your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while progressive views are accepted as the norm
Wrong you stupid fucking nigger. Ive brainwashed my friends including two hispanic ones into practically being fucking nazis, some of them are. My coworkers ask me about what is happening and my opinion on it and i got one black co-worker to vote for trump and i got another one who liked bernie to look at him objectively and he likes some of the shit he does. Go die in a favela
Maybe 240 in a year? Bataclan was 130, truck was what like 50? Plus other shootings, stabbing and bombings and we have to be over 200 for just last year.
That number should be ZERO you fucking tard.
I'm with her.
>Accidents are the same as murder in the name of some shitty desert religion!
I thought Russia was redpilled.
>accidents and illnesses are the same as importing people and a culture that want to kill you and rape your women
t. Ahmed living in niggerland.
Trump bumper stickers galore here pal.
Go outside. You die while a little monkey shoots and robs you. The end.
Be nice with your son portugal.
nice pasta.
i'm an expert about that.
>People don't know this pasta
newfags deported back to r/the_donald/
wrong. literally all my friends have the same positions as me, and half my family too.
t. scottish
DENK meme my friend
t. muhammed