tl;dr - Begging might become illegal in Norway, gypsies BTFO.
>Tuesday 18. April, the norwegian reichs broadcast aired a documentary about beggars from Romania. >The reporters got suspicious after a beggar posted pictures of holdin huge amounts of cash on his facebook. >They found that the begging is a cover-up for more sinsiter activities. >The romanians are actually running a network selling drugs, running prostitution, stealing, setting up illegal camps and shitting on private property. >They transfer millions of Euro from Norway to their country and live in huge luxurious mansions
And then...
>The next day after the documentary was aired, romanian people claim to have been spat on, cussed at and slapped by Norwegian citizens. >They claim to recieve significantly less money from begging, and tell christian frivilous organisations that they don't feel safe and wish everything could go back to normal. >Several articles about "Not all romanians" gets published and cuck politicians goes out saying "It must be allowed to ask for help! Spitting and cussing at people is totally unheard of!" >The Norwegian people are furious after having to flush their children from poo left by romanians camping outside kindergardens and leave comments online. >Cucks claim that it is all just racism >Common people become more positive about nationalist movements >The hostility towards romanians continiue.
Charles Perry
godspeed, norway.
Julian Brooks
Romania has 20 million people and is the #1 country in eastern europe for IT outsourcing you stupid snownigger stop calling gypsies Romanians
I really hope you get 100 more of Breivik, you sure as hell deserve it
Samuel Barnes
Talk to them with axes, like the proud vikings you are
Bentley Turner
Muslims will be next, can't wait to get those pesky Muhammedans out of my country. They are the worst refugees we've ever taken in.
They sit around doing nothing all day, the are impossible to integrate. Their wives shit out kid after kid. They leech our wellfare hoping to collapse our economy, while having children they can't provide for, knowing full well that this well turn our country into the very hell-hole they left.
They need to go back!
Jose Sanchez
Romanians are descendants from the most ancient caste system society in india where they were Untouchables, essentially slave degenerates at the bottom because they were indians that acted like niggers. Many were driven out and became parasitic nomads, basically like jews except not smart just cunning.
Matthew Clark
The disgusting filth that come here illegally build mansions in your country. All you need is a crane with a chain ball, or a box of matches a day they're out. Get your shit under control, your country is a fucking snake hive.
These fuckers have no human decency, their sons sell their mothers bodies to deformed racemixed Norwegians who can't get laid.
If there are any decent people in your country left, these savages consider them stupid, and to some extent you are. Because they do whatever they want, they post pictures of it, flaunt it to you, and you do nothing because you're nothing but a dumb little bitch. And even after I've told you this you will do nothing about it, because you're nothing but a dumb little romanian bitch.
Christopher Scott
can we be wuz vikings mister?
Andrew Reed
Vikings are all over the world, the mighty vikings planted their seed well. There are even tribes in pakistan who have blonde hair and blue eyes, left there by the vikings. It is actually a funny story.
The vikings wanted to trade silk with the persians to decorate their tunics. When the persians got to see the beautiful nordic men, with blonde hair and blue eyes, they were shocked and in awe.
The persian men, who owned their slaves and women, sent for their slaves, their daughters, sometimes even their sisters and wives. They begged for the vikings to impregnate their women, because they much wanted blond children of their own.
The vikings happily obliged, and still to this day, we have blond people with blue eyes in the middle-east. It only makes me sad that some of these are muslims, they should convert and come home! When a blond, blue eyed boy apostasizes islam and the fake prophet it is a beautiful thing.
My point is, if you're good looking. If you have blue eyes and blond hair, then you're probably more related to me than to the purely english, the inbred people of horse faces and unruly teeth.
Thomas Lewis
Well a lot of English people have Norse and Danish DNA. I don't think the meme about English people being inbred, ugly and with bad teeth is accurate - considering half of this board posts an English actor and we are known for good dental care.
And I have quite dark brown hair and bluish eyes. I've seen Icelandics and West Norwegians with hair like that though.
Chase Campbell
Fucking hell - is this why my computer at work always crashes!? Motherfuckers.
Daniel Martin
> gyppos
Landon Miller
Norway, please help us may your light shine upon us all
Jason Gray
the romanian begging cartels have been pretty common knowledge though. I've seen them drive around in vans with shaded windows dropping off people at hotspots where they stay and beg all day before they get picked up in the evening again. It's their "job". I hope they all get mass deported.
Adam Reed
God speed mysterion!
Hudson Collins
This is great! Now you know how we feel. Just don't send them back. I'm sure you'll figure out something.
Aiden King
Can you spread some of that mentality for our election year next year?
Ryan Murphy
Just keep calm and post this on your facebook-wall
Nicholas Thompson
Gypsies are grear. I can buy a little gypsy girl, keep her for a week or so then dump her back at the camp and call the police to run them off.
Oliver Ramirez
För ett starkare Norden!
Jonathan Ramirez
>Fill old vodka bottle with diluted methanol >Give to gypsy with a friendly smile >Walk away with an evil grin
Chase Evans
It is not for us, Norway is a sophisticated country.
Our carpenters don't balance a ladder on top of another ladder when they need to use a chainsaw hight up in a tree. That is typical russia stuff, we don't like that shit.
I only like your vodka and blond people with scandinavian features. And stop having bloated bellies, I see you guys in the gym all the time and you're all fat-fit. Learn to get ripped.
Grayson Nguyen
I truly believe Norway will be the first european country to uncuck itself (other than based Denmark, who never let itself be cucked in the first place).
I have visited the country several times. You can see young kids doing their military service all over the place, I usually see them at airports and train stations, men and women alike. Very low obesity rate compared to the european average, cute girls everywhere. Norwegians pretend to be friendly, but I've seen hints of racism everywhere, which leads me to believe all is not lost.
Godspeed you norskies, you can do it!
Owen Cook
Did you read the aboriginal thread some hours ago? That's exactly what a friend of the mad cunt posting did.
Hunter Barnes
Don't give it to them. Let them steal it from you.
Ian Stewart
It's already gone where I live, norgcuck. Weirdly, since a few years back, when they removed most of the police presence from here (rural northland), things like burglaries and beggars is almost non existent. We also have a 5-6% support for the swecuck democrats, as opposed to the national average of about 25. I wonder why that is.
Bra karl reder sig själv.
Anthony Scott
Oh yeah, the Nuristanis! A kind /his/ user posted a bunch of pics of blond and ginger Afghans/Pakistanis a while back
Captcha: select all that match: helicopter
Levi Cooper
Jason Jones
It's looking up for us both. Maybe one day you will reclaim the lost city of Malmö. And take back New Somalia, aka Rinkeby.
Maybe one day, we will take back Oslo.
James Scott
Those are our people. We need to liberate them by bombing the shit out of their muslim captors!!
Xavier Williams
They were pagans until two hundred years ago, so even more Norse
Jack Kelly
Any sources? Would like to read more about that
David Russell
Can you link that thread?
Elijah Lewis
No, but it is a well known fact. They've done it many other places as well. I think kosovo and more. Also, the swedish vikings fucked a whole bunch of women throughout Europe before settling in Russia.
Leo Clark
100*77 killed would mean 7700 leftists killed. That would be a nice thing, would it not?
Lincoln Ramirez
>I really hope you get 100 more of Breivik, you sure as hell deserve it M2, gypsybro