is there any actual leader or credo or manifesto to the alt right movement or is it just a bunch of short guys who stand around and yell about white heritage and who beat up petite women
Wherefore alt right
niggers get out
>he doesn't know the term alt-right is a meme
don't be a heightist
It's me. I am the leader, please ask anything, I'll answer you.
>just a bunch of short guys who stand around and yell about white heritage and who beat up petite women
No, that's it. On Sup Forums they're called "controlled opposition" or "antifa" or "Leftists"
Alt right is just a label Richard Spencer invented for his brand of white nationalism and that Media now uses to brand together all these anti-establishment right-wing views. There is no alt-right, we have no leader, we are a very diverse group of people who are mostly united by our hate for the modern left and political correctness, but not much else, we have differing opinions in all the other questions.
>tfw we couldn't save her
>he doesnt know what wherefore means
Plebeians out! REEEEEEEEEEE!
Nope. What people have come to know as the alt-right is actually a large pool of very different people who are probably a thousand times more diverse than any Antifa bloc.
Gov is vile and cankerous . ( see constitution about government replacement )
AntiFa is owned by ((Soros)) and are pro fascism aka retards.
We the people of /pol and Patriots would have to kill both sides to secure a future for our kids with stained hands.
Patriots care not about your religion as long as you worship peacefully.
Patriots care not about what you did in your past, we only care that you are willing to make amends by staining your hands with us.
Patriots come in white, black , yellow and every shade in-between. Bare arms with us as THEIR bullets care not of your skin color.
Evil is united under one banner, Good is bickering with one another while Evil slowly ties their hands from the shadow.
=Through Emerald Eyes I See 1776
Prove that you're a Bogdanoff brother.
Literally its a meme. Its a meme we use to piss of the left. There is no ideology, just dont be a leftist. Thats it. I mean youve got alex jones on one hand and fuckin Nazis on the other. They have no allegiance to each other, they simply exist. The Alt Right term literally came around so Clinton could bash someone with a name.
that kinda looks like the kitchen in Shameless
u promised me her noodz Sup Forums
>beat up petite women
mostly this, why do you ask?
>is there any actual leader or credo or manifesto to the alt right movement
No. The leftist media just made it up and you fags fell for it hook line and sinker.
No leaders. Just heros.
We provide women with true equality, which should make you happy.
Greg Johnson is writing our manifesto
The "alt right" is basically when you are so fucking contrarian, that being a young conservative isn't enough for you, so you open another front and hate conservatives too.
Those people are better known as Antifa. They are led by ladies like Anne-Fleur Dekker and Anita Sarkeesian.
Both of them start their names with A, obviously a ploy to acquire some cosmic energy from the fuhrer
>is it just a bunch of short guys who stand around and yell about white heritage and who beat up petite women
some of us aren't short
They say propaganda works pretty well on the less intelligent... is that why 95% of niggers voted left Sup Forums?
Just a group of nerds and chads having fun at the expense of stupid communists.
You are a breath of fresh air for your accurate information, Estonia food.
You underestimate our power.....
What's the correct word?
you really don't understand do you. this has nothing to do with the "alt-right". i think what your referring to, is the resurgence of truth and meaning in the Weston world. it's far bigger and more important than you could imagine.
your weak.
We need a charasmatic, jacked, strong alpha leader, surrounded by strong tough guys and qt girls.
We need a new Duce
Didn't you get the French memo? Alt-Right is dead.
We're the extreme right now.
>Alt right
get the fuck off of Sup Forums
So many words, for something pulled out of your butt. Speaking of that, why didn't you dream up something more interesting? It was /your/ fantasy, after all. How about being king of the world, or even taking care to be being well-informed, something like that?
The Alt-Right as Richard Spencer conceived it is rebranded white nationalism aka white nationalism 2.0. White nationalists dropped the skinhead look in favor of yuppie/Chad looks to better appeal to the public.
I vaguely remember one user warning everyone about the term "alt-right" being coined to create a controlled opposition and put every critic in the same corner about a year or two ago.
Since then shills, MSM, establishment and shitposters have been pushing that shit non-stop.
If you criticize the establishment, you get called a conspiracy nut, i.e. someone who believes in a made up group being in control. Alt-right is one such group, except the left thinks it's totally real and can't stop bashing at the strawpuppet, thereby being conspiracy nuts themselves.
At least when Sup Forums bashes stawpuppets like the lizard-people or the jews, it's mostly done tongue-in-cheek, except for the few idiots who can't read the room and think they are in good company.
It's harder to fight what you can't define, faggot.
Eat shit Jews & leftist.
you can't have a leader of the alt right
anyone who steps forth will be singularly labeled a neo-nazi and silenced in the name of 'decency'
this 'movement' can only exist as a generalization
Of course not, there is no such thing as the "alt right movement", it was only used by the media to group/slander everyone who supports Trump with genuine neo nazis under the name of the "alt right", which has since been co opted by figureheads on the right who have retroactively claimed to be leaders in the "alt right movement"
Preservation of European supremacy in our countries. White privilege is real and it's because our ancestors founded and built these countries. There is nothing wrong with us being dominant and prominent in OUR societies founded and built by OUR ancestors. All these recent stuff telling us we should be ashamed is garbage. If brown people want to be number 1# go be 1# in your brown country.
That guy needs to get more, and more visibly, involved. By analyzing their handwriting I say Johnson is smarter.
jokes on you since most alt right arent even white!
yw burgerbro
We don't have a leader, we're just an amorphous group of patriots that amass to prevent commie scum from fucking up our country.
>the Jews are a strawpuppet
Get the fuck off Sup Forums!
niggers are here to stay
but muslims are something else
even france knows it
when the meme becomes real then what is your last resort
>the few idiots who can't read the room
>thinks everything he has no knowledge of is just a joke
>Get the fuck off Sup Forums!
Make me, goy!
It's impossible for autists to have a leader or to lead.
Yeah no shit - it's one thing to think, "Well we broke it, we bought it" about blacks, but doing that with muslims will be the death of us. It's not so much a problem /in America/ for a while, but that's all the more reason to start now imo. Maybe we'll see how Europe handles it.
I wonder, anyone have any analysis about how allowing large muslim populations will play out in Europe vs America? We're pretty accommodating of them here, too, it isn't just Europe. They just don't have the numbers here, yet.
That's pretty insightful - I think there's truth to it. How did you come by that?
It's a catch-all term for alternative politics to the traditional cucky left-right dichotomy of democracy.
Democracy is dying because Jews and Marxists decided they wanted to turn the Great Game into a zero-sum one. Alternative systems which were once on the fringe are now acceptable again. You only have yourselves to blame, as people don't wish to be victimized. The more evil and hardline the left became, it was only inevitable that the right would follow suit and do the same.
alt right is a made up term by libtards and news media to smear trump supporters
there never was any alt right, just a coalition of young disaffected leftists, centrists, and libertarians who didn't want to swallow the DNC's shit sandwich
It's not even a coalition. It's just a large amount of normal people congregating in a public space, being presented a giant steaming turd and then simply commenting "That's a giant steaming turd campaigning for presidency!", which prompted the (((turd-salesmen))) to whiteknight for the turd.
>alt right is a made up term by libtards and news media to smear trump supporters
Why do people say this when it's false? The term started on Twitter as an offshoot talk between Spencer, Red Ice, TRS, and others, and was gradually adopted by the more radical Sup Forums elements who were trolling at the time. From there it went to reddit and Sup Forums proper.
Alt-right is explicitly white nationalist while advocating for differing systems of governments to achieve it, and so the media calling it such isn't wrong. Where they were wrong was calling all Trump supporters alt-right, including every moronic civic nationalist with a Youtube channel they didn't like. Milo tried to hijack the term and Jewify it into something more palpable to the public, but he failed. And thus this
>it's a made up term by the media!
meme began.
Why are her hands so fat?
Because we immediately from the start knew that it was a made up term, brought only into discussion to silence critics under one big, UNDEFINED label? There was no talk of leaders or figureheads when it first found its way here. Those were only gradually introduced over time by a constant circle-jerk of fanboys going "ourguy" for different, previously unknown, e-celebs, hoping it would catch on.
Subtle aug thread detected
leave it to a german to make scatological analogies
This, exept Spencer came up with the term when he was an author at 'The American Conservative' but it only referred to peope who were tired of classic conservatism and neo-cons. The actual meaning evolved over time, partly independently.
>non-white shitskin but still advocate for white nationalist because you know white majority is the only civilized society in the whole
>tfw hated by both sides of the aisle
Please don't rope me.
It's always nice to be recognized for one's expertise.
Their is no alt right. It's a boogie man.
>exclamation point after a reeeee
You can have your own ethno state and live in you own culture and capabilities.
I'm glad you can look beyond the immediate present.
> Please don't rope me.
Not even a little bit? Damn.
grammar is paramount always burger
Dumbass, non-white ethno states already exist. They are called the middle east, africa and china. And all are massive shitholes. Why do you think I even bothered post about advocating for white society?
Japan is the only non-white ethnostate that's civilized, but even then it was massively influenced by whites. It was a shithole full of civil wars before the meiji era.
Worked well under national socialism, gasing all other races is just a meme
Ethno state also means that you stay the fuck there and don't (((enrich))) us
Revolt Against the Modern World: Politics, Religion, and Social Order in the Kali Yuga
Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist
Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul
In that order. All by Julius Evola. That will help you understand the altright.
>the buldge
Alt-right is a term made up by the MSM and libtards, you moronic redditor
We have cookies!
Bike lock attacker:
Attempted murder
2:00 He hits hits guy with a blue helmet and blue shirt
2:10 He hits hits guy with a black shield
He hits the green bicycle helmet guy at 0:37
He hits the green military style helmet at 0:53
Slow motion, hits guy in blue shirt with green bicycle helmet
At 1:12 he breaks military style green helmet
In this video he can be seen smacking more people over the head with his lock, fortunately his mask comes off
Here is video of him smashing people over the head at Milo riot...
What's the difference between a dick and a chicken leg?