Praga is the Detroit of USA.
>pic rel
and this is where I live.
By the way.
>fuck off leaf
Praga is the Detroit of USA.
>pic rel
and this is where I live.
By the way.
>fuck off leaf
french always were different from the anglos
People who supported the Right early in 2016 did so because they expected specific returns on specific issues. The failure of Right politicians to deliver the expected return has discredited the movement in the eyes of many.
>le 1 square kilometer of german architecture meme
Us taking the lead culturally so early on was an unexpected blessing but was never essential. We're still winning the long game because people will only become more and more racist as the shitskin invasion continues.
Putin will abdicate in 2018. Kek fooled us all!
Wether Le Pen wins or loses, I don't think Europe has a hope in hell of surviving the decade
You forgot to list the biggest globalist victory yet: Trump winning.
Is there still any doubt that he is the ultimate elitist puppet? He says he is against globalism, yet let's them run free in his administration. It's time for innawoods.
That's some high quality bait right there.
>picking up some old as fuck photo of a backyard
and here's that street on more recent photos
>i live nearby
fucking faggot