Jesus sits beside you right now as you slag off blacks, Jews and women. Is he thoroughly disgusted, or will he forgive you, because you know not what you do?
Judgement Day
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sorry but it doesn't work like that in CIA lemon party gestapo. its not the mission of mercy. so you do not get any time to get your jobs back. It's the equality gestapo where even war equals peace, freedom fries rapidly and equals tar budgets slavery, ignorance equals strength, etc..
Jesus is a jew.
Exlusion from the kingdom of heaven is punishment enough. Jesus said love your enemies. King solomon said above all else, protect your heart.
Say he can forgive something as heineous as murder. Hes only going to do it if your good deeds outweigh your bad ones. We all know thats not the case.
Repent brothers, humble yourselves. Because a humbling is coming for all of us.
Or maybe those will be judged, who tried to destroy gods given order, by bringing people together, who don't belong together.
Jesus needs to go the fuck back to Mexico.
>tfw want to be religious but I have to ignore so many things to do so
how is christianity any different from scientology or islam?
Is that You one the picture??
Jesus is a real pervert if he's watching you all the time without your permission.
>European american
Salvation is by faith alone nigger
Ever tried reading a book, user? Shit is hard compared to pictures but if you can get past the first couple of pages it's amazing what you can learn.
he'll forgive those who don't (which is wast majority)
small part of us are going str8 2 hell
This must be the Im a Leftist larping as a christian when it suits my agenda thread
It's not made up and it's not a totalitarian cult which will stone you to death for leaving or jerking off or something else trivial.
I dont agree with unrestricted immigration, but this is such a retarded thing to say and if youre a christian you should be ashamed of yourself.
christianity is for whites so its okay
Fhck off. Da Ah Holy Ah Faddah said itz from eating crackers.
why do women think fake contacts look real. you're not fooling anyone.
I'd like to give a detailed answer but I'm bust.
Read Luigi guissani especially his book "At the Origen of the Christian Claim"
But he wasn't a khazar from Russia
Because in true Christianity you act out your faith, where you minimize your self and bring the needy and poor and destitute's feelings and needs above your own, forsaking all you have to serve God through serving others. Jesus said whatsoever you do for the least of all people you do for Him.
Read the bible. Jesus said otherwise. Atheists have a better shot at heaven than phony christians.
I have no reason to believe in Middle-Eastern gods. So I don't care.
He know not what we do for he do like it be dude
i've read the bible multiple times user. I've come to the realization that it was just a bunch of religious fan-fics compiled by Constantine 500 years after Jesus' supposed death. The person who wrote/compiled the christian bible wasn't even christian himself and I'm supposed to believe that's the word of god? what about all the other works that got excluded/lost? what about all the historical revisionism? modern christianity is radically different from the Christianity of 100, 200, 500, 1000 years ago. it's all one giant larp.
>it's not made up
yes it, it quite literally is. can you dispute the works of hubbard?
really? it was a semitic/sand nigger religion though. and is that why for 1000 years white christians lived in abject despair while jews prospered? thanks christianity!
>wanting me to read a book written by a (((catholic))) on why i should gib tithes to his pedo organization. WEW
it seems like 90% of christians don't believe in "true christianity" then, especially in catholic countries. "the needs of the poor and destitute" to a christian american sounds like liberal gommunist-speak. and they don't like handouts.
Jesus will forgive me
Because he knows that I had no other choice
>really? it was a semitic/sand nigger religion though. and is that why for 1000 years white christians lived in abject despair while jews prospered? thanks christianity!
it was a roman religon if you wanna split hairs, as this happened in the roman occupied lands after pharacies waged a brutal civil war when the Romans demanded tribute in the form of gold(seriously)
The point is that christianity was about voluntarly living humbly and in poverty while giving as much as you can
As Christ said to his disciples 'it is easier for a camel to pass though the head of a pin then for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven'
>Jesus sits beside you right now as you slag off blacks, Jews and women. Is he thoroughly disgusted
I dunno, was YHWH being a pissy little bitch about muh not all moneychangers when the Temple got its asswhoopin?
YHWH is the name of the tetragramatron, not Jesus, Jesus is the prophet or 'son'
some serious jewish tricks going on itt
>implying Christ doesn't want you kill the jews
if you ask for it he will forgive you
Faggot, how dense can you be? Jesus to you in one analogy, YHWH to Jesus in another.
This painting is so fucking perfect
also if you got time
He will judge me for my life. If he cares I hate niggers and chinks and gundis, that's his perogative. I doubt he will though, having known so many.
>Jesus to you in one analogy, YHWH to Jesus in another
It was MY analogy, chucklefuck. Look who made that post. Are you legit retarded?
>Are you legit retarded?
y you too
Kike-blood runs in your veins.