Will you allow North Korean refugees into your country?
Will you allow North Korean refugees into your country?
No I fucking hate asians.
Not if it's your country provoking the war.
>t. Fingol
more so than syrians yes. they're less explodey
Of course I will. I can even adopt 2 of them to my house.
Yes. They would create more jobs than the lazy fucking benifit bludgers we current have as our own citizens
If its a choice between the Afro/Paki/Arab mix we get now, who breed incessantly, commit shitloads of crime, and ask for gibs vs Norks who will probably work hard and have successful children, I think you know user.
Even a starving, brainwashed Korean is better than a dune coon
go back to drinking kossu Pekka.
Youll get over your self hate.
I am 100% okay with east asian immigrants, just to counteract that immigrants that leftists love
>Koreans will just assimilate quietly, not start breeding like rabbits, and won't be a drain on the welfare state
This is how retarded you sound.
Polands already been cleaned twice
I'll take some. If they want to move here to dystopia is another question altogether.
>let's add more immigrants because the left has brought in too many immigrants
You're a fucking retard. And chinks always vote leftist because they want to bring their whole family over via chain migration, and many of them are on govt assisted SSA in the US. You think Arabs breed quick? Chinks do it faster.
Women, yes.
Trump will open interracial breeding grounds for all of his lonely NEET supporters so they can BLEACH some gook war brides
Only the female ones.
Of course! They work like ants for a cheap price, they will rebuild our Far East in 10 years.
They are accustomed to discipline and harsh treating for those who dont behave.
they are atheists, mostly
More Russia will get norks - less tajiks and other shitskin will remain here, cause they will lose competition to norks.
There is 10mln jobs for migrants in Russia and I prefer these jobs handed to nork, not to shitskins from Central Asia.
three times
Yeah. We'd even have a party.
Only if they all open stores
They don't though, they usually outperform whites, orientals are the most affluent group in the US as we speak.
>literally every other asian minority populace in history have integrated properly, and had far more successful children than arab/mexican/etc. immigrants have.
Holy fuck, you're retarded.
YES! look at this Nork girl, she is a cute. a CUTE!
Self hating faggot...
Sure! Asians are always polite, hardworking and respectful, and they're not niggers or sandniggers, which is a big plus.
Fuck no. They will be made a voter cash cow just like every illegal chink here already. Only positive is that there is a fifty -fifty chance that the commies here would approuched them and they would be gutted by the North Koreans for being pussiest or what they Don't want ever again.
Probably not the best idea, taking in a small number of dissidents who actually want to leave and manage to slip across the border is one thing but taking in post-war refugees from a country who's people's have been indoctrinated since birth to hate you and your country for generations as taught by men whom they revere as a living god with almost no mitigating outside influence what so ever is self destructive. They would likely adjust about as well as any other East Asian immigrant does in other western nations given an extra generation or two but due to the nature of the situation and the relationship between our two countries it would probably be in the best interest of both parties to have them settle elsewhere.
And they still vote 70%+ Democrat
They'll vote right wing as the cubans do in america as they've lived under the an authoritarian left wing govt.
only because they feel alienated from the WASPs.
Yes I would love some food making slaves. First I need to get a South Korean to train the North Korean though...
i´d rather take 20 million northkoreans in my country then 1 mudslime
Fucking dumbass.
Asians vote conservatively because they know how money works and they know capitalism is the superior economic base. We also don't have restrictions on immigration from Asian countries so they have no reason to vote left.
Sure, why not.
>Asians are always polite, hardworking and respectful
you've never been to china. asians are subhuman scum.
Who would deny entry to migrant Tea Girl?
You're quite right, but maybe they civilize themselves while in Europe, because the ones i see here are indeen polite, hardworking and respectful. And they're not filthy mulsim vermins, another plus.
are you serious ? I'll gladly exchange 10 north koreans against a single nigger or algerian
that's fucking sad
kim needs to be tomahawk'd
Is there an international terrorist organization formed by thousands of fanatic and suicidal militants based on Korean culture and or religions?
people that eat dogs aren't welcome here
fuck off yellow cunts
Fucking this.
We'll take the women, and they'll raise the next generation of Aryan Americans
you wont see the difference
Kek if you think the muslims are the worst brainwashed west hating group you can find, wait until Merket cucks Europe into taking worst koreans, and them seeing how you guys live vs how they lived, the difference is that they're smarted than muslims, and would go all 1000+ kill streaks per attack.
>brainwashed by communist propaganda
>possibly the least tech-savvy populace in the world (neck-and-neck with African niggers)
>much like muslims, they'll loudly proclaim their disdain for westerners and continue to walk around dressed like a relic of the past
>have a slightly better work ethic than spics
>breed like rabbits
Nah, I'll pass.
If we can train them to be Roof Koreans in the upcoming race war, sure.
out of all the flags that could've posted this
Tuukka, plz.
I want a waifu can care less if she is a bit crazy
No, there are enough dirty gooks over here already
>How 2 get Azn waifu
No, we're full.
Do you think we will have terrorist attacks if the US brings in North Korean refugees?
Asians actually voted majority republican during Bill Clinton's elections. I don't know where or when the shift took place though.
Only if they're qt and wont try to murder me
Protip to the greasy virgins shuffling and snickering about in this thread: 1 in 1000 south koreans are this cute. 1 in 100,000 north koreans are.
Just the females. The males can go to SK.
>Trump liberates North Korea
>import 15 million refugees who now worship Trump
I would take 1 million north koreans over 1 muslim
Their infiltrators have traditionally focused on targeted political assassinations. So McCain or Pelosi might get Nork'd but you're probably safe.
I thoroughly hate Asian girls. They always look stupid, like a dumb animal. Usually giggling like a moron into her hand.
north korean men are taught to be pussies and never question the government
bringing them over won't be a problem, they'll work for 20 grains of rice a week and be thankful you don't beat them
Now I see, Russia is the buffer state
Fuck me, that was stupidly cute. Is this how yellow fever begins, Sup Forums?
>be pussies and never question the government
Don't you have enough democrats already?
China will welcome all!
That it is so cute, I would glady have some North Korean slaves
tea girl, I hope she's still alive
Probably not, user. Probably not.
most of these defectors are liars and probably SK actors
Why are Russians so racist and homophobic? What made them so different from western euros?
Why should i?
Europe for whites, i won't change my opinion.
Sure. At least ex-Norks will assimilate. Unlike Apefreakans and camel jockeys.
More dry cleaners is a good thing.
With a flag like yours, I have no idea if you are being ironic or not.
No. But if I had a choice between Koreans or the current immigrants, I'd choose Koreans. Would be better than Jews and Muslims. Much less harmful.
I'm not offended by it. I'm just genuinely curious about what caused such a huge difference in mentalities.
yeah, i would desu
and this is coming from someone who hates mudslimes, niggers and russians
North Korean women have long been considered the pretty ones over women from the southern regions.
You know it's never just going to be cute breeding age women right?
That it'll always be either welfare families or welfare men trying to take the local women?
Russian history is a history of suffering. It never ends. So when they see ships of dindu rocket surgeons coming to Western Europe for gibsmedats they say fuck that shit, our lives are bad enough even without feeding ungrateful rapefugees.
The only strange thing is why China, of all countries, is the opposite. Probably something got lost in translation.
Most Korean immigrants that I know personally are small business owners. But the succeeding generations end up becoming as cucked as their white peers, sucking up to niggers, mudslimes, and kikes.
China has a long history of invasion and foreign occupation/interloping. That may have something to do with it.
Fuck. No. Dealing with a commie infestation as it is.
I'd tap her butt if you know what I mean.
I'd det her come in my house if you know what I mean.
I wanna norkie so I can culture shock her
Yes. Ex-commie types always go hard-right. They would be easy to evangelize.
You're country is so fucked I wouldn't be concerned with who's immigrating there, be trying to immigrate elsewhere myself.
Tea girl is dead as fuck she got to close to Shane, you can see the indocrination drain from her during that ping pong game, she had way too much actual fun and went from acting to enjoying, Glorious leader surely burned and tortured this traitorous scum and looked up 3 generations of her family,
Yes to a small number, first generation commie refugees tend to lean conservative.
THey have to be takashi, because they can't afford the plastic surgeons that S.K has
what you see is what you get
Okay, that pic is a Commie Korea I wouldn't mind invading.
gosh she's hecka cute
I know the meme is, south koreans only look cute because plastic surgery, but then how do you explain north koreans bein p cute too?