“We live in a civilization that is not having children, but also closes its door to migrants: this is called suicide.,”
What did he mean by this?
“We live in a civilization that is not having children, but also closes its door to migrants: this is called suicide.,”
What did he mean by this?
The best thing that could happen to rapefugees is for them to be locked away in concentration camps
"We live in a civilization that is not having children, but also closes its door to migrants: this is called s̶u̶i̶c̶i̶d̶e̶ white genocide."
It's not our civilization if it's the migrants having children now is it?
Makes sense to me. If you don't have kids and don't bring in immigrants your population will die off. Gotta do one. Preferably the former.
It means we don't want to have kids who will be slaves to the work/school system
And we don't want nigs who will also perpetuate the system.
Take your papal religious money greed and stick it up your arse, no man can serve two masters.
open the door to muslims and have muslim kiddos. this is not called suicide at all.
He meant that one of the oldest and most corrupt banking institutions on Earth is concerned that the retarded, short-sighted management of global finances is catching up to it.
Liberals in the last decade:
"Waah, the world is becoming overpopulated, have less children white people!"
Liberals this decade:
"Waah, white people aren't having enough children, we need more pakis"
(white birth rate averages at 2.1 per couple, just slightly above replacement, within sustainability)
Does the pope really think that catholics and muzzies will be best buddies in the future?
He talked specifically about a Christian family who were the victims of ISIS, stop conflating The Pope with brain dead sjw's.
people don't have children because
* no-fault divorce with alimony
* burdened by debt (usury)
* not paid a living wage (avarice)
* universally available and free birth control
all three engineered by Jews
I would expect the Pope of all people to be speaking about these topics.
fucking kike anitpope
>people don't have children because
>* no-fault divorce with alimony
>* burdened by debt (usury)
>* not paid a living wage (avarice)
>* universally available and free birth control
>all three engineered by Jews
>I would expect the Pope of all people to be speaking about these topics.
He does.
White argentine consider itself a nation of inmigrants.
This it's a lot more noticeable than the US, maybe on the same level as Canada.
It makes sense that a white argentianian pope were in favor of it, and probably the reason why he was elected.
Benedict was removed for going after pedophiles in high positions in the Vatican. This Pope is a corrupt stooge of the Vatican establishment.
Sandnigger catholics. Quebec is my caliphate, you understand? These filth were the original shalom sandnigger/salam sandniggers.
Kill the pope. Choose Christ. Or die yourselves.
This Pope is a communist from Argentina, What do you expect?
He means, either have more kids or die by the migrants the Jews are letting in.
Stop buying toys and useless bs and use that money for children.
>We live in a civilization that is not having children, but opens its door to migrants: this is called replacement
fuck globalists
he spent his whole life in the church. became a priest when he was like 18. it figures that he's a commie and only understands allegiance to faith, not nation or race. he's basically clueless, out of touch, and a leftist piece of shit from south america.
If our population is going to die off one way or another, I'd rather it be done quietly withOUT the shrouds of human locusts tearing up my home every day before my eyes, under the guise of 'acceptance' as if they assume everyone in the country is on board with their multicultural sabotage.
If my country is going to be overrun by these parasites, let them fucking try the old fashioned way with war.
Also, dogs fucked the pope - not fault o' mine.
he means that he is a filthy ugly south american commie cuck that should finally shut the fuck up
OP here again:
So how is this "not having children"?
It's clearly a threat. Fuck the Jesuits. Fuck the Pope.
He means
>oy vey goyim spread your legs for browndick and take in Muslims :DDDD
How about we simply kill all socialists that grew the government and the tax burden to the point whites cannot afford children? After all, with all the socialists dead, more social roles will be open and people will flourish again. Perhaps socialists should just voluntarily commit suicide for the benefit of the whole?
hey its not our fault, if you were nicer to us maybe we wouldnt want to ruin the world
look for results by demographic
>but also closes its door to migrants
where are there closed doors you dumb sack of shit
I agree, they messed with our democratic process to many times.
>where are there closed doors?
At the Vatican
Please let cheap labor go into Europe
where's lenin when arg need him
He's right. Even EUfags argue that Europe needs migrants because low birth rates are causing instability. If only you cucks did your God given duty you wouldn't be in this mess
He's a filthy Jew anti-Christ.
That we should have more kids
Worst pope yet, he basically proves Catholics are the ultimate cucks.
Even less looking at it from a Catholic or at least Christian point of view. This pope should be killed.
>We need even more people in a time of rapid technological progress and job obsolescence
The entire Vatican city needs to be sealed off and permanently filled with water, Christianity needs a rebrand.
he means hes clearly appealing to what he thinks will sway your opinion rather than being honest about what he wants. if you told him "okay, ill have children and let all the migrants die" he wouldnt like it.
what a shifty fucking kike
Iceland's looking good
>Europe has low birthrates
>this will fuck up our pension systems and social welfare
>solution....import low skilled third world workers who have no chance on the european job markets thus ending up in perpetual welfare dependency thus creating even more strain on our social welfare system
Great idea globalists! :^)
>This is the price paid for forsaking Christianity and approving of Jews.
Thanks for teaching Europe how to do that then.
Funny how many Catholic faggots suddenly go "NOT MY POPE" when it suits them.
Luther did nothing wrong.
I dont really believe the whole Birth rate bs hoax see a shit ton of white couples with like 2-3 kids just not inside the untermensch infested big cities and muslims in the west are starting to die aswell as lots of white women don't want a turk or a morrocan on wellfaire to father childeren or have anything to do with that scum and what is the point of having a shit ton of people when robots are going to do our jobs anyway fucking pointles to import people aswell when mechanisation goes further and further.
it is though, having an immigrant class to come in and mow the lawns/clean the streets/manage the cash register, etc. is nice. Gives economic growth to area were refugees are being sent, and allows the natives to enjoy their capitalist society and make some profit off these shitskins.
2000 years and going strong
If you knew Catholic history you would knew infight is pretty common. We don't just walk out the door like faggot Luther when the wrong person get elected for political games.
>ha affermato che Gesù «si è fatto peccato, si è fatto diavolo, serpente, per noi». Testuale.
>he said the Jesus "has made himself sin, he made himself devil, snake for us". Literally.
I'm not a kike though.
He's trying to appease a larger group of people, but at the same time, pushing the more zealous Catholics away.
Atheists, fags, and other scum won't go to church if you suck up to them, but by doing so you turn away believers.
This just proves purity spiral right. Repeal Vatican II.