Us leaves have our own battles in the great meme war. The first is upcoming. We need to meme Bernier as much power as we can.
General Bernier Thread
Bernier is actually a great guy. Met him a few times. Only problem he's going to have is his English and that he's a white man. However, the economic policies that he's trying to implement and address are simply too large for Cuckdeau to ignore.
My biggest concern is that Conservative party members are going to like O'Leary more but Canadians as a whole are just going to draw Trump parallels and Canadians want to be as dissimilar to America as possible.
Bernier, on the other hand, while likely not as able to bring in Tory support, is more likely to bring in Liberal and moderate support after elected.
Not to mention, O'Leary STILL doesn't have a platform.
I went to the Manning conference (1.5k CPC members and high ups, but a third was built of students). They did a poll during the conference of who their #1 is, and it was Bernier by about 30+%. Andrew Sheer was #2 with 19#, Kevin O'Leary and Michael Chong was number 3 with 15%.
Libernierians, unite!
I still have the fear that O'Leary is going to somehow eek out a win.
He might. But (although anecdotal) most conservatives I know have said they'd prefer Bernier as they can see behind the O'Leary facade. Conservatives are principled people, besides Trump, CPC members don't fall for facades.
I still think we need to meme him as much power as we can.
I mean Mad Max is very meme worthy. We can do it. Sup Forums just needs to know how important it is to have him in office.
Us leaves need to make more Bernier threads.
>Canadians dont want to be American
but they are, lol
there's almost no difference between our two countries. After all we were colonies of the same country.
Trudeau will win again, you heard it here folks.
We basically are but we don't want to be.
wait, so canadian conservatives refer to themselves as the loyalists for the crown? noice
This will only happen if Leitch or O'Leary wins because they're the most Trumpian candidates to the CBC.
Her Majesty is still our head of state,
Constitutional monarchy.
Trudeau will not.
>Falling for another Quebecois' plan to fuck over this shithole
Good petit gars
>Except it's a great plan.
Go back to BC.
Conservatives are sometimes called Tories, yes.
Based on the early tory party.
>I'll do X, trust me petit gars
>Get elected
>Well, turns out I can't do X, do I'll just push my hidden agenda
Aren't you tired of getting manipulated by the BQC?
I reckon he's just a good conservative candidate whom'st Quebecois would actually vote for
Bernier will win and BTFO cuckdeau
I have forseen it
>Implying we don't enjoy voting Trudeau to watch you burn.
O'Leary has raised the same amount of money and sold memberships as Bernier. and he did that in three and a half months while Bernier did it in one year.
In every email Bernier sends out, he attacks O'Leary.
It's clear who's going to win this election. I'm still putting Bernier first on the ballot, but I'm not going to leave O'Leary off - I think he could do well against Trudeau.
By the way, has anyone received their ballots and membership card? I joined almost two months ago and it still hasn't gotten here. And I live in fucking Ottawa
Great Lord of All Cosmos will not allow it
>memed out of office
My mem(e)bership card arrived, ballot not yet.
im sorry senpai, Bernier is the best choice yes, but charisma wins every time. He would get destroyed by Trudeau.
We need to get behind O'leary as he is way more charismatic than Bernier. If you dont get on the O'Leary train get ready for 10 years of Trudeau
O'Leary is winning because CBC is helping him, they know full well he will be a despised and incompetent Con leader and they're only happy to shit up the non-progressive party and hand another 10 years to the moron Trudeau that would surely lose against any other semi-competent politician
shieet i went too
i met a bunch of Sup Forumsacks there
maybe i met you
we don,t you fucking anglo cuck.
You probably are some westmount cocksucker
Bernier first true foray into meme was letting classified document around while he was fucking a 9/10 criminal biker woman. He'll be fine
dude look at every election ever in the western world. Charisma wins EVERY time. its always down to "Who would you rather have a beer with?
bush vs al gore - Bush obviously
Bush vs Kerry - Bush again
Obama vs McCain - Obviously the nigger
Obama vs Mitt - what a joke
Trump vs Old Bitch - Trump
same goes for canada, Harper won because the opponents were in disarray and their leaders were unlikable losers, like paul martin, mike ignatieff, stefan dion, and that the NDP will never win ever so its a wasted vote.
dont be a fucking idiot or trudeau will never leave. Women also ruined it for everyone. Canada is kind of a lost cause at this point but a lot of people are waking up under trudeau and getting red pilled.
Bernier is quite Charismatic though. His English isn't the greatest but he can carry on well enough even cracking jokes.
which would a normie want to have a beer with though? obviously Trudeau.
Trusting the CBC in the current year
thread theme ?
also C/a/nada likes him
The deep south loves him ,
> which one of you autists was it
He won't lower immigration and he's going to keep selling your country off to China like the opportunist he is