Eternal Portuguese Thread

Time for a Portuguese general, to talk about politics, culture, society, recent events of Portugal and the imfluences of the world on Portugal

Tonight's topic:Le Pen and Macron on the Second Round. Who will win? What will be the consequences of such election to Portugal and the world? Will we have our own Le Pen?

As usual, Spainbros, Oldest Allies, Good Catholics and Former Colonies are welcome and VIP. Exceptionally, French Frogs are also welcome tonight. Moors stay out.

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Boa sorte a manter isto.

>Tonight's topic:Le Pen and Macron on the Second Round. Who will win? What will be the consequences of such election to Portugal and the world? Will we have our own Le Pen?

Macron ganha fácil.

Vais começar a ver mais atentados na televisão, conquista muçulmana da França e arredores.
Com sorte passamos ao lado disso.

Bem hajas, caralho.

Just when are you going to extradite the McCanns and bring the charade to an end?

Do portucucks prefer Macron or Le Pen?

Sadly money speaks louder.
>good catholics.
Why do you fall for the cuckservative cucktholick bullshit. Muh right wing. Muh fight against others based on a imaginary line right/left.
Toma esta image.

TV against "muh faaaaaaaaaaaar right leg pen Nazi literally Hitler".
What do you think?!

read a report online that said portuguese immigrants in france were among the most likely to vote le pen

Tem ainda duas semanas até o dia da eleição. Acredito que Melenchon vai endossar a candidatura do Macron e assim ele tem uma chance muito grande de vencer. A não ser que tenha algum atentado terrorista muito grande pra alterar a percepção pública sobre imigração estrangeira. Espero realmente que a le pen ganhe, mas não vejo isso acontecendo sem um grande atentado.


would annex

Tradition is natural selection of ideas, then.

Não me parece que o Melenchon o faça, mas pode ser que haja algo fora de série como disseste. Honestamente acho que ela perdeu quando o Fillon apoia a candidatura do Macron, dizendo assim adeus ao voto dos conservadores. Faz lembrar aquelas vezes que o dono da bola se chateia durante o jogo e vai para casa com a bola.

Não somente o Melenchon. Acredito que o Fillon também vai apoiar o Macron. Le Pen não vai ter apoio de ninhum dos partidos (como aconteceu com o pai dela). Mas torcemos para que ela ganhe mesmo assim. Seria mais surpreendente que a vitória de Trump.



as consequencias vão ser a merda dos senegaleses, rejeitados pela frança que o marcelo já está a recrutar pra virem comer a tua irmã

Who would be worse, a mostly powerless nationalist who would get her ideals oposed by anyone or someone with a lefty point of view that would be mostly unoposed?

I honestly enjoy watching the shitstorm so id vote pen, but even if I didnt, pen seems like she would do the least damage, honestly, nationalism is mostly harmless and whatever minor economic blshit she makes can be fixed, unless she is serious about leaving the EU, then she is bumfuck retarded and id vote socialistfag.

I read this today, it looks like some of our richfags are GTFO'ing of Brazil to Portugal. It's our "new Miami".

(That feel when I'd leave Brazil for Portugal, but I'm too poor. Also, this article was totally not paid advertisement by Portuguese real estate firms.)



I still bet 20 bucks those fuckers killer her themselves and are running this shit for cash, that couple seems fishy as shit.

Com o apoio de Fillon só com um milagre mesmo. Uma pena, queria ver se uma França de direita seria capaz de fazer frente à Alemanha e suas políticas idiotas dentro da UE.

Lel. Não esquece dos argelinos. Bando de sunitas malucos loucos pra estuprar uma francesa.

Those red and green colors. Here's the real reason:

Initially proposed flag after the republican coup.

No comment!

There's a review in place slowly closing off a million lies that have been told.

Portuguese have to go for it though because a British prosecution in this case can only be related to British-based crimes (which there may well be).

what's up portubros with Macron???

1185 best flag

too soon.

Hyyeeaaa that's not new for me.
>((oy, let's "liberate" portugal..))
>yes my owner, I'm your little bitch, call me kik'asson, my owner.


Imagine a daltonic person seeing the flag all red.
((Oy goyim))

Rip, k.i.a by chair, a true hero of the patria but not the one we deserved.

If anything, it should look like this.

That actually looks pretty good

alright protubros what's the deal with portuguese towels?

If they were really the abductors then all this media exposure is dumb as fuck.

When the case seems to be fading under the public the parents themselves try desperately to get attention back. They even created an Madeline Foundation for fucks sake.

This kid would be 17 now. There is no way in this world she's alive. The folks from the hotel probably were part of an international pedophilia ring. They fucked her and them killed her I some island in the Pacific. Srs.

Why the red side still exists?
It should look like pic related.

oh noooo
hope they go to Miami, our some place else.

lel, is that a thing?

That's pretty decent-looking, even if the red is meaningless. I wonder how it'd look with the blue and red reversed, though, for aesthetic purposes.

Portuguese towels? What?

at the start of investigations there were obstructions from british government, and later on from portuguese government.
There is no way they are going to pay for their crimes.

You have a lot of options. The red is traditional in our flag, so this is what I'd suggest if you wanted to change the least number of things possible.

We had a large textile industry so we made cheap towels that the Spaniards liked to come and buy on the cheap from time to time.

You know, for their turbans.

i've heard it from spainards not sure what it means tho


Read the article, especially the last part.

>Enquanto americanos e outros países na mira do terror fecham suas fronteiras, Portugal escancara as portas para endinheirados de todo o mundo e vira meca de um mundo em crise.

>"Já sentimos o efeito Trump. Além de brasileiros, temos muitos turcos, vindos dos EUA e da Turquia", diz Jordan, ao contabilizar 26 nacionalidades, "uma míni ONU, entre moradores do Belas Clube.

>"Portugal é barato, bonito e seguro, um santuário em um mundo em convulsão."

Your real estate agents are literally selling your country to richfags worldwide.
I bet many of these Brazilians are corrupt oligarchs and I'd expect the same from Turks, Russians, Chinese.

Estão vendendo sua pátria para um bando de gordões safados, Manoel.

Lisbon has been through alot...

why red and blue ?

Imagine this→Without the blue inside the sphere and without the crown. And the coat of Portugal and armilar sphere bigger.

>The red is traditional in our flag
It's not, though. It was just picked for not being the colours of the monarchy (and being te ones of the carbonária). 2 Years after FCP picked their colours to be the team of the people, kek.

I think what I like most is the fact that the yellow isn't full on #FFFF00 so it looks neater.

One last try, can you replace that red with white, though?

I don't know but there is a huge interior textiles industry in the north of Portugal.

I can confirm that.

Got any more of these user? My sides are in orbit.

That's exactly why our corrupt and traitor elites of all Europe should be banned forever. That´s why far right tend to win, jurandi.

And the Spaniards decided to invade 7 years later, putting together the largest army they had ever put together.

And they still lost.

is there still a Portuguese crown in a museum anywhere? i was in Lisbon last summer but no way to see everything in two weeks

The spaniards are allways making jokes of that.

white was the monarchs colour, we need more blue on it.
either a cross or strip, but more blue is needed.

There are some textile factories in the north (Braga in particular) which produce high quality textiles for high end brands. They often sell the less good products at very low cost through seasonal outlet.
Once upon a time spaniards would cross the border and buy them as they were still very good and at less than half the cost compared to spain

>muh 911 death toll we will rebuild
How can they even compete?

Meu Deus. Turcos não. Essa raça vende a mãe por dinheiro. Deixa entrar brasileiros (nós somos civilizados em geral) mas não abre pra turco nem muçulmano.

You could also say that red and blue were the colors of D. Miguel.

And red is the main color of our shield. That's why I said it was traditional.

like this?
>The Portuguese Crown Jewels are currently kept in a secured vault at the Ajuda National Palace, in Lisbon. While the palace is a popular and important museum, the crown jewels are not open to the public.

Fair enough.

Yeah, that looks pretty neat.

Is that blue #1143AD, btw? Huge missed opportunity if it isn't.

this? I don't like it

A few

Dom João VI era burro e comilão e ainda assim defendeu Portugal de Napoleão com uma certa destreza antes de fugir pra cá. Portugal parece ser bem fácil de defender pra ser honesto.


To be honest I developed a kind of grudge over Europeans over the years.

Whenever Europe is in trouble, Euros flee here. By "here" I mean former colonies of European countries. We took in 10s of millions of European immigrants over a couple hundred years. Italian unification? Flee to Brazil. WW1? Flee to Brazil. Portugal in a sad state? Flee to Brazil. WW2? Flee to Brazil.

Now whenever a Brazilian visits Europe, he's treated like shit and ridiculed for displaying the faintest connection to Europe.

Fuck Euros, they deserve all the sandniggers they're getting now.



Nope, it's #24408F.

That one is too strong, don't you think?

With the #1143AD, pic related.


Don Fillon

Portugal is the only other nation in Europe I like.

Exactly my friend. They love to shitstorm about muh brazil is full of niggers but every fucking time Europe colapse, they run to Brazil. We need to put our national soberany on track again.


Its pretty and symbolic, this represent Portugal, not ((they're)) colors. If you prefer put blue like the blue in the shields dividing the flag in half

Nuno "one man crusade" Álvares Pereira

I find this one on the internet. I think it looks pretty neat. What do you think?

Deixo aqui também a informação de insider que o Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa é um closet faggot.

>Portugal parece ser bem fácil de defender
Toda a península Ibérica é um sítio fodido para combates, que é só precipicios fodidos para empurrar malta.

Quando não forem coninhas como os Espanhóis e Franceses a invadir eu digo-te se é fácil ou não.

It'd be a nice detail, but you're right. I like the blue in the outside more than the inside.

Way too much.

>When you're outnumbered 600 to 1 but you're Duarte Pacheco Pereira.


Too geometrical for my tastes.

Não. Ele é hetero. Só nao tem tempo para foder

Um familiar meu que tem ligações com a política confirmou-o.

Notice how there's no Britain in Love you lads

I've got lucky, my best mate's from Lisbon. we bonded over politics and anime about 10 years back.

The size of the sphere and shield are not necessarily the same. But this is a taste of what you're talking about.

Here we're flooded with chinks and pakis who claim to have a superior culture when their countries are third-world shitholes, which is why they came here in the first place...

And yes, some Euros treat us as inferiors when, again, they are coming here as Europe gets kebab'ed.

At least we're trying to improve our own country...

He's got a girlfriend.

>And red is the main color of our shield
red is there for the same reason the tiny castles are: our eternal pact with all the kingdoms of Iberia (they are the same as castille's). Should any foreigner invade the peninsula we are to fight united as we did in Navas de Tolosa, it pretty much became obsolete and more of a decorative thing, but that's the origin

Like I said, closet faggot. He's not assumed, and couldn't even, in this country.

Here's the original

why tho?

É só paneleiros famosos em Portugal!? O Socrates, o Ronaldo, agora o Marcelo...

Yes, looks perfect, copyed

he already did

kek thanks

Don't know about the others, but this was told to me by a family member with connections.

Also found this one. This mixes the flags of Portugal, Galiza, Castilla and Léon, where Portugal is the dominant country.

Check it out: