White Nationalists on suicide watch

See that dot between Saturn's rings? That's us. All of us.

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What does have to do with niggers being low iq scum who are always giving me dirty looks? Nothing.


i love space
i want to go there

I think that dot should be populated entirely by white people, so we can expand and maybe cover more than that dot.

>Current year
>Only just watched Pale Blue Dot

You also like sodomy

Can't even see a single negro from there


>A pure white dot
as it should be


>people really believe this bullshit

You don't believe in space?

It's white.

I'm pretty sure we're not located in Saturn's rings but ok

>See that dot between Saturn's rings?
That's ours. Now fuck off.

The best countries in the world to live in are white majorities.

>tfw too intelligent to believe in space

o7 CMDR Faggot
Why dont you find a better game?

Strange frequency those rings are broadcasting, innit?

NASA has never sent anything into space.

its a great game when i have a movie or something going on my 2nd monitor

flat earthers don't believe planets exist

Are you a scientist?