Someone redpill me here.
The Black Sun
In reality, the "third position" system ends up being ruled by corrupt people, just like the other two.
Everything/system becomes infested with vermin eventually? Seems the evidence is there.
Perhaps I need to go to /x/ for this one. Haha!
its called socialism, before that damn nazi hitler came along and ruined the nazis the socialism in national socialism actually meant something
Thank you for the valiant effort Sup Forums, but this hole appears to go deeper. ;)
Stop reading meme pictures,
start reading books.
Do you know anything about socialism? It isn't just big government or everyone owns everything. There are some very agreeable variations.
Fuck off antifa.
It's simply capitalism minus the Jews.
I'll take corruption over Jews any time.
>capitalism minus the Jews
If you like socialism, go live in venezuela or north korea, I'm sure you'll live a rich fulfilling life living like a slave.
how about you redpill yourself and do your own research instead of being a cuck asking to be spoon fed information that could have easily been answered already if you had just google searched it. Jesus fuck i hate people like you and the rest of nu-pol.
>Red pill me on X, Sup Forums
>Sup Forums BTFO
>What did X mean by this tweet, Sup Forums
Books, oh yeah. I have a few of those. Will def do. Good advice. Was just opening a discussion Brother Bulg. :]
Sounds good. Why the symbol?
>>It's simply capitalism minus the Jews.
China then I suppose
Fuck off faggot.
Which is? It has absolutely no thought-out process. Just LARPing.
What about the 4th?
Traditional Tribalism.
Basically it's the idea of a small group of people being governed by wise and old pagan leaders. Everything runs on a bartering system. Only the strong deserve to live in this kind of society.
I wish we could go back to it, but with a more modern twist. It would certainly be interesting, albeit a little chaotic.
>Fuck off faggot.
t. dimwitted 16 year old
>Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") was the official sun god of the later Roman Empire and a patron of soldiers.
>During the Roman Empire, a festival of the birth of the Unconquered Sun (or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was celebrated on the winter solstice—the "rebirth" of the sun—which occurred on December 25 of the Julian calendar. In late antiquity, the theological centrality of the sun in some Imperial religious systems suggest a form of a "solar monotheism". The religious commemorations on December 25 were replaced under Christian domination of the Empire with the birthday of Christ.[3]
>Proto-Indo-European religion has a solar chariot, the sun as traversing the sky in a chariot.[citation needed] In Germanic mythology this is Sol, in Vedic Surya, and in Greek Helios (occasionally referred to as Titan) and (sometimes) as Apollo. Svarog is the Slavic solar deity, represented as a spirit of fire.
>The British Sulis has a name cognate with that of other Indo-European solar deities such as the Greek Helios and Indic Surya,[13][14] and bears some solar traits like the association with the eye as well as epithets associated with light. The theonym Sulevia, which is more widespread and probably unrelated to Sulis,[15] is sometimes taken to have suggested a pan-Celtic role as a solar goddess.[9] She indeed might have been the de facto solar deity of the Celts.
>However, the sun wheel is significant for the Germanic light-and-sun mysticism[11] which was propagated by the SS. In their studies on sense characters, the sun apart was interpreted as "the strongest and most visible expression of god", the number twelve as significant for "the things of the target and the completion".[12] The mosaic at Wewelsburg itself is dark green (see two photos: top view and close-up in high-resolution (1.1 MB)) on a whitish/greyish marble floor. Probably a golden disc was originally located in the middle of the ornament.[13][14][unreliable source?]
>Traditional Christianity was to be replaced by a "völkisch" (folkish or racial) cult. Instead of Christianity, Himmler wanted a moral doctrine derived from the pre-Christian pagan Germanic heritage. Cultic ceremonies and rituals were part of the everyday life of the SS. The Wewelsburg was to be a center of a "species-appropriate" religion (German: "artgemäße" Religion)[15][16]
12 ss obergrupenfuhrers to lead the new templars at Wewelsburg Castle
If lebensreform had survived, the sun cult would have been Europe's primary religion
Look into Darre, Himmler, and the SS's research into Hyperborea and the Kurgan hypothesis