Is Norway's future a bright one?
European countries future
Nope, they still have to get rid of the economic migrants that are already there.
Sounds bretty good
If we keep our current government or go futher right, then yes we have a bright future
I saw the requirements of becoming a citizen in sweden vs norway, and sweden is a joke. To be a citizen you don't even need to prove you know swedish, in contrast norway is like 300 hours of classes of norwegian. I think you guys will be allright.
>entire economy based on oil
>a bright future
infinite fish to sushi countries bro. they pay a lot for that shit.
Oil/gas export is 20% of GDP. Not that bad, Bjorn.
Farmed? Aren't fish stocks worldwide predicted to be nil by 2050
Just don't light a cigarette and you'll be fine.
we breed our own fish in a closed net farm and sell it to japs for bank. they pay a lot because they want our fish specifically for their sushi, as our fish is not radioactive. they also mass produced sushi in fast food restaurants
Look up studies on food production in 1960. We were all supposed to starve to death in 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010. Doom is always 20-30 years away so you better pay up goyim
>oil, fish and fjords
Lucky fucks.
>starve to death
We're talking about fish m8. Moreover there weren't 8 million people on the planet back then.
billion* kek
largest exporter of farmed salmon in the world, even though china, once the our greatest customer, has had an unofficial embargo on us since 2010. Now we are friends again, so we are gonna sell even more. Fish is $ yo.
also have large deposits of silisium used in electronics and solar panels, and one of the worlds largest deposits of thorium, which people say will be the nextgen uranium for nuclear power...
We also have hot girls.
It would be interesting if Brevik did actually kill off all the future Macrons and Norway stays Norwegian.
havet vårt er faen meg fullt av gull, ikke bare av den sorte typen
I guess, looks like it. It helps that you have more say over what goes on in your country compared to EU members.
why is there such a difference between sweden and norway
I live in Hell
dette har også gjort oss til en ledende shippingnasjon,
er så deilig å være norsk
how much further right can we go?
nice place, went skiing there once.
altså, nær stjordal?
Ask yourself how many different taxes, tarifs, fees and shit you pay for each and every aspect of your life. There is your answer.
Did you do it so you could say you skii'd in hell when it was frozen over?
Rather worrying actually.
Why would immigration numbers plummet like that unless we've imported all that's available?
Does ol Brevik have any friends that wanna beat his high score?
This man is the reason Norway today is not like Sweden.
Never forget
I hope not, leftists are still milking that shit.
>implying any European country has a bad future just because of muh refugees
I see your points. The crime rate will increase and we could be more rich. But saying that the end is near just shows how autistic many of you are
I dont really pay many, student you see. I meant partywise, how many "real" parties right of FRP are there?
sykler der ofte, opp geving og ned gevingfeltet og diverse stier. fint sted.
Blocks your path*
t. urk
>I hope not, leftists are still milking that shit.
You should tell them the truth. That shuts them up real fast, especially since mostly women bring him up
"Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik's mother "sexualised" her four-year-old son, smacked him, and often told him she wished he were dead, child psychologist reports printed in a new book on the Norwegian killer have revealed."
"By the time he was four years old, she "sexualised" the young Breivik, hit him, and frequently told him that she wished that he were dead.
"The mother and Anders sleep in the same bed at night with very close bodily contact," psychologists from Norway's centre for child and youth psychiatry (SSBU), reported after Breivik and his mother spent several weeks there in 1983."
Trivelig om sommeren
I don't think there are any, nor will there be. You will know what I mentioned earlier once you get a home, job, family and car. The tree of free healthcare must be littered with the money of the taxpayers
Meh de har falt som en stein på meningsmålingene de siste månedene
Beste med 2017 valget er at Venstre og SV sannsynligvis blir irrelevante
Come back, Norskemand. We are never allowing Sweden to hurt you again
Typical way how Sup Forums defends their statements. Why not showing me some statistics, evidence or trends that suggest the end of Europe? Because they all prove the opposite?
I'm from a Wolga German family by the way.
I'm not a leftist or liberal but I'm tired of people like you who give the right side a wrong image of stupidity.
"After Breivik's father Jens Breivik lost a child custody case with Ms Behring, social workers recommended that the boy nonetheless be removed from his mother to prevent "more severe psychopathology" from developing, a request that was ignored.
Borchgrevink said it was this that had convinced him that he was right to publish.
"I've given more weight to the public interest. The fact is that he was actually caught by the system before the action, not by the security police, but in his childhood. He was within the system, but the system let him go.""
It was childservices that did not want to give Breivik to the father, childservices aka women, while the male psychologists warned he would develop into a sociopath. Of course this never gets brought up in our gynocentric society where women can do no wrong.
fk I wanna move to Norway and leave Germany behind. I have a not-useless degree and can understand danish pretty well, so norwegian shouldn't be too hard.
Do norwegians like migrants as long as they're aryan, pay taxes and speak the language?
>I'm not a leftist or liberal but I'm tired of people like you who give the right side a wrong image of stupidity.
It is not wrong though. If the trend continues europeans will be outbreed, and even today there are to many.
>Why not showing me some statistics, evidence or trends that suggest the end of Europe? Because they all prove the opposite?
They don't. They all show the same. Also keep in mind, a lot of foreigners get labelled as ethnic europeans in the different countries because they get citizenship, and then not calling them natives would be racist. The situation is bad.
well, germans will be a minority in 30 years in their own country, so you can just look at the middle east to see if your future is bright or not.
I've been to Norway twice, I have recently met a Norwegian girl and want to move there. As an Australian, who knows the feeling of coming from a completely full country, be welcome by my new Norwegian mates?
Norwegians generally likes people like themselves or people who respect the norms in Norway. Janteloven for instance. I doubt anybody would have a problem with any immigrant paying taxes and learning the language to a certain degree
that was kind of my point, I doubt we can go much further right in Norway. didnt realize you werent the original guy I replied to at first.
Yep, you are all welcome If you dont act like an animal
it would make more sense that our old father moves in with his son as the father are becoming old. we will take care off you old man ;)
People are tolerant af to foreign whites, so they will probably help you assimilate if need be. We son't have any emus either so I think you should be fine
holy shit (((women))) are monsters.
they created this mess, and it looks like they might just solve it.
it's very hard to get into norwegian social circles. the culture is very distinct and if you don't act the part they'll just exclude you. not a bad thing but it's very hard to "become norwegian". not an easy sociarty to get into, not as hard as japanese but almost as hard.
Why the fuck would you want to move to Norway? You have the best weather, beaches, at least 3 perfect size cities, low taxes and your homes are the most spacious in the world. You have no idea how much you will regret moving to Europe even if it is to a country perceived as uncucked.
Every single country here is a socialist shithole. Switzerland is somewhat of an exception but those faggots ride the train everywhere because their government is severely anti-car just like Britain.
Buy our salmon instead reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Ethnic Germans birth rate: 1,4
/ Discussion
>emu war
>I'm from a Wolga German family by the way.
In die Wolga kotzt die Olga.
Source. You know that currently only 20% of people in Germany are immigrants and many of them are also Russians, Americans, Chinese, etc.
Not to mention that refugees have no future here as they can't find any woman to breed with.
That was rude
Just dont do like my Aussie friends here in Oslo and think that they can speak english the rest of their lives here.
Shoot every last one dead before they set foot on Norwegian soil. You'll be doing civilization a favor.
We were never a good match, you guys are too laidback and cool for us. We will however, always be your fjellaper.
With Love
- Norway
this. Nobody expects you to be fluent, but you got to at least try
I play Rugby in norway, and even white players dont give a shit. The french, german, aussie, english, welsh, irish, south-african etc. hardly any of them speak Norwegian.
They realised they had the pot of water heating too fast so they turned the temp down a bit.
Well, on a team with multiple nationalities where the degree of understanding norwegian is gonna be different, it makes sense to speak english. I was thinking more in general. I guess if you are white they just think you are a tourist if you cant speak any norwegian, and that is why darkskinned people get shit if they never try to learn the language.
Playing in Trondheim? Can't remember the team name
People seriously don't make an effort to try and learn your language? shit i legit start learning at least some phrases so i can speak to people wherever im holidaying at. even if it is for a week and i end up talking retard level.
But to move to live there and not bother is just Cuntish. but then again, it is the aussies we are talkin bout here
All teams in Norway play in english, which is fair enough, but I'm talking off the field, in their daily lives they do not speak norwegian.
What's the future of Czechia?
hmm, fair enough.
I was thinking of "Domers" (?), can't remember if it is NTNUI and dont know what TRK is
Norwegians really like it even if you only know phrases or a few words and shows eagerness to learn. Mostly it seems to be older arab people that cba to learn much norwegian, usually the husband learns some, but tends to be very basic. Like some other say you can do fine with english, most speak at decent enough level
Norway yes