Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states and Finland have to create one country and become superpower.
This is our destiny.
Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states and Finland have to create one country and become superpower.
This is our destiny.
Your destiny is balkanisation
Main languages: French (as neutral for everyone), Belarussian (latin alphabet), Russian, Polish, Finnish
Belarussian on the latin alphabet is something middle between Polish and Russian, and, as even belarussians don't speak it, it really can become as a state language.
Da ciabie ja jedu, bejba, u Brahin
U Brahin, Brahin, u-u-u
Da ciabie ja jedu, maj bejba!
U Brahin, Brahin, u-u-u
Za taboju jedu, maj bejba!
Žalezny koń niachaj lacić
Da Brahina, da i nas bolej nie spynić!
U pieršy raz ciapło vačej
Ja bolš za ŭsie ubačyć sam chaču chutčej!
>become superpower
become superpower with what? Strict censorship, government being able to murder you, lack of any predictability of the law? I don't give a fuck about Russia or Poland. What difference does it make if everybody wants to create a socialist/fascist state. You should primarily worry about your own and you family's ass Dymitr, stop caring about Russia or any other state, national conflicts are gone, now we have ideological ones
That's stupid. What would that accomlish? We're not the same people, we don't even have positive relations, the same culture, language group, economy, nor military.
Why french? I don't want to speak nigger
Hi Vladmir.
ty kurwa pojebany jestes?
pic 1 - a polish girl from a cultural festifal
pic 2 - a russian journalist lady
literally the same face
Fuck off, Commie.
Finland, Estonia and Latvia just want you to leave them alone.
>Russian """"""""""""""""""""""""allies""""""""""""""""""""""""
a russian man journalist (was born in Eastern Ukraine)
he also speak Polish, but has a russian surname
great scientific research you fucking retarded mongoloid
I hope the whole California and Texas will speak only Spanish. It's called justice.
A polish man from a music video.
Literally the same face again.
What's even the purpose of this thread you dumb cunt? I can understand the idea of pic rel, as union of independent countries, but you sound like some filthy kike.
Damn, I don't want Finland in it.
fuck your kolhoz. nobody is falling into this shit again.
>as union of independent countries
what a cuck
France should transform into a union of countries too?
Because it has it's own ukrainians:
Maybe Russia should stop being so pathetic and just do it on its own.
t. stalin
Hang yourself you mongoloid
Maybe you should learn Chinese? It will be useful for your cunt at the next 200 years.
>if a black hole of economy and corruption had a boarders.jpg
this desu
russian demographics is kill
no thanks
This man is latvian, he sings in a perfect Russian, so fuck off, they are in our sphere of influence and always will be.
and he sang it on the ukrainian TV
Иди нaхyй, мyдaк, вы в любoм cлyчae бyдeтe или чacтью Пoльши или чacтью Poccию, a лyчшe и тoгo и дpyгoгo, кaк я и пpeдлaгaю.
Lepiej wracaj do swojego kołchozu ty jebany ułomku xD Jak twój własciciel się dowie że znowu shitpostujesz zamiast zapierdalać w kamieniołomie to znowu będziesz żarł samą cebule przez 3 miesiące.
i dont speak vodka, faggot
>Lepiej wracaj do swojego kołchozu
To było o Radomu? Bo to nieronicznie miasto pochożdenie moich przodków.
cebule? chyba trawe.
Take out Russia and you have yourself a deal!!!
He пизди, вы вce кaк минимyм пoнимaeтe, пoтoмy чтo нeвoзмoжнo в coвpeмeннoм миpe знaть лишь язык нa кoтopoм гoвopит 1 млн чeлoвeк.
Ale piecze pizda polkopka
You convinced me. Poland will be part of Russia by Thursday.
czekaj który z was był z tego radomia, saszka?
*miejsce pochożdenia
Fuck off slavshit
tys nie lepszy kurwa jego mać
haha smieszny mem z papieżem oj chujj czy to znowu 2005? xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nie zrozumiałem..
mój przodek mógł być, ale to nie 100% informacja..
lecz, jak baczysz, już troszeczku mówię po polsku
And we will call it Novgorod.
can't wait to watch (((eurovision))) with Sup Forums
Alma will win
Chodzi mi o to którym jesteś posterem, Sasza czy Roman czy jeszcze ktoś tam inny?
Jestem Saszką, oczywiste
what the fuck happened to hungary in that pic. did you just cut it in half
I'm 6% Eastern European and Finnish, can I join?
Yeah, nah. Eat a bag of shit, cuntface.
Imagine that quebecians will rule in Canada, that French will be the main language and every fucking cascadians will learn it, and etc - this shit is in Ukraine
no właśnie, zapomniałem który z was miał tę rodzinę z Radomia
you are the biggest cucks, you literally lost 80% of your territory and betrayed your history
>tys nie lepszy
ile ty kurwa masz lat? 12? idz spac bo zaspisz do szkoly.
Back to sosach, bydlo.
If something, Russia must be divided on states.
couple vatniks that can speak Russian doesn't equal whole population.
I think if russians will solve the picreleated problem - all of you will become a part of Russia again
if not.. to kurwa będę uchodcem w Polsce przez kilka lat xD
>posting a jew cuck larping as nazi
no fuck off
he is native in Latvian, idiot, and the leadman of the most famous latvian band ever
include native - he speaks 3 languages
I'm too
how many languages can speak an average man in UK? except Arabian xD
You deserve another USSR regime anyways, filthy horse archers
nah we have to go back to an actual god tier language system
pic related (none of that latin shit)
you deserve being under the rule of quebecian nazis
watch this if you can speak Russian
haha nice try schlomo.. nobody wants your communism 2.0 :)
This is the only superpower that is likely to rise once again
Czarnuchu, we Poles literally ALMOST allied with Hitler against you! If not for the tragic death of Pilsudski, and the traitors taking over, we would've crushed your little communist hellhole.
We'd rather die than join you, for we know that living under your yoke is worse than death.
Vatnik doesn't have to be native Russian.
but how? your politicans supporting upaine
do you realize that you will have to return Lwów someday?
Pertty much
ohh have you changed your ming already? dont you want to join us anymore? did i hurt your feelings? im sorry. :^)
>cucknada BTFO
keep dreamin', Siergiej :D :D :D
>against you!
sorry but I have a deep polish roots too maybe (not sure but it's possible)
also it's a big shame that you moved to enemy's country
why not to South America or France? Why England?
bandera is actual kys tier
never post that shit again
I'm pro-panslavic (+friends - Hungary, Romania, Finland) trade and military union but not a superstate. Political union would turn out into another Soviet Union clusterfuck or EU (even shittier, more corrupted version of Soviet Union)
we will be turned into a USA's tier with a superstate
but, of course, it shouldn't be builded on the russian shovinism's base (but Russian will be the main, I guess)
its 6% you typical subhuman slav, I was joking
Second Molotov–Ribbentrop pact when?
upaine will fall sooner or later, hohols are incapable of having a real country. We already accepted 2M young ukrainians, you probably as well, they have the lowest birthrate in the Europe and the highest abortion ratio, just wait 50 years and Lwów will end up like Krym, we will annex it democratically
pan slavism is a mental disorder
Poor, warmongering, genocidal, obnoxiously agressive, uncivilized, soulless nation suffering eternal identity crisis(first they stole the Kievan Rus' history, then they defeated and subjugated another important Rus' cultural centre - Novgorod, claimed to be the "Third Rome", then tried to establish themselves as a proper European state copying the Western art and developements, then realizing how multicultural and diverse is their state they came up with """"USSR"""" abandoning their former flag and culture, after it's pathetic fall they are again lost and clueless so they sperg out). Collectivist minded and servile society with no regard to human life. They don't care about their personal wealth, freedom etc as long as Mother Russia and the Tsar is fine. They lack empathy, incapable of establishing a friendly relations on equal terms. Apart from Moscow and St Petersburg and some oil regions Russia is extremely poor and undeveloped - as the Russians are incapable of producing anything sophisticated almost the entire wealth of the country comes from it's natural resources. Except for the art and architecture directly derived either from the Greeks(all the Orthodox architecture they have horribly bastardized, icons) or Westerners(these fancy palaces in St. Petersburg) they barely have contributed to the culture at all. Considering a very large population their scientific contribution is utterly underwhelming, vastly inferior compared to the Western Slavs. Entire society is subjected to brainwashing propaganda blaming the Americans for everything, making them praise their Tsar Putin and support all the vicious acts of violence and terror. They can't even into geopolitics - Russia still pretends it's 19th century and the best way for the state to succeed is to be egoistic, xenophobic, expansive, imperialistic, overly-nationalistic and authoritarian. Russia is the true cancer of humanity and I sincerely hope it breaks apart as soon as possible.
I was waiting for this, thank you.
do you realize that someday this 2 millions can make their own's Novorossia in Poland?
Międzymorze, only thing though is Ukraine and Usa problem and maybe Russia. The Us will never let that happen and will arm the ukrainians to fight poles.
Congratulations, you're maybe half human.
>g-guys. i w-was joking. dont thik it is s-serious.
is there even more pathetic "country" in the world?
fuck off, the only one our problem is migration from the Middle Asia
in the all different cases - our life is better from year to year
this is Moscow
No I do not realize because it is not going to happen. Ukraine, 25 years after getting independence is literally on Nigeria level - by earning minimal wage in Poland you can live like a king there. Just watch this:
do you really think they want to have ukrainian gov once again?
>responding to saszka threads
must I beat some sense in you?
have a (you) gj
Better and better? Some bitch beheads a kid and walks the street with its severed head and gets off because of some lunacy bs. St Petersburg terrorist attack and chechens threatening russians on trains. Its only gonna get worse
t. butthurt belt
this is moscow as well
seriously ivan...if your country would be split up. we can deal with your western part and may accept it when reforms are put in place. otherwise no way
+10 rubbles tavarishch
In a social and political sense - yes. I'm living in Moscow, but, seeing the islamization and degeneracy of russian nationalism - I even started to learn Polish and being pro-polish.
But now I turned off the fanatism and define myself as a russian with a polish roots, and I'm proud that I'm speaker of Russian.
But I will emmigrate to Poland (maybe even as a refugee) if nobody will changed.
But, our roads and houses - they are becoming better, it's true. Transportation system too.
I remember poor 90's, it was awful. Now we have a good level of life.
Putin is the only one problem, as his national policy.
I hope Navalny will rule the country and solve the islamization and migration problems.
If we will solve this - Poland, Ukraine, Balts, Finland - all of them will become at leat pro-russian.
Not my fault that Russians stomped your asses in WWII.
you're lucky Germany took enough in shitskins to turn it into a welfare state otherwise we wouldn't be helping you at all
I said, my views had been formed as a reaction of all of this. I see how weak Russian nationalism is.
But, not I dropped the fanatical russophobic position which I had.
I just want to live in a normal country without muslim migrants.
But you didn't do shit you dumb nigger. You joined literally at the end of war.
pls no utopianism on my swedish lens crafting messageboard
Kurwa piezdo
nikt cię tu kurwa nie wpuści durny kacapie wracaj do swojego Dagestanu