Is there anything more stupid than nationalism? Why should I feel any fraternity with the 300 million strangers who happen to live within the same set of borders? Why should I identify as an "American"?
Is there anything more stupid than nationalism...
As with all things in life, small doses of nationalism are okay and should be promoted. You should be proud of where you come from. The problem results when maggots from the left interpret nationalism with national socialism and when cucks from the right turn into MAGA mouth-breathing neocons.
i wish to live only with battle monks
You, shouldn't.
Only those that understand the incredible nature or America compared to other countries should.
True its not about nationalism, it's about race.
Same thread every day
We share a common heritage, tradition, culture, and experience. A nation sort of is like a family. You all have something in common to unite you and you have something in common with great people of the past. I do agree that blindly agreeing with your country right or wrong is bad and I do agree that people of a nation are all different, but they do share one common thing and that is national identity.
>m-muh dick
Asian women are perfect m8
I would racemix with her so much
>He thinks you can't have civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism at the same time.
You shouldn't, civic nationalism is degeneracy. Ethnic nationalism is necessary and good, as you aren't feeling fraternity to people you have no connection with, but with people you share your genetic and cultural being with. Because of this, American Nationalism will always being fucking garbage, there is no American ethnicity.
Go fuck yourself Rice cooker
it's as simple as ths. And if you're lucky enough to live in a viable ethno-state you get a nice unity bonus
Still sounds retarded. Why should I care that I share a common ancestor with someone else 10 generations ago?
I'll never meet 99.999% of the people in this "family".
wait wouldn't it be ,,in einem gemeinsamen reich"? Hilfe mir, Hans
lmao please explain this "incredible nature" fampai
You can identify as a fucking attack helicopter my dude, no one cares. How someone perceives you and how others perceive you are, most of the time, quite different.
Pic related
Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. I am too stupid myself too explain that to a non-german speaker.
Daily reminder that civic nationalism is unworkable and (((diversity))) is a weakness exploitable for political gain.
because those stranges should have the same set of moral as you, there are exeptions but they are few.
when it comes to immigrants you cant even spect then to poo on the loo
East Asians are nationalistic though. Japan is 99% Japanese. Korea is 99% Korean. China is 98% Chinese.
Multiculturalism is only promoted in Western countries.
only promoted in Western countries.
more like only on white country
i never saw one lefty promoting white colonization on africa for example.
50-60 years ago, I would have expected patriotism from Americans. These days, after 4-5 decades of intense population replacement, with catastrophic consequences for America's demographic, and thus tribal, coherence, I don't blame you for having lost sight of your tribal identity.
Yes. White countries are Western countries.
>why should I feel fraternity with my fellow countrymen
I agree civic nationalism is retarded. Ethnonationalism on the other hand is very real.
>virtuous slave holders
Nationalism is inherently effective. What you are referring to is 'civic nationalism', which is what sounds good when you absorb whatever leftist programming your high school social studies teacher gave out and never consider anything else.
>Current Year
>Why aren't we demigods yet?
Don't you have some homework to do or something?
>why have a locked front door and neighbors and community?
Common Sense... Why do you want to be ruled over by edicts of elite Jews living in some European vacation place anyway (U.N.)?
Nationalism, in rich countries, is important because it limits immigration, especially from shitholes like Africa.
I assume you actually have something else going on in your life to be proud of other than the random rock you were born on or your race, congratulations.
I feel you brother. Sometimes I identify with a goldsaucer, sometimes with a fishstick...