What do we do now?
Should we stop worshipping Kek?
She lost
yes start worshipping kek while I fuck your women.
No. We keep moving forward.
Yeah, I guess so. But honestly we need a strong EU so her loss was a good thing. Too bad that orange Cheeto became president.
She hasnt lost yet. Round 2 isnt until may 7th
She still has a strong chance of winning, leftists will probably attack cops and riots and more will join the nationalist party. im pretty sure alot of jewtube pro lepen or just real journos channels are going to get shut down soon and media will try everything to mask all the happenings to get lipsy macron to win. with all the social media alternatives, alot are still going to see through and might lead lepen to victory i hope.
New cross thread:
Why La Pen didn't win
Praise le Kek! xD
Le Pen won't win.
The fact that Trump won and Brexit happened were instances of good luck, but luck nonetheless.
You can't lay based on luck.
You must cherish what you have and abandon hope of what you can't gain. Anything else is either stupidity or insanity.
If Le Pen doesn't win, the French and we all must be prepared for the worst. If Le Pen does win, and remember, she has virtually no chance, we'll talk when that happens.
Don't base yourself on winning the lottery! Chance favors a ready mind. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst! Keep your faith in God, but keep your powder dry!
Cheetos are orange. You're being redundant, potato boy.
But she didn't, you dumb shitposting faggot.
Hum Last I looked only 87% counted.
"Incomplete results calculated on the basis of 87% of registrants received"
fuckings cucks
The more chimpouts the leftest cult members do, the more likely people are going to vote for nationalist pro-police politicians. Hitler won over Germany because of the retarded communist pissing everyone else off. Leftest refuse to read history so they have no idea that they are causing the exact thing they are trying to oppose.
If she loses, it's because kek wills it.
We abandon losers, never abandon kek.
There is always next election. The overall trend is to the right, eg those european countries who recently had elections. Even if they didn't win they get stronger each time around.
>Wilders lost
>Le Pen will lose
>Afd polls at 10%
2017 is not the year of Kek.
Maybe her defeat will bring France to an horrible end, opening the way for a true national socialist legend, that Sup Forums aways wanted, you just have to believe :)
Brexit didn't even happen as of yet.
And Trump turned out to be your average run-of-the-mill Republican neocon Jew-dicklicker.
and live to fight another day
Did she really lose?
Well shit. Enjoy Macaroni and the downfall of Europe, France.
She hasn't lost yet. We just have to meme harder.
You should seeYes, I agree. Hey, you, all French people here, you should still vote for Le Pen! Even if she doesn't win, even if you can't tear down the fucking wall, you can crack it. Make that stereotypical cuck fish Macron win with 50.1% or 50.01% or 50.001%, make that fucking margin of victory so low, that Macron will piss his fucking pants! Give that guy PTSD and grey hair before the official results are even out! We will have our day, either on the surface of this earth, or right beneath it, we will stand, not lay.
>Should we stop worshipping Kek?
Do you even know? If so you said it.
Are you guys shilling or are burgers really this unaware, the 2 best nominees go to 2nd round.
>leftists will join the nationalist party
Haha. Straight delusion is the best.
You believe this horseshit or are you masturbating right now?
He meant undecided voters and centrists joining the nationalists after seeing leftards chimp out, you fucking mong.
Demonictrips checkered
>average run-of-the-mill Republic neocon Jew-dicklicker
if you mean he's a moderate, who cares? rather a moderate than a crazy
if you mean he's just average, he's done more in 100 days than any of his recent predecessors, and all in accordance with his promises
>run-of-the mill Republican neocon
again, is this such a bad thing? i think he's outperforming other supposed Republicans
nice. but take it from me. when you're staring down a Chosen man on grindr in his mid 40s, you are NOT licking his dick. no, just no.
You know we have IDs here, right reddit ? Everybody knows you're talking to yourself.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Errr she's in Round 2 in May lad.
Don't give up.
I can ensure you that no terror attacks will happen between now & then though. This same shit happened in 2016. The kikes are afraid.
Don't you mean Wotsits O'Neil?
That's exactly how Trump won. The blue collar labor union workers voted for him.
> that ID.
Responding to your own post.
Jesus Christ.
Hey retard! Why are you commenting to your own post?
She's done.
We needed to bag Macron online but the board was flooded with shills who deliberately derailed discussions with shit like Don Fillon blah blah and the French people on here engaged them rather than telling them to fuck right off. Don't even think 60% of the French people here were decided that they were going to vote Le Pen at all.
Now that Fillon has told his supporters to vote Macron it's just over. The numbers just aren't there for her to win.
I shilled like crazy for Le Pen but I'm done at this point, unless I see people coalesce around stopping Macron and actually start doing shit instead of being easily distracted by shills I'm not bothering for the second round. France can just be an example of what not to do for the Anglo nations which if we can keep them uncucked will go on to rule the world.
He's an antifa dublin goon trying (and obvs failing) to sow doubt here
If there's one thing we've learned from the Progressives, is that you can afford to lose non-critical elections.
Trump's victory was critical because Clinton would have solidified the increasingly imperial presidency on top of making it nearly impossible for any non-Democrat party to win elections by way of importing millions of new Democrat voters.
Brexit was somewhat critical because it got the ball rolling on the collapse of the EU and the EU won't survive without any more of the countires that actually contribute to it. Germany might have a powerful economy, but it can't keep all of Europe afloat.
Le Pen, I don't think it quite as critical. While this would be a good victory for us, I don't think it is an election that would be absolutely necessary for us. Having a trifecta of big victories would be GREAT for morale and a way of swaying people to our side though, but it's not critical. If we lose here, we still gave harder than we got and we can work towards winning the next French election, which should be easier as long as the EU keeps letting France get culturally enriched.
>That's exactly how Trump won.
Come on. Trump won by appealing to middle America's lowest common denominator and cultural insecurities while making a (successful) gamble that our choices were so poor that libs would abstain.
Trump won because Shillary is that much of an embarrassment.
No. It had nothing to do with her gender. It had everything to do with her being a snake and a moron to boot.
There won't be another election if she loses. They will be an actual sharia state.
>appealing to cultural insecurities
Is this how you define opposition to cultural marxist social and demographic engineering?
the time for helicopter rides will come soon
Had little to do with sexism as it did two poor choices.
Choice 1 - Jibbering shitgibbon with no clue how to run a country
Choice 2 - Babyeating psychopath globalist
I would have sat it out too but I knew what was on the line.
>implying most Trumpettes have any idea about cultural marxism and demographic engineering
Bud, he made it simple. I'm white and I'm afraid of minorities. You too? Vote for me and I'll get rid of 'em. Oh yeah, and I'll, umm, CREATE JOBS and... uhhh... won't go to war with other countries so you'll be safe... and this'll be a white, Christian country and we'll make it great again... and...
Fuck off, Brazil. Go borrow a few deutsch marks for a nice strong rope.
Dude, we're strategizing here, hyperbole is not helpful. France is not going to buckle under in the next five years. If we lose here, five more years of allahu ackbar will only strengthen our position and show both how detrimental and unfit for purpose the EU is.
She's 10 points behind the commie, whatever that means. Honestly I don't follow French elections and nobody really rives a shit since they're going to get fucked up the ass with more trucks by the end of the year anyway.
She didn't lose. She will win the run off. There will be another terrorist attack before then.
2-3 small ones will probably win her the election.
We'd need something akin to Charlie Hebdo or the Paris Massacre to virtually guarantee a win.
>Should we stop worshipping Kek?
Should have done that a long time ago. Kek is a demon and you have all sold your souls in bondage to him.
>Literally potato-niggers
God I hate non-whites like you so fucking much
kill yourself antifa fagot
>10 points
What stats are you looking at?
>the commie
she's a commie herself
actually, she's even more left wing than Micron
This can't be real, they can't be this inept.
Cucked flag definitely checks out.
>He's an antifa dublin goon
How do you know this?
>She's 10 points behind
"Clinton has a 98% chance of winning the election."
Trump was competing against Clinton.
Le Pen is competing against every single party at once, voting for a single candidate.
you're sub human jap
Cucks don't deserve a country anyway
After beating 16 career politicians and having half his party against him?
At least I'm human, nigger.
jus cuz im black? sheeeeiit nigga mah diick bigger
>muh dick
>Ruled by an outdated tractor for eight years.
You are under no obligation to join, but we would be grateful if you would join us. Join only if you want to have a political discussion or if you're partial to having fun and chatting. Welcome aboard. Welcome to hell.
ay man you aiint gotta hate. Yall bitchs be looking for the cock too
big black dick boi
>made it past the first round, several percents ahead of third place
>less than a percent behind first place
Literally why would this result in particular mean a loss, though? If you're afraid that the other candidate votes will go to Macron, you would have had to hope for Le Pen getting 75% of the votes, so you'd be obviously screwed from the beginning. The worst possible outcome would be not even making it to the second round, but clearly the final result is still relatively up in the air. You avoided the worst-case scenario and still can turn things around, so why complain that you lost before the second round's even started?
>Trump won because Shillary is that much of an embarrassment.
Pretty much lol. Even Gary was a meme.
The flaw here is there is but one party with anti-EU sentiment and french nationalism
Everything else is flooded with cuck parties.
The only way a right party would win is if two conservative parties ended up in the second round.