These people are a threat and they are organizing and no one is taking them seriously

These people are a threat and they are organizing and no one is taking them seriously.

They need to be shot while there is still time.

Other urls found in this thread:

And we're destroying them bunbrother.

The next generation is already full of people who share our ideas, who we have influenced. Antifa is made up of disorganized cowards who we have started beating back every time they want to play tough. Good men, strong men are standing up and throwing them back into the underbelly where they belong.

Idk man. These fucks are being recruited out of university. Additionally they're being supported by the state (see: cops being told to stand down at Berkeley).

I'm sure people are being temped to start shooting them then next time they decide to throw bricks and fireworks. The day that happens all hell breaks loose imo.

Am I overstating the threat they pose? Genuinely worried.

>see: cops being told to stand down at Berkeley
this is how we got the (petty) glory of the third battle of Berkley which has been a major PR hit for Antifa. Until Antifa actually decides to play domestic terrorist, I wouldn't worry about it. That being said, I wouldn't be totally surprised if sometime in the next few years they up their IED's from firecrackers and glass bottles to something more dangerous.

Let the cuck politicians stand by, makes them look like shit too, gives the good guys the opportunity to lay into Antifa

No need to be worried.

The Right is amassing an army to decimate them.

The Battle of Berkeley 5 was decisively won by the Right.

We will be even more victorious on 4/27.

No need. With their antics they are turning public opinion against their "cause." I'm glad cameras are rolling for these events. They just can't help themselves.

My larger fear is again that the state seems okay with this.

Antifa is actually armed, I'm sure you've seen the vids of them marching with weapons.

If they decide to become seriously violent they will not be stopped by the cops.

And then if the Trump supporters actually fight back I am concerned about what the state will do. Trump being president right now is all that's keeping it together imo.

I wasn't even a Trump supporter, I'm a liberal, but I hate these fuckers way more than the right now. This shit is insane.

What gets me is the damn media is making them out to be the victims. They are a full blown terrorist organization that are committing attempted murder against people they disagree with politically. They are completely getting away with it too, which is the terrifying fucking thing.

Please show no mercy against these sick fucks. You have the right to defend yourselves and the police are not going to be stopping them any time soon.

Liberal huh? So you are okay with some aspects of pic related, just not all of them right? As a liberal, maybe you can point out where pic related is incorrect.

We're literally repeating Weimar. The SA was formed because violent communists in the Social Democratic Party were shutting down not only the National Socialists, but also the centrist bourgeois parties. The centrist parties were too weak to stop the communists (sound familiar?), hence the rise of the National Socialists who gave Germany law and order. When the first concentration camp was opened in 1934, the communists were the first to be imprisoned. Germany was then a paradise until the outbreak of WWII.

Are we men enough to lock up the communists here?

>they will not be stopped by the cops.

Good. Only liberal cunts like you want the cops to step in. That's one thing pro and antifa can agree on.

>If they decide to become seriously violent they will not be stopped by the cops.

You are delusional. If they ever brought guns into an urban area and openly flaunted them in a large group - which i seriously doubt - there would be a problem.
>antifa shoots at Alt - Knights
>martial law
>authorized use of live ammo

Antifa become literal Allahu Akbar tier terrorists

None of that matters.
All that matters is who's side the police will take.

Every conflict boils down to power. When the cops throw their hat in, they will blow out whosoever they choose.
The real question is: How do we earn the support of the police?

Do you honestly think American police would just stand by and allow blackblock college students to throw bombs into and shoot at counter protestors.


I hope

I've seen this graphic before and it rests on a presupposition I don't accept.

Much of the connections it makes I see as more of a logical consequence of ideas than the implementation of a conspiracy by an entire ethnicity.

At best I accept these notions:

1. Jewish people are adept at banking, law, etc.
2. Jewish people invariably end up in high profile positions as a result (similar to Asians).
3. Jewish people have an insanely insular religious community and thus coordinate.
4. The number of Jewish people involved are therefore small but the religion itself plays a role in perpetuating what one may call a conspiracy, I see more as a result of larger forces at work.

I am open to ideas such as this but even if true, and if the evidence is compelling, concretely proving it would be difficult. Many info graphics like this I've seen lack citations.

Antifa is not an American problem. We have enough good men (read: rural) with weapons who are willing to drive 3 hours to curbstomp a liberals teeth in to the point where any Antifa serious presence is unlikely. Your Berkeley, and Richard Spencer events are only possible in isolated urban environments.

Isolated, urban environments that Europe is rife with. Antifa is a European problem. And you are correct about American police not siding with Antifa, but I can not guarantee that same security with the European police force.

Fair enough, I'd not considered Europe in this conversation. Don't they have it a little easier in terms of answering Antifa violence? The welfare state and kind prisons mean there is less risk in taking action, don't they?

You are right that European culture makes action less risky. However, the same culture may not breed men who take action.
After all, how else could we have ended up here?

I live in the NYC metro area and honestly no one here even seems to be aware of what is happening around this topic.

Anyway yeah you're right. I never considered that.

I'm seeing the parallels too. I really don't think the communists have the numbers to continue this effort though. There's no fucking way. Or I could be completely wrong and they decide to go all out.

>The Motivator

People who filter over here from outside our board and employ reddit spacing need to be shot.


I'm just outside the NYC area, currently at a university. Are you organizing with anyone yet?

No, they are a distraction.

I reread your post at And I agree with you. American cops are no-nonsense and who ever brandishes a weapon in public will be criminalized.

I can tell you that where I live, they're 90% retarded punk rock and hardcore faggots. It's all autistic screeching and no action. That's not stopping them from getting slowly trolled, though. They just aren't being taken seriously.

No. I was involved with the left wingers for a while and realized what the fuck they were and got out of dodge.

Right now I'm basically hoping that if shit starts popping off, NYC will remain largely unaffected. If it gets hot, I have a group down south I'd probably get involved with.

I can't believe it's getting this serious. I'm not usually paranoid about shit but these fucks are serious.

Spot on. I saw the reflections in November, crazy times ahead.

We must prevent a Moonpie event. Defend the stickman. What can be done?

We need to start fighting them in europe too.